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Brink |OT| _/^\_


Is it true that I have to do something special to enable multicore optimization I have a 6870/i5 2500k/4GB RAM and the game seems to run pretty poorly. Maybe it's just the 30FPS cap during single player but even external triple buffering/vsync through d3doverrider didn't seem to work correctly.
Moobabe said:
I never thought I'd ask this - but what's the TF2 item?


Good job on the free weekend, Steam/SD/Bethesda!

Now if only the new skills were that great. My favorite class is Engineer and the new skill is...eh.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Having played all of the maps/missions on both sides now, the game is very fun. I like the EW style of having a player dispense ammo rather than creating a cache that can be camped on. The command posts add a good strategic element as well.

It is a little weird that you cannot pick up a weapon from a downed enemy of the same body type, but I know that is SD's formula and they are trying to encourage interaction between classes and moving back and forth to command posts. Not hot on some weapons upgrades and attachments being tied to the challenge mode stuff though. Just seems like a weird path to spec out a weapon the way you want to.

I'll have to see if each map having a very particular course of objectives for each side gets old or not. Operations mode in Killzone 3 got a little dry for me, partly because only three maps supported it, but also because it didn't take long for people memorize exactly where they should be during each part of the match. This game would probably do a good job with a Warzone sort of mode that kept dynamically flipping objectives. What is here is good, but a lot of it is a war of attrition rather than outsmarting or outmaneuvering opponents.

Glad I picked up it for the price I got it at. These sorts of shooters are a lot more interesting to me these days than constant TDM.


Gaz Pwnage said:
The new medic skill is utterly utterly useless =/ The radius is far to small and that's if you actually get it deployed without dying, as it takes far to long to deploy.

Man, I love that thing. It's not useful at all for people to stand in and shoot, it'll just get blown up. You need to set it up as a retreat point, somewhere where your teammates will actually see it and drop back to it when they're hurt. This is obviously heavily dependent on your teammates to not be stupid. I pulled it out defending on Aquarium and got something like a thousand xp while lying around dead as people fell back to it and then went back out. The best thing about it is that it will regenerate people's health up to their buffed maximum rather than their normal maximum.


Has anyone who only has it from the free weekend been able to get the free DLC? I've tried everything including the steam//install shortcut and can't get it to work.


mojiimbo said:
Has anyone who only has it from the free weekend been able to get the free DLC? I've tried everything including the steam//install shortcut and can't get it to work.
You need to purchase the game to get the free DLC.


SensualSeduction said:
Man such a crap game,tried it with the free weekend,uninstaled it after 30 minutes.
You will make it far in NeoGAF I can tell.

My impressions from playing around 6 hours in the free weekend, consisting of beating the entire 'solo' Ark Sec campaign to half-way through the Resistance, along with some 8 player Ark Sec Co-op... the game is not half-bad especially after reading reviews and horror stories. The game feels a bit clunky though and lag can get bad at times, but over all I am enjoying the game, but since I already own a ton of FPS' I'm not gonna pick this up for quite a while until it drops below $25.


Been playing the free weekend and don't think this game is for me. The objective modes and the team assist things are really well done, but the game movement feels really sloppy and unresponsive coming from a quake background. Anyone else feel like this?


Lolerzors said:
Been playing the free weekend and don't think this game is for me. The objective modes and the team assist things are really well done, but the game movement feels really sloppy and unresponsive coming from a quake background. Anyone else feel like this?

Me. Which surprised me because I would have expected a game centered around movement to at least feel right in that department. To me it seemed like playing in molasses.


Tried it again yesterday and the movement still feels clunky. I adore the look and gameplay, but the technical and some balancing issues are holding it back to make me reallay play it more.


Mooreberg said:
Not hot on some weapons upgrades and attachments being tied to the challenge mode stuff though. Just seems like a weird path to spec out a weapon the way you want to.
Actually, that is one of the things I like about it. Well, at least for your first character, since you can sorta learn some game concepts, and at most it's maybe an hour or two of work to unlock them rather than grinding for 10s of levels to get the gun/mod you want.

Lolerzors said:
Been playing the free weekend and don't think this game is for me. The objective modes and the team assist things are really well done, but the game movement feels really sloppy and unresponsive coming from a quake background. Anyone else feel like this?
Yeah, I dunno if it's just me but I cannot do first person parkour. I maybe did ME up until the docks level and just gave up there, and in comparison the parkour in Brink feels much more sluggish (even with light body types) than I was expecting. Aside from being able to slide tackle and knock people over, which is cool.

I don't think it's worth the 25$ when there are just as many class-based objective shooters out there. It's certainly the most recent (and from what I hear about Wolf: ET or ETQW nowadays, it might be a good alternative), so if you've never tried it I guess it'd be a good introduction to a genre that barely exists. I also got a few BSOD's and stuff, so I'd rather avoid that too.


Why can't we get a character customization system like this on a decent game? The same question applies to Champions Online.


So got this game through the Quakecon pack. How's the PC community? Is it active? (I don't mean right now, considering the free weekend, but lets say, how active has it been in the last month?).

Will download over the weekend.
Twinduct said:
So got this game through the Quakecon pack. How's the PC community? Is it active? (I don't mean right now, considering the free weekend, but lets say, how active has it been in the last month?).

Will download over the weekend.
I've never found any problems finding games (Europe). Just yesterday (before free week-end) there were 4-5 servers full of people and a bunch of coop games.


Deadbeat said:
Brink Free Weekend up on steam.

Well damn, that was quick. Maybe they can explain why the FPS seems locked offline at Quakecon/drastically improve the performance of the game?

If enough people post, maybe it'll come true like the free weekend lol.


Twinduct said:
So got this game through the Quakecon pack. How's the PC community? Is it active? (I don't mean right now, considering the free weekend, but lets say, how active has it been in the last month?).

Will download over the weekend.

Before the free weekend, Brink peaked at ~600 players according to Steam Player Stats.
Well now, this game is kinda fun.

I've taken a break from shooters for a while so maybe that's why it feels more fresh than it deserves, but I like what I've seen so far. Might even take advantage of that 50% off deal.

dygiT said:
Before the free weekend, Brink peaked at ~600 players according to Steam Player Stats.

Up to 10,368 today. People like free stuff!


This game would be so good if it weren't so clunky. I feel like I am fighting the game, not the enemies most of the time :/
Since the 360 version is basically fixed and running smoothly, I've been having a lot of fun. The bots are tough enough to be teeth-gnashers in solo mode, but your AI teammates try much much harder than before to complete objectives.


First impressions after playing for an hour on the free weekend: great game. Well maybe it is because I got the most kills on my first game.

Some quick questions though. Why can't I use the revive? Every time I get thrown one I choose it and there is an x?

Is there a decent quick run down or manual around?

Anyway, I might buy this one once the free weekend is done after I play some more tomorrow.


PC GAF, how's the PC version now that its been out for a bit, last time I played the game it was utter crap.

system specs
phenom 2 955
6 gigs of ram
ATi 6970


Quite like Brink, seems like a game best played with people you know though. (I've gotten frustrated too many times because of teammates.)


Its still common for me to find a server where I have 40 ping and everyone is sub 100 but the game still stutters. Pisses me off. Game still has completely unjustifiably poor performance. I had to delete the intro videos because the second time I played the game it would crash on startup. Yes, the second time. First time it was fine.

Still not worth the money.
Uriah said:
Can you change your body type in a middle of a match yet?

No, you have to pick that before the match, I think it balances well as you don't have everyone changing to a heavy to play D, and then switching to something else in an offensive game. It really makes the player decide before he plays on what he wants to do, should he be a light character and move freely but with limited weapons? Or a heavy character who is slow but can take damage and use big guns. Also I think it makes the game more varied.


Vagabundo said:
First impressions after playing for an hour on the free weekend: great game. Well maybe it is because I got the most kills on my first game.

Some quick questions though. Why can't I use the revive? Every time I get thrown one I choose it and there is an x?

Is there a decent quick run down or manual around?

Anyway, I might buy this one once the free weekend is done after I play some more tomorrow.
After selecting it hold x on your keyboard. It has a heat up timer that fills around the circle.
Brink isn't a terrible game, I just expected something a bit better when it first came out. I think it's got some good ideas and some odd/bad design choices.

I really dislike the direction that most modern multiplayer shooters have gone in with unlocks and providing players with constant validation, patting them on the head with experience points, bars and levels rising because essentially all amounts to an artificial progress curve. You as a player may not be improving your skill but you've ground your character up for ten hours like it's League of Legends and have unlocked turret lvl 2. That said Splash Damage at least use these carrots dangled on a stick to try and at least encourage teamwork. I do like amorphous sub-objectives: things like capture forward command posts, escort a player and change class to complete main objective.

I think the cinematic, story-driven approach is a misguided way of conveying the struggle between the Ark security forces and the guests, there shouldn't be hackneyed cutscenes before you play a round of attack/defend or capture the flag. They could do more things in-game in terms of character interaction that would likely be more meaningful. Team Fortress 2 essentially made its classes characters, Splash Damage could've done something similar with the resistance and security forces. In the character creation bit you choose a voice to represent your character. The lines your character had with other members of your team or your opponents is where they could've done this. What strikes me as more absurd than having cutscenes before and after a round of objective driven team deathmatch are the amount of audiologs you can unlock and access in one of the sub-menus. You just sit there in a menu and listen to this elaborate fiction they've created. I guess it's neat that it's there, I just wish they found a better way to convey it all.

Edit: I would like to add that I do quite enjoy the art direction, I think the characters are are weirdly ugly in an awesome way and I think the overall look of the environments, especially the more pristine sections of the Ark, look pretty fantastic.


The problem is the game is just a poorly constructed mess compared to say Quake Wars. Go play Quake Wars then play this game. You will understand right away. I never understood how they could fuck up the netcode so horribly as well.
delta25 said:
PC GAF, how's the PC version now that its been out for a bit, last time I played the game it was utter crap.

system specs
phenom 2 955
6 gigs of ram
ATi 6970

Better specs than mine, but it runs fine for me, on a 5770.


I insta-uninstalled this too :/

It runs like crap (yeah, I game on my laptop, but it runs 99% of other modern games just fine at >30fps @ 1080p), and the movement feels very clunky.

I love the art style and visuals, and story-wise there's a great opportunity for the devs to make something worthwhile, but instead all you get is MP modes with bots.


jaundicejuice said:
I guess it's neat that it's there, I just wish they found a better way to convey it all.

Yup. So much potential.. beautiful setting, interesting back-story, great art and mechanics.


vertopci said:
Because they don't give a fuck about single player in a game focused around multiplayer? Not that hard to figure out
Then why dont they fix the netcode? or is that too hard to figure out as well?
Deadbeat said:
Then why dont they fix the netcode? or is that too hard to figure out as well?

I don't know, finally plays fine on the 360 for me, took them long enough to fix the netcode, but it works now at least.
vertopci said:
Because they don't give a fuck about single player in a game focused around multiplayer? Not that hard to figure out

Well - but isn't the single player mode the thing that a lot of people are going to look into first? Nobody wants to be the new noob on the block - better play a few rounds against bots and get a feel for the game ... If that first look is marred by a framerate cap that makes everything feel kind of clunky and unresponsive, then I'm not surprised that people can't really get into the game.
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