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Bring on the Gamecocks.

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First tragedy, then farce.
So, do the horns become both the national champs and the SEC champs when this is over.. or how does this work?
Normally I wouldn't really care how the CWS pans out, but seeing as how I hate everything associated with the Gamecocks, GO LONGHORNS!


Yossarian said:
Gamecocks > you.

We still need to beat CSF twice to get to the championship series. Then it'll be 2002 all over again... hopefully the good guys will come out on top this time, though. If we make it that far, USC vs. Texas should be a great series.




GAME OVER! One more win and we move on to face Texas for the Championship. If anyone knows how to beat a team twice in a row in the CWS, it's the Gamecocks...

impirius said:

GAME OVER! One more win and we move on to face Texas for the Championship. If anyone knows how to beat a team twice in a row in the CWS, it's the Gamecocks...


Yeah you enjoy your baseball, because you know damn well what's gonna happen come football season.



You know you've got nothin' when you have to talk about football in a baseball thread. ;) But hey, I'll play along. I'll give you a comprehensive list of every current Clemson basketball player that has ever beaten South Carolina:

And since I'm feeling generous, here's last season's list:



First tragedy, then farce.
bah, we will roll on Carolina if you get past CSF (which I expect, thus the title of this post).. ya'll scare me more than anyone else in this tourny, but Howell and Lecure are money.. your pitching isnt really any better than what we have seen this year, and we have rocked just about everyone we have faced in the NCAA's... but you seem to have very big bats.. I think your offense is better than ours, but we will be much better set up in our pitching staff, and good pitching beats good hitting.. so I honestly think that we would take you in two. If it went to a third game, I would assume carolina would win, because our third starter situation isnt very good.. I would be tempted to put one of our middle relievers in, pull him for Buck Cody around the 5th, and put street in early (6th or 7th) and pray.

Fullerton would give us more trouble just because their two starters are so good.. but even if they get past south carolina tommorow, their ace will be spent, which means we would face their other good pitcher, then their crappy third pitcher, then their ace. At that point, there ace will have thrown 2 complete games in a week, and be on his third start.. I would assume he would be mostly dead at that point and ripe for the picking.

I dont really care who we wind up playing, I just wanted USC to win this game tonight, so our rotation will be set up, and the other teams will not.

besides, this year is set up perfectly, two more wins and we overtake USC (so cal, not carolina) for most wins at the CWS.. which only leaves us with one record left to take back... and with two street brothers rolling into town next year, hopefully we can put a dent in that in the near future.

If we could just get rid of mack brown we would own division 1 athletics.


Texas definitely has an excellent pitching staff (and they've earned some extra rest), but it'd be a mistake to count out USC on account of pitching. Our closer, Blackwell, just earned his 20th (!) save of the season. Our leftie ace, Campbell, was a first round pick, and Billy Buckner (no relation) went in the 50s overall. We can go three deep without taking a big hit. Fletcher is very reliable and just picked up that last W over CSF. My concern is that we're not particularly good at manufacturing runs; we swing for the fences in most cases. I'm not sure you can beat a staff like Texas has without playing some small ball. I feel good about us if we can take an early lead, but that's much easier said than done.

All that said, there is still a tough CSF team that stands in the way. Windsor may come in for relief, and he blanked us in the first game. As good as the Texas pitchers are, I think Windsor is the best pitcher out of the entire CWS field. Here's hoping we'll both get the matchup we were hoping for, StoOge. ;)


First tragedy, then farce.
Im not saying that SC is a significantly worse team than Texas.. I just dont see them beating either our number one or number two starters. Howell is as good as anyone here. He was picked in the sandwich round between one and two... and has given just about everyone fits... Lecure can get himself into trouble.. and would have me worried, but he wont give up more than a few runs, and then Cox, Cody and Street will come in.. I would put our two pitchers on an even level with anyone elses here. CSF has good pitchers, but I think the first game had more to do with USC having opening game jitters than anything else.

As for your closer, he may be good, but Huston Street set the CWS save record as a freshman, was MVP of the tourny as a freshman, and is as close to a sure thing as you can get in the game... Oakland will likely call him up before this MLB season is over. Cox, or long middle relief pitcher was our closer when Huston was hurt in the middle of the season.. and is as good as you can get.. he has late movement on the end of his pitch that is just nasty. Cody has the ability to give up some runs, and has done so in bunches at times... so I would be surprised if you see him unless the game is a blowout, but he is generally a good pitcher.

Like I said though, if South Carolina can steal one of those two from us, we are in a world of hurt. Simmons was the best pitcher in the country when he faced yall two years ago, but has entered a void of suckitude sense then... his w/l record is deceptively good because he started all of our tuesday games against nothing teams that would come to town for afternoon games... if we get to a third game, against either opponent we may face, I dont see us winning...
impirius said:
You know you've got nothin' when you have to talk about football in a baseball thread. ;) But hey, I'll play along. I'll give you a comprehensive list of every current Clemson basketball player that has ever beaten South Carolina:

And since I'm feeling generous, here's last season's list:

I hope you burn in hell.
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