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Brink |OT| _/^\_


I have a feeling that the melee is going to get annoying real quick.

At least its not an insta-kill and you can still fight back while knocked down.

I guess i'll be playing a light engineer either way. Love building stuff, and running all over the place seems like fun.
Yep, the animations are the only thing scaring me off.
Wait and see approach but here's hoping.... I really need a new shooter to play.


CyReN said:
I'm on the fence, I'm hearing a lot of buzz from people that loved Shadowrun but I don't want people to stop playing within a few months.

What's the best deal on it online so far?
Whoa whoa whoa...it plays like Shadowrun? (sans the spells and such)

That gives me a huge boner.


Grayman said:
8v8 is the intended load but it may go higher on pc.
If the game is balanced for 8v8 I really don't want to play on servers much larger than that. 16v16 TF2 servers are a clusterfuck because the maps were designed for 12v12 and even then still feel hectic.
The player cap will go higher than 8vs8 on user supported servers, whether or not that will have a positive affect on the play experience remains to be seen. Sometimes 32 player TF2 servers are a nightmare, sometimes it can be a blast. Depends on the map.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
jaundicejuice said:
The player cap will go higher than 8vs8 on user supported servers, whether or not that will have a positive affect on the play experience remains to be seen. Sometimes 32 player TF2 servers are a nightmare, sometimes it can be a blast. Depends on the map.
Any stock map with more than 24 players on TF2 is cluttered garbage.

I'm getting Section 8: P for my big scale fights
Teknopathetic said:
"multiplayer only games are not worth 60 bucks. $40 max."

Single player only games also not worth 60 bucks?

haha well good point. i guess no game is worth $60. I guess when a solid single player game comes along that also happens to have a solid multiplayer experience, it makes the $60 spent seem more justified. But single only or multi only titles seem like they shouldn't be priced as high as they are.
If you end up playing a multiplayer game a great deal, you're going to more than get your money's worth.

And I don't suddenly see how adding a five hour single player story mode makes the game worth $20 more.


KingOfKong said:
multiplayer only games are not worth 60 bucks. $40 max.

Good thing this one has a SP, co-op, and MP component then huh?

Seriously though I'd much rather pay $60.00 for a game that is multiplayer only and a fantastic MP experience that I'll come back to for months, then a single player game that is 15 hours max with no replay value.
KingOfKong said:
multiplayer only games are not worth 60 bucks. $40 max.

Good thing it's 50$.

A good multiplayer game can last you years, you'd be hard pressed to find a better value. Whether or not Brink will be one of these games remains to be seen.
jaundicejuice said:
Good thing it's 50$.

A good multiplayer game can last you years, you'd be hard pressed to find a better value. Whether or not Brink will be one of these games remains to be seen.

its $60 for the PS3 version.


KingOfKong said:
multiplayer only games are not worth 60 bucks. $40 max.

So you're telling me if I put 600 hours into a multiplayer only game, I'm getting ripped off?

GTFO with your shitty opinions

superior races gets it for 50


xbhaskarx said:
If there's no demo, I will wait for reviews, impressions, and maybe even for it to drop in price.

There was some impressions put up from PAX East by Gaffers. Previews are starting to pop up online as well, and I think the reviews should start to surface later this week from a lot of sites.

I know I'll be putting up a mega detailed review after I play the game for like the first 2 days of release non stop which I'll post back in here for those on the fence. If it's ass I'll make sure to let you all know to save your money. :)
Gameplay vids are slow and boring. Waaaay to slow.

I hope it's just the framerate on consoles. Animations seem to be a bit off, too. No Mirror's Edge feeling.
vertopci said:
So you're telling me if I put 600 hours into a multiplayer only game, I'm getting ripped off?

GTFO with your shitty opinions

superior races gets it for 50

message boards are for opinions. sorry you are so closed minded to listen to other's opinions. I read what you wrote and see your point. Its too bad you can be so quick to be such a prick to me though.

I have a shitty PC and cannot run the master race version :(


Painkiller Q8 said:
Reminds me of The Club !
looking forward for this game!

getting it on 360
Just preordered the 360 version off Amazon. Looking forward to it as well.

Added the GAF tag too.


This game looks really interesting, so I'm anticipating reviews and opinions. Making a multiplayer only game is pretty risky, so this game has to knock it out of the park if they want people to keep playing a month from now.
Painkiller Q8 said:
Reminds me of The Club !

Chanser said:
You guys think this is a good alternative to TF2?

if you're looking for the same kind of chaotic multiplayer then I doubt it. As long as the maps are relatively small 8v8 should be fine, although I still love playing 16v16 in TF2. Not sure about the modding potential, if the community gets creative like they did in Team Fortress then it will probably have a good amount of longevity to it.


ShdwDrake said:
I hope so, I hated all of the BS they added to TF2. I'll be getting the PS3 version first though.
You're saying that about a game that has tons of character customization at launch. In November the game will be filled with Skyrim hats.
You know it to be true.


Really looking forward this. Had tons of fun with RTCW and W:ET, so if I can get a little taste of that again I'll be happy. I hope there's a "I'M AN ENGINEER!" voice command.

My main worry remains the high recommended specs. Game looks fine enough, but surely not something that'd require a 460 / quad to run at a good frame rate.


Chanser said:
You guys think this is a good alternative to TF2?
If you like TF2 as the good Team shooter that it is meant to be - then maybe. If you like TF2 for instaspawn 32player servers - then no.
One superior aspect to this game is the limitations on sniping as opposed to a dedicated class in TF2.

Hate snipers and sniping so so much, for the exact reasons the SD guys mentioned.


Billychu said:
Besides the soldier having molotovs are there any weapon differences between classes or just skills?
I have only seen the big dudes with the minigin in the videos, so I assume the body type determines what weapon you can use. I am sure there are a lot of shared weapons, though.


I want to say no to class restrictions on weapons but am not sure if the mini's or grenade launchers are free.

I do believe the levels of weapons are fully open though, such as a medium of any class can use all the assault rifles in the game.


What I've read seems to indicate that weapons are only limited by body type, while secondary gear is class dependent. The only secondary gear we're really seen so far is some land mines and grenades, I think.
PsychoSoldier said:
One superior aspect to this game is the limitations on sniping as opposed to a dedicated class in TF2.

Hate snipers and sniping so so much, for the exact reasons the SD guys mentioned.

as long as they're not as rampant or as useless/annoying as they are in bad company 2, this game might actually be played as it was intended to be!


This is my most anticipated game of the year. I cannot wait to play it.

Only problem right now is figuring out where I want to buy it from. I'm not too sure which bonus pack I want to get. What do you guys think?


Kholdstare said:
This is my most anticipated game of the year. I cannot wait to play it.

Only problem right now is figuring out where I want to buy it from. I'm not too sure which bonus pack I want to get. What do you guys think?

Amazon has the best deal in my book. You get $10.00 for your next purchase on their site and the PSYCHO pack gives you a revolver, some outfit pieces, and a soda can silencer. Other places pre order stuff is more cosmetic things and not actual in game items like the Amazon one.

Oh and of course free release date delivery option. :) My 2 pennies on it.


Kholdstare said:
This is my most anticipated game of the year. I cannot wait to play it.

Only problem right now is figuring out where I want to buy it from. I'm not too sure which bonus pack I want to get. What do you guys think?
Weapons in-game will always be better, so I wouldn't worry too much.
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