We should kill them all just to bring them back. Then kill them all again and repeat until we master the process of killing off a species, and bringing back a species.
*clears throat*
If humans were wiped out, I doubt it'll have any dire effect on the planet. Just saying.
Edit: If this works, next species on the chopping block should be bedbugs. But then if that works, which species do we kill next? I could see us getting carried away.
Can't believe no one else posted it.
Taken from Gizmodo.
Planet would celebrate, to be honest.
There are seven billion humans on earth. We should be trying to control the size of our own population instead of worrying about nuisance insects.
There are seven billion humans on earth. We should be trying to control the size of our own population instead of worrying about nuisance insects.
I don't think anything bad could come of this.
Instead of mosquitoes, they should be genetically modifying people in those area so they stop breeding. There's plenty of enough people in this world. Maybe the diseases are just a way of controlling them.
I agree, and by removing these insects, population issues in challenged nations will accelerate...the earth has an odd way of regulating / fighting back against man's heavy handed way of ruining it, if its not 'skeeters spreading disease, it'll be something else, and probably worse.
(what eats mosquitos? what food chain will we stomp out?)
There are seven billion humans on earth. We should be trying to control the size of our own population instead of worrying about nuisance insects.
I uhh.. wouldn't worry about it too much Ian because uhh.. if the history of evolution has taught us anything it's that uhhh... life uhh.. finds a way.
Malcolm may disapprove but Goldblum doesn't care one lick.I'm sorry, you did what?
I'd actually be perfectly fine with a eugenics program so long as no one was actually killed. Forced sterilization isn't too bad, IMO.
Forced sterilization isn't too bad, IMO.
I'd actually be perfectly fine with a eugenics program so long as no one was actually killed. Forced sterilization isn't too bad, IMO.
Only concerns I have are impacts on the ecosystem, though truthfully this will likely be small considering the other insects that can replace the mosquito's niche in the food chain.I'm going to join the scared crowd who feels like this will only breed a new type of super strong mosquito.
Welcome to the 30s...
For what purpose? And to whom do we begin with? Rape victims, the poor, and those of "inferior" races like last time?
While I'm sure this is done with good intentions, to slow the spread of mosquito-carried disease in developing countries, surely this'll fuck something else up.
Everyone always assumes that eugenics could only be done the way Hitler did it.
Oh ye of no imagination.
Two Hitler invocations in a row. God damn.
No, I'd try to eliminate the genes that lead to inheritable genetic disorders. Also, these people wouldn't be barred from adopting.
Are some of you guys seriously advocating the deaths of innocent people just to keep the human population in check?
I mean, you might as well say, "You can't cure AIDS we need those people to die to decrease famine!"
Who the hell said anything about Hitler? The concept of a "superior race" is as old as the earliest of human civilization, and still just as wrong. Eugenics in general, in concept and philosophy, is unethical, and has seen many independent, unrelated, and equally unethical implementations. Genetic disorders are things we're actually making great strides in with medicine without eugenics. Gene therapy has become a fast growing element of modern medicine and it's making headway without the need to selectively breed. You're being as naive as all the other eugenics proponents, but you know what they say the road to hell is paved in...
Why? Because it always does in sci-fi movies? We've had some pretty good results from huge, crazy-sounding plans like this in the past. See: Artificially producing ammonia, eliminating polio, drastically reducing birth defects by iodizing salt. There's no reason any of these things have to go horribly awry.
I'm reminded of the Biosphere-2 experiment, wherein all the insects died. Instead of resulting in the deaths of plants that required these insects to pollinate, other animals (ants and cockroaches) ended up taking up pollination duties much to the surprise of the observers. I don't want to make out like I'm saying that knocking out species willie-nillie is fine and no problem, but I do want to stress the point that it's not quite as fragile as many would have us believe.
I really don't see the issue. I don't know, maybe I'm biased since I have no intention of creating children of my own. I just don't see reproduction as an inalienable right, especially when curtailing that right can prevent untold amounts of suffering in future generations.
If gene therapy is coming along as well as you say it is, then that's obviously the way to go. It's really just results I'm interested in; the methods are irrelevant.
Does not compute.
every male child gets the snip.For what purpose? And to whom do we begin with? Rape victims, the poor, and those of "inferior" races like last time?
What animals/insects survive by eating Mosquitos and/or their larvae?
Thats my only concern, otherwise exterminate away!!
What animals/insects survive by eating Mosquitos and/or their larvae?
we had so many mosquitoes this year that it was impossible to go outside for 90% of the summer. you would have clusters of them all over you just trying to pump gas into your car, it was awful. this new retarded mosquito cant come soon enough
birds and spiders eat them but there's tons of other bugs they eat too.
It falls under the broad tenet of liberty of person, which is an inalienable set of rights. Preventing two people from having consensual sex violates their right to do what they please. Similarly, forcible sterilization violates a person's control over their body as well since it's an alteration to their body's natural function. Even after conception, it's the right of the woman to maintain her child in her person (or evict it, the premise behind Roe V. Wade). Basically, because the liberty of the person is an inalienable right, you cannot legislate or enforce anti-reproduction methods. There is no ethical or legal way around it. Eugenics and population control is, aside from legally impossible in the US, philosophically unsound.
every male child gets the snip.
no more rape pregnancies, no more teen pregnancies, no more unwanted pregnancies of any kind. any couple capable of supporting a child can have one through invitro fertilization and on the plus side, you can use the time to screen out genetic disease.
Are some of you guys seriously advocating the deaths of innocent people just to keep the human population in check?
I mean, you might as well say, "You can't cure AIDS we need those people to die to decrease famine!"
I was talking with a lab partner about synthetic farming methods that are necessary to meet our population growth, and he said something along the lines of how that no, organic is just what we should focus on even if it is a little bit more expensive. I said that there's no way at all for us to meet that demand solely by xyz methods and that realistically, the poorest couple billion people would not be able to afford the food in such a scenario today. He said that that would act as a sort of population control and may limit environmental impact...
People often react first and think later about things like this since they see human death as unavoidable and at the same time, environmental conservation as something we must constantly strive for (in some vague way). Not saying that's not true to an extent, but letting humans die because we don't want to piss off mother gaia is so stupid.
Instead of mosquitoes, they should be genetically modifying people in those area so they stop breeding. There's plenty of enough people in this world. Maybe the diseases are just a way of controlling them.
If anything they need increasing, to help put a dent in population levels