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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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I don't have a backlog because I give no shits about games being unfinished :smug:

(ultimately neither do I, I never actually beat Lavos in Chrono Trigger either)

I'll finish de Blob 2, because it's so easy and relaxed. I love it. Every level is pretty much identical but it's so colourful and joyous I don't really care.

Jedeye Sniv

I never used to get shycock until I started gayclubbing and my friends would always use the cubicles. I remember the first time it happened was in Heaven, as they used to have a mirror running the length of the urinals so you could check out everybody and their junk.

But surely if you go to the cubicles you have to dodge gloryholes like a game of kerplunk?

At least in a gay club people are more honest about looking at your junk.

I've got no idea why I can't go in a cubicle - I don't even like it when my wife is in the room either.

Jedeye Sniv

There's nothing more satisfying to a student than the moment you press submit on Turnitin.


There's nothing more annoying as an exams officer to have half a class not know how Turnitin works properly. How they can get A*s but still fuck up a login I'll never know.
Man all the flats I'm interested in sell so quickly, hopefully equivalents come up when I'm actually ready to buy.

When do you reckon that'll be? I'm starting to aggressively save up for a deposit now. Well, actually I'm saving for a holiday to California now and my deposit a little, but once that saving is done I will move the California saving over to deposit saving and be putting away about £900 a month, so I think I'll have a deposit in 2, maybe 3 years? I've never actually felt like it was a realistic goal before. Feels good. How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?


Maturity, bitches.
There's nothing more satisfying to a student than the moment you press submit on Turnitin.
That's the most terrifying moment for me because I just know that if I look at my work I'll notice a mistake that some how passed me by all the other times I double checked my work.

I just close it and forget it and hope for the best.


I'm done with uni just got arrange a shitty end of year exhibition then graduation. Feels wierd man not getting up and going in mornings


I'm in that awkward 4 weeks holiday where you should be doing Uni work but don't.

When do you reckon that'll be? I'm starting to aggressively save up for a deposit now. Well, actually I'm saving for a holiday to California now and my deposit a little, but once that saving is done I will move the California saving over to deposit saving and be putting away about £900 a month, so I think I'll have a deposit in 2, maybe 3 years? I've never actually felt like it was a realistic goal before. Feels good. How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?

I'm 22. I'm lucky enough to be able to get help from my parents for the deposit and I can get a 75% mortgage, but my parents money is tied up till May and the bank say they will only lend 3 months before I start work so I can't really put offers in till June.
So many flats seem to be repossessions so they don't get taken off the market when they receive an offer, instead they update the listing so you can offer above what they have before papers go through.
I'm in that awkward 4 weeks holiday where you should be doing Uni work but don't.

I'm 22. I'm lucky enough to be able to get help from my parents for the deposit and I can get a 75% mortgage, but my parents money is tied up till May and the bank say they will only lend 3 months before I start work so I can't really put offers in till June.
So many flats seem to be repossessions so they don't get taken off the market when they receive an offer, instead they update the listing so you can offer above what they have before papers go through.
Wow,nice! That's great though, renting is a mugs game, I wish I weren't doing it.


Maturity, bitches.
Speaking of which, I got my exam timetable in today. 3 exams, finished on the 16th of May. Woop woop.
My last ever exam was 1st June. Two weeks+ after the second to last exam and I was the only one I knew (rest of my course were MSc students) doing it. I was like the last person in my year to finish (well except those who did re-sits but technically they didn't finish during that academic year).


My last exam ever is going to be a strange one. After that I'm probably going to get a full time job somewhere and see if teacher training is something that can be done at a night school.

From there, fuck knows what I'll do.
I tend to use cubicles too, I'm only ever not shycock when I've had a few.

Also I'm scared kentpaul will attack me.

I'm the dickhead who approaches a row of unused urinals and takes the centre one to put people off using the rest. Works best with three of them.

So glad I'm done with Uni every time I hear about exams and all that jazz.

I can't wait to finish with formal education now. Masters in the future perhaps, but I'm done with it otherwise.

Speaking of which, I got my exam timetable in today. 3 exams, finished on the 16th of May. Woop woop.

The fuck. I don't even start final exams until the end of May, mid June before I finish.
I don't think renting is so bad. Yes it's paying off somebody else's mortgage but the flexibility is great plus you may get to live in areas that you'd never be able to afford to buy in. That's also a dream shatterer.

It's true but you have a similar level of freedom just with a little more effort. Worst comes to worst, you rent out the place you have a mortgage on (which tends to be worth more per month than the mortgage payment usually!) Then you go rent somewhere else. I know a fair few people who do this, actually, and it works quite well for them.


Renting is the way forward. Fuck being tied down to a mortgage for 30 years.

You can move your mortgage to another property you know. Also I've been moving around as a student for the last 4 years I'm done with that.
And the mortgage payments in my situation will be less than if I was renting, at least until I'm earning enough to start paying my parents back.
It's true but you have a similar level of freedom just with a little more effort. Worst comes to worst, you rent out the place you have a mortgage on (which tends to be worth more per month than the mortgage payment usually!) Then you go rent somewhere else. I know a fair few people who do this, actually, and it works quite well for them.

Yeah, there is that. I say all this as someone that wished they'd got their head out of their arse and bought a place in the late nineties/early noughties. Now I'll be getting onto the property ladder soon but that's only thanks to the gf's parents providing us with a 25% deposit so we can afford to stay in the Islington/Camden area.


Unconfirmed Member
I wanted to look something up on wikipedia but forgot what and now it's driving me fucking mad.


Did you know that if you click the first link in any wikipedia article you will eventually get to Jesus (or was it Hitler?)

I swear I read that once but I tried it and now I'm stuck in a loop around Greek Language

Apparently it's Philosiology. I thought it was something more interesting that that


Uni was the best time of my life so, as much as I hated the courseworks and exams, I kinda miss it.

I'm not so sure about it any more, myself. Part of me just wants to grab the degree and get the fuck away, but the other half feels like circumstance has screwed me over.

I'm missing out on what's so 'amazing' for some reason.


The hyperbole just wouldn't let me ignore this post. Cannot "meh" hard enough.

Absolutely fine, nothing wrong with it as such, but about as exciting as a bowl of dry cornflakes. Dull riffs, trite lyrics, and the drummer sounded like he was mildly sedated.


Fugazi - Merchandise

And they're signed to their own label, Dischord. It doesn't get much more indie that that!

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Just watched TPB AFK
Very interesting documentary following the founders of The Pirate Bay during the legal battle, definite recommendation from me, well worth the watch.
The long story is that nine months interest free turned out to be 39 monthly payments at 88 percent interest, it's more complicated than that but that's the gist. I can afford to buy it out right but getting my garden landscaped and going on holiday is more important. So it can wait, I can't be arsed to reinstall my Steam library though.
Fair enough... I was looking forward to playing with you though! :p Bastard

You've linked your favourite video playlist with the song...prepare to be judged.. by me ^_^


bitch I'm taking calls.
Yeah it's worth it ds, get a big one though, ive only got a 60gb probably gonna have to replace it soon!
Yeah I got suckered into this as well because it was cheaper, but I really regret it because I want to have more than just my OS on the SSD. I'll probably replace it soon so I can put my favorite programs on a 200GB drive.
Blue Monday time at Yo Sushi. I needs mah sushi fix. :D

It was also an excuse to see yorkie girl at her work and ask her out this week. Success. ^^
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