AJUMP23 Parody of actual AJUMP23 Nov 29, 2024 #152 Why is the guy naked is episode 9. Funny all they ways he covers up. But I don’t know why he starts that way.
Why is the guy naked is episode 9. Funny all they ways he covers up. But I don’t know why he starts that way.
Slothbeing1209 Member Nov 30, 2024 #153 AJUMP23 said: Why is the guy naked is episode 9. Funny all they ways he covers up. But I don’t know why he starts that way. Click to expand... The Serpo try to steal his Banana : )), rewatch the end of episode 8.
AJUMP23 said: Why is the guy naked is episode 9. Funny all they ways he covers up. But I don’t know why he starts that way. Click to expand... The Serpo try to steal his Banana : )), rewatch the end of episode 8.
NanaMiku Member Friday at 1:35 AM #161 Fuck that cliffhanger ending lol Thank God season 2 is announced. I think it's good they put the ending there because season 2 will be action-packed
Fuck that cliffhanger ending lol Thank God season 2 is announced. I think it's good they put the ending there because season 2 will be action-packed
NotMyProblemAnymoreCunt Biggest Trails Stan Friday at 2:37 AM #162 NanaMiku said: Fuck that cliffhanger ending lol Thank God season 2 is announced. I think it's good they put the ending there because season 2 will be action-packed Click to expand... Read the manga
NanaMiku said: Fuck that cliffhanger ending lol Thank God season 2 is announced. I think it's good they put the ending there because season 2 will be action-packed Click to expand... Read the manga
NanaMiku Member Friday at 6:09 AM #163 NotMyProblemAnymoreCunt said: Read the manga Click to expand... I already read until the latest chapter lol
NotMyProblemAnymoreCunt said: Read the manga Click to expand... I already read until the latest chapter lol
Y YCoCg Gold Member Friday at 2:55 PM #164 At least it isn't a long ass wait between seasons but yeah what a fucking odd point to end it
Slothbeing1209 Member Yesterday at 10:07 AM #165 Teaser for season 2. Last edited: Yesterday at 10:08 AM
NotMyProblemAnymoreCunt Biggest Trails Stan Yesterday at 10:29 AM #166 Slothbeing1209 said: Teaser for season 2. Click to expand... Happy it's Science Saru
EviLore Expansive Ellipses Staff Member Yesterday at 1:06 PM #168 Fun season. Plays with tropes while ultimately leaning in on sincerity. Still reminds me a bit of Gantz if you replaced the extreme nihilism with an upbeat energy.
Fun season. Plays with tropes while ultimately leaning in on sincerity. Still reminds me a bit of Gantz if you replaced the extreme nihilism with an upbeat energy.
Tams Member Yesterday at 2:04 PM #170 killatopak said: wait, that's the end? Click to expand... Of this season, yes. It's one where really it's half a season, hence the 12 episodes instead of 24.
killatopak said: wait, that's the end? Click to expand... Of this season, yes. It's one where really it's half a season, hence the 12 episodes instead of 24.