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Breed of genetically modified mosquitoes released cripples its own offspring

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I read about this earlier somewhere. The place they did this in had those mosquitoes only as non-local invader animals with no actual evolved predators.
If humans were wiped out, I doubt it'll have any dire effect on the planet. Just saying.

This doesn't really count, though, because no species relies on us as a food source, and those that we rely on will either go feral or die out if they can't adapt to living without constant human care.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.

Can't believe no one else posted it.


Damn science, you scary.

I've had enough of mosquitos for a life time, living near the ocean most of my life. Thank god there's few of them in the city.


Scored 3/100 on an Exam
If humans were wiped out, I doubt it'll have any dire effect on the planet. Just saying.
Except the four billion inapt domestic cows, and millions of other domestic farm animals and pets that can't survive in a proper wild world.
Not that it won't recover, but the ecosystem will recover from anything with enough time.

There are a couple of fairly interesting documentaries about that exact thing. "Life After People" and "Aftermath". They're nearly identical.
Mosquitoes are also a relatively new vector for diseases for both humans and animals. Globalization has spread them into parts of the world that had never dealt with mosquitoes before. Hawaii for one didn't have them until westerners came.

Bees on the other hand have become one of the main pollinators for many plants, including ones we depend on for food.
Except the four billion inapt domestic cows, and millions of other domestic farm animals and pets that can't survive in a proper wild world.
Not that it won't recover, but the ecosystem will recover from anything with enough time.

There are a couple of fairly interesting documentaries about that exact thing. "Life After People" and "Aftermath". They're nearly identical.

Most of your pets are more adapt at surviving than we are. Hell, most animals are more adapted to surviving than we are.
no animal has mosquitos as only food source, so you would just save many human lifes.
Mosquitoes filled with Blood are a vital Source of Protein for Small birds (and presumably bats)
This is highly irresponsible, they should Stick to those laser turrets that kill modquitoes around towns

Funky capitalization in this post courtesey of my iPhone
I like how ThoseDeafMutes is Mr. Science and everything but didn't know that only female mosquitos bite. I'm not calling you out or anything, I just thought it was funny.


I like how ThoseDeafMutes is Mr. Science and everything but didn't know that only female mosquitos bite. I'm not calling you out or anything, I just thought it was funny.

Without going back to reread everything, I think the point of confusion is that he didn't realise that it was only the female mosquitos effected by this genetic engineering, not that only female mosquitos bite.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
I don't have a problem with trying to wipe out the mosquito species, I seriously hate those bastards.

I am however worried about something going slightly wrong and this all blowing up in our faces big time. Like someone mentioned, they evolve and end up carrying some super virus that kills millions of people.

It probably wont be an asteroid or nuclear war or whatever that wipes us out, it'll be something small and stupid like this. fucking mosquitos!


Sounds like an awesome plan in theory because mosquitoes are the worst animals on the planet, but somehow I feel that this will backfire and cause the ecosystem to go to shit due to a lack of mosquitoes.


Instead of mosquitoes, they should be genetically modifying people in those area so they stop breeding. There's plenty of enough people in this world. Maybe the diseases are just a way of controlling them.

Yeah, fuck them mexicans!


There are seven billion humans on earth. We should be trying to control the size of our own population instead of worrying about nuisance insects.

Here is the thing about a world with seven billion people in it: Not all of them need to be focused on the single biggest problem at once.

We don't need seven billion people focused on solving population problems.
We don't need seven billion people focused on curing cancer.
We don't need seven billion people focused on stopping proliferation of WMDs.
We don't need seven billion people focused on producing cheap, clean energy.

In fact, with seven billion people, we can focus tens of thousands of people on each of those problems and still have enough people around to grow our crops, cut our hair, host our video game message boards, and yes, even try to slow the spread of deadly blood-borne diseases by killing mosquitoes.


Interesting stuff, I am actually a bit familiar some of the technology they used. Definitely works as advertised, as long as you can breed the right knockin gene. Sounds like they're using GFP and maybe DSRed for imaging. Using tetracycline to block certain proteins have been all the rage recently in transgenics.
I recall reading an article from a couple of years ago arguing that you can actually remove all species of mosquitoes without significant effect on any ecosystem.

I'll see if I can find it.

As I already mentioned, I'm pretty sure that mosquitoes gorged on blood are a vital source of protein for small passerine birds, especially when rearing young. They contain more protein per gram than all (?) other insects.
And when has any good ever come from fucking with nature?
Remember the cane toad? The brown tree snake in Guam? Cats & dogs in New Zealand?
And that was without genetically modifying anything.
Keep the fuck out of intact ecosystems you selfish fucks.
This sounds like it could have disasterous consequences. You can't remove an entire species from the food chain and expect nothing to happen.

I've seen studies saying removing mosquitoes from the food chain would have negligible impact. I'll see if I can find them.
Being from a tropical country I support this 100%.

I guess that's what people fail to realize. Mosquitos in many regions are a plague not only for humans but for lifestock as well. We aren't talking about the occasional mosquito that sucks from time to time. We're talking clouds of these motherfuckers.
There is really no natural predator to keep their population in check and diminishing their numbers by incapacitating future females is actually a great idea.

Like others have said, this isn't a terminal solution at all. Neither has it any prospect of eradicating Mosquitos for good, but it will hopefully help to decrease their numbers for good.


Looking for meaning in GAF
God I hope someone did a ridiculously large amount of modelling before doing this. These things always find a way to fuck up massively
Yeah. These things have to be tested very, very carefu-

No international laws or agencies exist to police trials of new transgenic organisms. For the most part, scientists and biotech companies can do what they want—even performing uncontrolled releases of test organisms in developing countries, neither warning the residents that their backyards are about to become a de facto biocolonialist field laboratory nor gaining their consent.
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