Buy something nice and well made. Quality over quantity. Do your research, buy timeless designs from folks who hand-make their products and can REPAIR THEM instead of disposable crap. In just a few years you will have an excellent ensemble that you can wear for the rest of your life, instead of chasing trends that make you look ridiculous in hindsight and waste money on fad items.
A nice leather jacket. A dark blue blazer. A couple fitted shirts and slacks. A few subdued high quality silk ties that you actually can tie with more than 1 knot that you leave on it! The 4 in hand and windsor knots aren't that difficult! Some quality denim jeans that don't arrive pre-faded and ripped.
Shoes made by a person who understands feet, not some 12 year old in a sweatshop. If the sole isn't sewn on to the shoe or it is covered in molded rubber, don't wear it on a date.
Get a hand made minimalist wallet because you don't need a hundred discount cards riding on your butt like a creepy hoarder.
A mechanical watch.
Eyeglass frames that are not the freebie ones they throw in with a pair of lenses.
A belt made of dead animal that can hold your bodyweight , not some sort of synthetic pleather that stretches out like a rubber band.
A satchel or briefcase designed to outlast you.
A DE razor and soap/brush set-up because you are a grown ass man, not a boy who needs 5 blade cartridges and squirts blue goo on his face like a girl about to shave her legs.
Find your scent and stick with it. Let every woman who meets you identify THAT SCENT with you. There had better be a faint hint of sweat from your latest workout in there as well, some cigar or pipe tobacco traces doesn't hurt as well.
Take care of your fingernails, learn to do a basic manicure on yourself. You may not think about it, but I GUARANTEE the ladies check that crap out upon first meeting you and IMMEDIATEY decide if they want those fingers touching their lady parts!
Learn about real cocktails and sipping spirits. Pick just one or two and master them. Old Fashioned, Negroni, scotch on the rocks. None of that fruity sugar laden shit or a fucking Jim Beam and coke. Drink beer dark enough that you can't see through the pint glass. Learn how to pair wine with food and how to order for your lady. Hold her damn door open for her, even if your car has bluetooth unlocking magic.
This stuff isn't hard, but you gotta be authentic to yourself. Otherwise it looks like you are wearing a costume and not a wardrobe.