Succinct Verbosity
I drove to Nottingham this morning and noticed an increase in 'leave' placards and posters, I haven't seen a single 'stay' one anywhere personally.
Doesn't mean much. Leave supporters are way more vocal than remain.
I drove to Nottingham this morning and noticed an increase in 'leave' placards and posters, I haven't seen a single 'stay' one anywhere personally.
I have absolutely no doubts that if Cameron and Osbourne were not in power they would be campaigning for Brexit. But to lose the vote and get out of this clean? Not a chance in hell.Is it possible that Cameron and co. actually are in favor of a Brexit and are only half-assing their efforts to stay in? They can get out of this clean, "we gave the people the chance to decide Its future", and walk out with a good dose of "admirable defeat".
They still have no opposition so it's clear it wouldn't hurt the party much.
355 billion. Or 210% of GDP. Good luck with that is yet to come when the debt gets called in then wiped out because they cant pay it. What is it at now ? 300 Billion euro? 400 Billion euro ?
355 billion. Or 210% of GDP. Good luck with that
No way they'll be paying that off. Just a matter of time when parts of it gets restructured to zero interest or just wiped.
Well, Japan is a bit higher at 217% still.Thats insane... the interest per god, this is a black hole of debt, no getting out of it
Do the Brexit people who shout 'FEAR, FEAR! SCAREMONGERING' whenever a think tank, economist or financial institution release a study into the economic impact of leaving the EU do they same when they go to the doctors or garage?
Hand waving happens on both sides
Well, Japan is a bit higher at 217% still.
I really don't think Osbourne would. He's been pro-Europe for a long time (in relative Tory terms), and apparently thinks the entire referendum is a stupid thing that shouldn't be happening at all.
I'm disgusted and aroused at the same time.WTF is this ????
WTF is this ????
WTF is this ????
I think Cameron nails the pose to a much greater extent. Osborne just looks awkward. Get this guy to the toilet asap.
I'm sorry but you need to read up on why the EU was originally formed in the first place, what it did over the last 60 years and how (for example) ex soviet countries like Poland were brought into the seats sphere of influence through trading and economic ties.
To say 'we traded with Europe before the EU' is (bluntly) ignoring every aspect of history both of the U.K., Europe and the EU. Tying France and Germany together through the coal and steel community treaty was a massive thing that fundamentally changed the relationship those two countries have had for the last several hundred years.
The mere fact that you would ask shows how low power you are!!
Personally, I wish they went with the last one.
Faisal Islam vs Gove on Sky is amazing.
How was Gove?
I'll watch it tomorrow.
The government has to do a ton of stuff the people in charge don't like all the time. For this, a large enough number of people were interested in a vote so one of the parties told them they'd give it to them.If the government 100% believed in the EU they wouldn't even give us the vote to leave in the first place.
Sure, trade will exist. Plenty of it too. Just with the possibility of added tariffs and rules. And you don't get a say in those rules also. If you want to put products on the EU market, those products have to follow EU rules. It is also harder to move around money, which is a bad thing for a country with such a large financial industry.There are plenty of countries not in the EU, who still trade in the EU single market, so if Britain leave we will still be able to keep trading, the EU countries still want business / money at the end of the day.
You already have all this. The UK is not in the Schengen zone. You control your borders. You are an island and check everyone coming in. You can not freely travel to the UK like you would across the German-French border for example. The only thing you would stop is workers coming from other EU countries who contribute to your economy and pay taxes. Maybe those are replacing UK workers now, so I can see a point in that for leaving.More control of our own boarders, immigration, migration, ability to deport people like known terrorists without EU interference is not a bad thing. I have no problem with skilled people coming here to work though.
You will not save a lot of money. The UK has by far the best financial deal within the EU. You get a large rebate from your EU payment. And your agriculture sector is being subsidized by the EU. The EU also contributes to developments in parts of your country that the national government doesn't fund at the moment.Money saved from the fees we pay for EU membership can be instead used to build more house's, invest in UK business, NHS and make our own trade deals.
If your current government is "weak" then how will it suddenly become "strong" when leaving the EU? You now have less of a say in world affairs because you are a smaller country. Still a pretty important one, both due to economic size and historical reasons, but together with the EU you can reach a whole lot more when dealing with other players like the US, China and Russia.The current government is weak and I believe that Britain is better off out of the EU and needs to get some of its independence back.
There will be pros and cons of both outcomes but its not going to be the end of the world if Britain leave. I'm voting out.
Probably no-one believes "100%" in the EU, but the government didn't really have a choice about offering a referendum.If the government 100% believed in the EU they wouldn't even give us the vote to leave in the first place.
Plenty? can you name more than say, 10?There are plenty of countries not in the EU, who still trade in the EU single market, so if Britain leave we will still be able to keep trading, the EU countries still want business / money at the end of the day.
Hmmm..More control of our own boarders, immigration, migration, ability to deport people like known terrorists without EU interference is not a bad thing. I have no problem with skilled people coming here to work though.
Yeah, that'll happen.Money saved from the fees we pay for EU membership can be instead used to build more house's, invest in UK business, NHS and make our own trade deals.
Yes, more independence for everyone!The current government is weak and I believe that Britain is better off out of the EU and needs to get some of its independence back.
Swings and roundabouts, innit.There will be pros and cons of both outcomes but its not going to be the end of the world if Britain leave. I'm voting out.
Are UKIP offering a lot to farmers or something?
The farms around where I live have been putting up signs on their land in support of UKIP and Vote Leave lately.
Are they saying/implying that farmers will receive a lot more money in subsidies if we leave the EU?
Are UKIP offering a lot to farmers or something?
The farms around where I live have been putting up signs on their land in support of UKIP and Vote Leave lately.
Are they saying/implying that farmers will receive a lot more money in subsidies if we leave the EU?
The National Farmers Union (NFU), which represents 48,000 farming businesses across Britain, has decided to back the Remain campaign in the run up to the EU referendum.
On Thursday April 18 the NFU council ruled that staying in the EU was in Britains best interests on balance but stressed that it respected the diversity of views among its members.
NFU president Meurig Raymond said that approximately 40% of members want to remain in the EU, 20% of them want to leave and the remainder had not yet decided which way to vote.
Swings and roundabouts, innit.
I like this argument the best, because do you know what Switzerland and Norway do to be able to be within EFTA, the free-trade organisation?There are plenty of countries not in the EU, who still trade in the EU single market, so if Britain leave we will still be able to keep trading, the EU countries still want business / money at the end of the day.
Money saved from the fees we pay for EU membership can be instead used to build more house's, invest in UK business, NHS and make our own trade deals.
If the government 100% believed in the EU they wouldn't even give us the vote to leave in the first place.
WTF is this ????
I like this argument the best, because do you know what Switzerland and Norway do to be able to be within EFTA, the free-trade organisation?
They still pay a certain amount to the EU, they still have to implement roughly 80% of EU regulations, they just don't get any say in those regulations at all. Great deal overall (for the EU), but at least the populists are happy.
Are UKIP offering a lot to farmers or something?
The farms around where I live have been putting up signs on their land in support of UKIP and Vote Leave lately.
Are they saying/implying that farmers will receive a lot more money in subsidies if we leave the EU?
Just an aside, because I'm genuinely curious. Why do we want to deport terrorists? Surely it's best to keep a terrorist in the Justice system here where we can manage them then somewhere they could potentially cause more harm?
I'm extremely ignorant of the situation and it's just something I've never understood so someone please educate me on that.
Dodgy Dave looks a little more natural than Osborne. Still Bloody Hilarious
They are still doing the here's my genitals thing? I thought that was just for conference.
Well if we did deport them they are not just set free, they would go to prison in another country.
Some of it is down to money. Prisons cost money to run, criminals who can't be reformed and set free are a drain on the system and cost the country money to keep them locked up.
Prisons are becoming overcrowded as it is, so why should we be keeping other countries criminals and terrorists on top of our own.
The mere fact that you would ask shows how low power you are!!
Personally, I wish they went with the last one.
He fucked that up too, your legs are supposed to be shoulder width apart otherwise you look like well that.....
Don't be silly. Looking powerful isn't just for conferences, it's for all the times.