So Brit-GAF, I've been to London a few times but I don't have a good grasp on what it's like to live there. Having lived most of my life in South Wales, I really know nothing about any city across the border, besides a few stereotypes here and there and from what I've heard from others. I'm not quite a country bumpkin, having lived in Cardiff for the vast majority of my existence, but Cardiff seems closer to a large town with too many nightclubs than an actual city.
Either way, to make a long story short, I'm thinking of living in London (from Sept. 2012 for a year) so I can study a postgraduate, and I'm going to begin the application process soon, but I figured I'd ask for some opinions from actual Londoners about what the city is actually like. Just so you know, I'd be living and studying in Islington, most likely in SOAS's postgraduate halls (Paul Robeson House, on Pentonville Road).
I kind of want to know what to expect from Islington, and the city in general, since I really haven't a clue. I kind of have a grasp on rent and the like since SOAS provides their prices for halls, and I know that food is more expensive than it is pretty much anywhere else (though some people tell me that these prices vary depending on where you are in London), but how much is living there for a whole year likely to cost? Take in mind I'll be in London from September 2012 to September 2013, since postgraduates last a full year, and I'll be up there the whole summer doing my dissertation.
If you did university in London and can tell me a bit about it, that's even better. Even better again is if anyone who attended
SOAS could give me an honest appraisal on the university.
Whilst I'll probably apply anyway, I kind of want to know what I'm getting myself in for. I'm pretty psyched about the course, but I've heard a lot of things from a lot of people about London, so any feedback on all of this would be great.