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Brexit 'divorce bill' could go up to €100bn


No I can't, just like all the racist, xenophobe screamers can't back up theirs!!

Actually there is data that immigration was the most coherent reason of voting leave. Ironically especially in parts of the country with small immigration

Bobby Duffy, of Ipsos Mori, whose surveys found that two weeks into the campaign immigration had replaced the economy as the single most important factor driving the leave vote, said polling showed that “the actual direct impact on people’s local areas and lives is much less widespread than the general concern.
“That doesn’t mean the concerns aren’t real – we can be legitimately worried about how immigration is changing our country and putting pressure on other parts of society and services like the NHS. But it is still remarkable that the single most important factor driving the leave vote actually only has a direct negative impact on one in five of the population.”

When that “general concern” was confirmed by the national net migration figure of 333,000, regardless of the impact of new migrants on their own lives it gave leave campaigners lift-off.
It's not really surprising that those most against immigration are from places least affected from it. You hear it a lot in Cornwall, people move down here because they say their home towns are unrecognisable and that feeds into the locals fears who don't want their way of life to also be changed. Not saying it's right, it's just not that much of a surprise.




Like come on.


The Birthday Skeleton
Sigh, so everyone should turn a blind eye to absolute squander of the eu parliament? Or how granting the French farmers priority on sugar production (just one example) and almost killing an old established uk company in the process should also be ignored right? Don't forget fishing quotas in territorial waters also being handed elsewhere amongst other things. I am a brit that lives in France and don't agree with brexit. But it is not black and white.

Non of this changes the fact that UK had the best deal in EU. A lot of opt-outs. Then Cameron wanted an even better deal. And EU compromised on that too and gave Cameron an even better deal. Then UK decided to piss off.


It's a bizarre one, because most people cite EU migration as the biggest issue, when the numbers of EU migrants are lower than non-EU.

Who controlled non-EU migration 100%......UK Government was it.

I guarantee you, people against migration probably hate non-EU migrants and opted leave.


Man, that picture makes my skin crawl.

The funniest thing is that leaving EU will do absolutely nothing to stop migrants from Africa and Middle East trying to get into UK. At most it will stop white eastern europeans :D
Heck, if France gets pissed enough they might not even bother trying to stop people at places like Calais and decide it's all UK's problem. Plus there's always a possibility that Brexit will change rules of migration so harshly, that a lot of eastern europeans will go back home or move to other EU countries and if enough of them do, UK will be in huge troubles.


not tag worthy
A Brexit voter at work said to me that Brexit was a mistake. I hope more people voting so to and vote against the Tories.


Who controlled non-EU migration 100%......UK Government was it.

I guarantee you, people against migration probably hate non-EU migrants and opted leave.

They probably hate most minority groups.

Most people I've conversed with had a huge problem with uncontrolled migration, which is where the, close our borders, thing comes from, and cite that (Romanians, Lithuanians, Poles etc etc) as a big issue.
I know Britain needs to feel the weight of the leave decision but man I don't want the country totaled over this.

Although I said remain, this isn't much of a worry. We pay approx £13billion. With cash back we gave approx £9 billion.

So this £50 billion (after cash back) is only 5 years of payments. No drama.


May takes a hardline, the EU takes a hardline in response. Turns out that 27 countries working together can come to a much stronger negotiating position than one on their own. Who knew?!

This isn't going to end well. There's even less chance of it ending well once May has a hundred more hardline Brexiteers in Parliament, ready to strike her down should she even think about compromising.


Here we go again.

This is all just negotiation tactics and bluster. It's in nobody's interest for the deal to fall through.

After the last meeting, EU negotiators honestly believe that the probability of no deal is higher than that of reaching a deal. It's not just tactics.

I think I shall send a tweet to 10 Downing Street with my idea, I expect to be head of Brexit negotiations by the end of the day.
If you wanted to be part of it then maybe start with trying for the opposition front bench - the bar is so low you could just walk in for knowing 10,000 into 300k won't go?


They probably hate most minority groups.

Most people I've conversed with had a huge problem with uncontrolled migration, which is where the, close our borders, thing comes from, and cite that (Romanians, Lithuanians, Poles etc etc) as a big issue.

Yeah but it's far easier for them to be outraged when you see someone who looks non white rather than just sounds different who they would have to at cross close paths with. I heard some awful chat in the coffee shop before Brexit people thinking muslims are going to breed out UK people. It's so sad to hear.


not tag worthy
And we get nothing back for the privilage

Despite media hysterics on some sides and I am a remainer , I don't see the country going tits up north Korea style.

What I do see is a silly power grab that is now turning into a rather demented and rather nasty resignation letter with undertones of xenophobia, colonial imperialism sprinkled with stupid we won WW2 type nonsense so you owe us type sentiment.

Can't the uk plead temporary insanity and go sit In the back of the EU corner and keep quiet until it has calm the fuck down.

How to stop Brexit. Simply introduce a tax or law that greatly affects football, beer and marmite and Brexit will be reversed.


After the last meeting, EU negotiators honestly believe that the probability of no deal is higher than that of reaching a deal. It's not just tactics.

Well, when thinking long-term the best way for EU to get a great deal is to force hard Brexit and then let UK sit couple years in misery, before starting talks about a new deal


Who controlled non-EU migration 100%......UK Government was it.

I guarantee you, people against migration probably hate non-EU migrants and opted leave.

And ironically, immigration is going to be a large part of our leverage now in future trade negotiations. People still want to move here, so expect a lot of nations to make cheeky suggestions like PM Modi.

I highly doubt our net migration will ever go down significantly, and if anything, we're going to end up with more brown people (which will go down great with Leavers).


Well, when thinking long-term the best way for EU to get a great deal is to force hard Brexit and then let UK sit couple years in misery, before starting talks about a new deal

Sadly that sounds like a good plan from the EU end, strip away some UK business to help make up the lost cash while they are at it.


not tag worthy
May takes a hardline, the EU takes a hardline in response. Turns out that 27 countries working together can come to a much stronger negotiating position than one on their own. Who knew?!

This isn't going to end well. There's even less chance of it ending well once May has a hundred more hardline Brexiteers in Parliament, ready to strike her down should she even think about compromising.

We've gone full phantom menace.


Sadly that sounds like a good plan from the EU end, strip away some UK business to help make up the lost cash while they are at it.

Yep. Hard Brexit has no real benefit for UK, but for EU it will allow other countries to take over a lot of UK's services sector, which should make up partially for loss caused by UK's exit. And the downsides for EU will be split into 27 countries, so the shock of hard Brexit will felt nowhere near as strongly as in UK


The EU is going to turn some remainders against it, the way things are going.

How can you demand a divorce bill but you don't want a share of the assets, especially since UK has always been a net contributor???

Why do you think the EU cares how anyone in the UK votes any more?

They're going to rake us over the coals, and we deserve it for being stupid, shitty, nationalistic self destructive jingoistic twats.


The treasury better start buying some Euros while they're cheap so they have money stashed for this bill...


Remainers have a chance to reverse this shit at this election but most of them seem to be too passive to do so even though the Lib Dems offer a way out of Brexit. The EU isn't responsible for the mistakes of the UK electorate, nor should it care about UK public opinion. It doesn't matter if they get turned against the EU, they seem largely uninterested in fighting for what they believe in anyway.

The Lib Dems haven't said they'll abandon brexit, they've said they'll have a second referendum, big difference.

They also say a lot of things to try to get in power..


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
This bill started off sounding fair, but now sounds like taking advantage.

Or perhaps trying to impact French opinion prior to the election.


And ironically, immigration is going to be a large part of our leverage now in future trade negotiations. People still want to move here, so expect a lot of nations to make cheeky suggestions like PM Modi.

I highly doubt our net migration will ever go down significantly, and if anything, we're going to end up with more brown people (which will go down great with Leavers).

Yup, this, the single biggest factor in people voting for brexit won't actually be solved.


Perhaps if everything was handled fairly without worrying about the interests of a certain few have better viewed I think.

Perhaps some receipts to go with that statement is needed.

Daily Mail comments section is right there, UKIP and the Tories Leave campaigns are right there. 52% voted for this xenophobic bullshit.


You really feel bad for almost half of the people who voted to stay in EU. They didn't ask for this but they will suffer nonetheless because of the other half who voted for Brexit.


You really feel bad for almost half of the people who voted to stay in EU. They didn't ask for this but they will suffer nonetheless because of the other half who voted for Brexit.

Fucking tell me about it :(

If things go the way I think they're likely to go in the next few years after this, I'm the fuck out of this shitty island.
I wonder post-Brexit who all those xenophobic and racist leavers will blame when they realize a immigration is still increasing, just not from people from the EU.
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