Roberto Larcos
Can you name me a few examples of EU law that had an negative impact on the UK and which would be improved if the UK got out?
I'm voting Remain, but VAT MOSS is a solid example. Catastrophic effect on small UK businesses.
Can you name me a few examples of EU law that had an negative impact on the UK and which would be improved if the UK got out?
I'm voting Remain, but VAT MOSS is a solid example. Catastrophic effect on small UK businesses.
99% of businesses will not be affected by this. Only if you sell your own digital goods to consumers outside your own country. Most digital sales will be by large companies (Amazon), through marketplaces (iOS, Android) or to other businesses (advertising services).I'm voting Remain, but VAT MOSS is a solid example. Catastrophic effect on small UK businesses.
It's going to be fascinating to watch my country basically commit economic suicide in less than weeks time. Not only will it cause massive immediate harm; I the long run I honestly don't see how London maintains its position as a world city if we are outside Europe.
But don't worry, the 6836473938363 Turks who are currently invading Europe won't be able to come over!
You do realise London was a world city before we joined the EU trading block yes?
You do realise London was a world city before we joined the EU trading block yes?
No it wasn't. London was a dying city in the 60s and 70s, with a population on the decline. We've only just overtaken London's peak population figure from the early 20th century. London's place on the world stage as one of the worlds 2 "world class" cities is not something guaranteed in stone, and we already know that significant amounts of business will shift following a Brexit.
Go back 40 years and the idea that London would end up being one of the worlds capitals, far ahead of any other European city, and people would have thought you mad.
No it wasn't. London was a dying city in the 60s and 70s, with a population on the decline. We've only just overtaken London's peak population figure from the early 20th century. London's place on the world stage as one of the worlds 2 "world class" cities is not something guaranteed in stone, and we already know that significant amounts of business will shift following a Brexit.
Go back 40 years and the idea that London would end up being one of the worlds capitals, far ahead of any other European city, and people would have thought you mad.
Go back 40 years and the idea that London would end up being one of the worlds capitals, far ahead of any other European city, and people would have thought you mad.
The EU is mostly a trade union. The economic benefits are the primary reason to be part of it.We're the 5th most powerful economy at the moment - do you know what we were 40 years ago? (genuine question)
I'm undecided on whether to remain or leave - but I do find all of these economic reasons to stay slightly laughable...
A dying city? What are you on about? London was probably the most vibrant and exciting city in the world in the 60s.
What do you guys think about the hedge fund spending £0.5m on doing exit polling? This almost certainly means we will know the result during the day of voting because if their exit polls point leave the pound will tumble. Will be strange.
Don't believe it has ever been done before in the UK. The BBC won't be able to speculate during the day through of course but the fx rate is available to see.
5. Due to the uncertainty surrounding the whole referendum I think most speculators are likely to wait until a clearer picture starts to emerge.
Fair point, like most people I do tend to underestimate how opportunistic speculators can be compared to us risk-averse mortals!All other points are reasonable (although it should be much easier to poll a referendum than a FPTP system and turnout from elections can be used and adjusted with the voting intentions from all the polls in the last months) except for this one.
They wouldn't be speculators if they wait for a clearer picture because at that point everybody has the clearer picture.
Sorry, I should have been clearer. In terms of culture obviously London was incredibly influential during the 60s. But in terms of population, and economic impact, London took off after we joined the EU and the big bang in the 80s. It's continued strength comes partly from being the EU and acting as the gateway to international finance. We already know numerous companies have indicated they would have to move should Brexit occur. Leaving the EU would absolutely damage London as one of the two world finance hubs.
Sorry, I should have been clearer. In terms of culture obviously London was incredibly influential during the 60s. But in terms of population, and economic impact, London took off after we joined the EU and the big bang in the 80s. It's continued strength comes partly from being the EU and acting as the gateway to international finance. We already know numerous companies have indicated they would have to move should Brexit occur. Leaving the EU would absolutely damage London as one of the two world finance hubs.
Ah fair enough, I can't really argue with population numbers etc. but for music and fashion "Swinging London" was the place to be back then. It just felt like an odd turn of phrase![]()
Ok - but it's not all all about London is it. The UK as a whole was still a top 6 economy back in the 60's / 70's if the info I'm reading on wiki is correct - so I would hardly say joining the EU has 'saved' us or anything - we were fine then - so why wouldn't we be fine now?
How do other countries manage to survive outside of the EU?
Under this scheme do they lose right to vote in their country of origin when they gain the right to vote in their country of residence? Because that's really what this boils down to. Ultratruman above thinks his parents should get to vote in UK elections and elections of their country of origin. I don't think that's fair, I don't to get to vote in elections in Slovakia, and nor should I.
If you read articles from the time, there were lots of serious people talking about London (and to a lesser extent New York) being in a constant state of decline, and that this represented a natural change in how large cities worked. Was also tied up in the slow but steady rise in crime in cities that didn't stop until the mid-90s. It was also tied into the end of Empire for the UK, and the shrinking of the UK as a world power.
It's totally foreign to me now living in London as it is today, but apparently was a real thing back then.
So if we do leave the EU. What do you guys think about the Australian style immigration system they are lookimg to bring in?
Didn't the security guards at one of the Australian migrant camps abuse the migrants or something?
systematic torture according to the UN. And the obsession over not letting migrants reach dry land has literally resulted in the gov sending migrants to die.
This is already in place for non-EU migrants. Of which there were more of than EU migrants last year. So it will probably make fuck all difference.So if we do leave the EU. What do you guys think about the Australian style immigration system they are looking to bring in?
I'm voting Remain, but VAT MOSS is a solid example. Catastrophic effect on small UK businesses.
99% of businesses will not be affected by this. Only if you sell your own digital goods to consumers outside your own country. Most digital sales will be by large companies (Amazon), through marketplaces (iOS, Android) or to other businesses (advertising services).
So if we do leave the EU. What do you guys think about the Australian style immigration system they are looking to bring in?
So if we do leave the EU. What do you guys think about the Australian style immigration system they are looking to bring in?
EU debate on c4 news, woman from the CBI who wants to stay in, used the argument that bankers want us to stay in - not doing your side any favours.
Saw this on Facebook. Screenshotted as I couldn't fucking believe it. Since been deleted, I think.
What the hell is this post trying to say?!
What the hell is this post trying to say?!
EU debate on c4 news, woman from the CBI who wants to stay in, used the argument that bankers want us to stay in - not doing your side any favours.
What the hell is this post trying to say?!
Thoughts on Corbyn's speech today? I thought it was pretty good, managing to balance a pro-EU message with demanding reform and attacking the more outlandish claims from both the Tory-Remain camp and Tory-Leave camp.
Thoughts on Corbyn's speech today? I thought it was pretty good, managing to balance a pro-EU message with demanding reform and attacking the more outlandish claims from both the Tory-Remain camp and Tory-Leave camp.
how long till this gets horribly corrupted and spun to "corbyns says EU needs reform, vote leave"
So apparently EU citizens have received polling cards....
So apparently EU citizens have received polling cards....
Beggars belief that they can write an entire article based on hearsay and anecdotal evidence, nothing concrete at all, just a load of "I know a bloke who know's a bloke"
Then again, this is the British press we are talking about.
And one journalist revealed he knows of “Germans and Poles” who have also received their polling cards in the post and asked on Twitter if anyone else had heard of any instances.
Edit : some of the comments are gold, especially the ones saying polling stations are being moved to Mosques.
Mine actually is in a mosque!
Like it has been every election since I've lived here. Hopefully there's no stations in churches!