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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Jedeye Sniv

1. Othello and the ways in which modern readers can learn from the representation of the non-European, non-Christian 'other' in his character. It's actually about Othello's character and I'm just using post-colonial theory to take a look at him, but that sounds boring, so I put a spin on it.

2. LITERARY THEORY APPLIED TO A SHORT STORY. OH BOY. Can't wait to cut myself with the printed copy of it.

So is this for an English degree? Kinda glad i didn't do one myself now, sounds like a good way to suck all the fun out of a story!

Is Othello even a good representation of the 'other'? I read it many years ago, but I didn't get much of an impression of non-whiteness from him, he just seemed... Shakespearean. You really only know about his colour from what other characters say about him, and even that's not a racially charged as I would expect.

But I guess my reading and yours is the difference between A-Level and degree!


So is this for an English degree? Kinda glad i didn't do one myself now, sounds like a good way to suck all the fun out of a story!

Is Othello even a good representation of the 'other'? I read it many years ago, but I didn't get much of an impression of non-whiteness from him, he just seemed... Shakespearean. You really only know about his colour from what other characters say about him, and even that's not a racially charged as I would expect.

But I guess my reading and yours is the difference between A-Level and degree!

It's not really about whether or not he's a good representation, it's more about looking at the influences that shaped his character that could be construed as racial. One of the biggest ones would be regarding the common stereotype at the time about how Turks were incredibly possessive of their women. Considering that a lot of Shakespearian tragedies usually revolved around the central characters having a single fatal flaw that ended up destroying them, I could talk about how Othello's supposedly hereditary jealous streak was his fatal flaw and that it drove the entire plot.


I want to write more about Iago though. I called him a 'wonderful bastard' in a lecture and my lecturer gave me a short applause. It was great.

Selfish Pizza

Neo Member
Just about to have a blood test, and was told to not eat for 12 hours before. I've never been so hungry. I'm so gonna stuff my face when this is over with.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I haven't started a single assignment in first year earlier than 24 hours before the deadline and first semester netted me two 2:1s and a first.

I am noffles the arrogant twat.

(seriously though, I'll be fine. I've got my essay plan for the first sorted + sources. Just hoping I don't damage my health with all the caffeine.)

Way to go noffles! The only better way to do it would be to get the assignment out of the the way on the first day rather than the last and take the rest of the week off - but somehow I never managed to make that work, something to do with deadlines and adrenalin I think.

Jedeye Sniv

It's not really about whether or not he's a good representation, it's more about looking at the influences that shaped his character that could be construed as racial. One of the biggest ones would be regarding the common stereotype at the time about how Turks were incredibly possessive of their women. Considering that a lot of Shakespearian tragedies usually revolved around the central characters having a single fatal flaw that ended up destroying them, I could talk about how Othello's supposedly hereditary jealous streak was his fatal flaw and that it drove the entire plot.


I want to write more about Iago though. I called him a 'wonderful bastard' in a lecture and my lecturer gave me a short applause. It was great.

Ah I see. I don't know if Othello's flaw was his possessiveness, I'd say it was more in being too trusting (maybe because as an outsider he trusted Iago too much and couldn't see him for the snake the others might?). Poor Othello, he gets turned around so much he doesn't know what way is up by the end. But yeah, the play is really all about Iago, he's amazing. Greatest baddie ever.


Way to go noffles! The only better way to do it would be to get the assignment out of the the way on the first day rather than the last and take the rest of the week off - but somehow I never managed to make that work, something to do with deadlines and adrenalin I think.

I'll do things early next year when it actually counts. This year is just practice, heh. But you are right; the panic really does drive you to get everything done.

Ah I see. I don't know if Othello's flaw was his possessiveness, I'd say it was more in being too trusting (maybe because as an outsider he trusted Iago too much and couldn't see him for the snake the others might?). Poor Othello, he gets turned around so much he doesn't know what way is up by the end. But yeah, the play is really all about Iago, he's amazing. Greatest baddie ever.

Hey, it's open to interpretation. I'm just going down the route where it helps me answer my question. If I had a choice, I'd be going for Iago more than anyone and arguing that the idea of 'honest Iago' is what drives the entire play and keeps the audience in check.

I'm in essay mode now. This is great. Time to write!

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I haven't started a single assignment in first year earlier than 24 hours before the deadline and first semester netted me two 2:1s and a first.

I am noffles the arrogant twat.

(seriously though, I'll be fine. I've got my essay plan for the first sorted + sources. Just hoping I don't damage my health with all the caffeine.)
Well atleast I've solved student budgeting
This has me wondering if I should just jack it in and get a job at Marks & Spencer or something.

Assuming you can get a job in Marks and Spencer!! They picky as fuck!


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I'll do things early next year when it actually counts. This year is just practice, heh. But you are right; the panic really does drive you to get everything done.

Frankly, I wouldn't bother to change your approach noffles. Stick with what works. Besides. the way you are doing it is much better practice for final exams than drafting and redrafting over a week or so. It worked for me. Also, consider not bothering with final exam revision either - just take two weeks off and go into the exam cold, it's more fun that way - maybe more stressful but at least the stress is concentrated into a few hours.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
This has me wondering if I should just jack it in and get a job at Marks & Spencer or something.


What would look really good on your CV, Mike, is doing what they asked you to do - constraints and all. Manage your way around the constraints, tell 'em what's feasible and what isn't, what you need to do the job, get it done.

Then you've got a CV that sings management rather than IT support. And then you look outside.

Despite the salary, sounds to me like you're in a really good place to learn the skills you need to manage an apparently impossible task to a successful conclusion. Believe me, that comes across well in future interviews - way better than simply "I'm leaving for more money" stuff.
I haven't started a single assignment in first year earlier than 24 hours before the deadline and first semester netted me two 2:1s and a first.

I am noffles the arrogant twat.

(seriously though, I'll be fine. I've got my essay plan for the first sorted + sources. Just hoping I don't damage my health with all the caffeine.)

A man after my own heart. Pretty much how I approached much of university, though maybe add a day or so. You occasionally read round the subject and think it through a bit a few days before, then spend a long night with caffeine blitzing through it.

Although there was obviously research done before, most of my dissertation was in a one and a bit week stretch, writing each day from 8pm to something in the morning (anywhere between 2am and 6am depending on the day, surprisingly few distractions online after 4am) to get the bulk of the writing done.

And how did it do for me? Got the prize for best student and I'm now a learning assistant on the course. Such a jammy git.



Our toastie press has been destroyed by someone using it grossly incorrectly. Thank christ I wasn't the one who bought it. I'd be livid.

Frankly, I wouldn't bother to change your approach noffles. Stick with what works. Besides. the way you are doing it is much better practice for final exams than drafting and redrafting over a week or so. It worked for me. Also, consider not bothering with final exam revision either - just take two weeks off and go into the exam cold, it's more fun that way - maybe more stressful but at least the stress is concentrated into a few hours.

Oh, I doubt I'll change my ways. It'd be nice if I did, but I can't see it genuinely happening. Exams are terrible for me though, so I'll be sitting with a book in my face for about 2 weeks prior to it. Going into an exam without preparing for it is my personal idea of hell. I'll probably need to console a crying friend after the exam too, so I can't really be in a stressed state by the end of it.

Although there was obviously research done before, most of my dissertation was in a one and a bit week stretch, writing each day from 8pm to something in the morning (anywhere between 2am and 6am depending on the day, surprisingly few distractions online after 4am) to get the bulk of the writing done.

And how did it do for me? Got the prize for best student and I'm now a learning assistant on the course. Such a jammy git.

You're going to have Superman children.
Ugh, put salt in my tea this morning. :S



Fuck it. I'm going to put on a cosy jumper and head to the library with my laptop.
I wish I did this more, I get a lot more work done there. Unfortunately my dissertation had to be written in latex so using different computers isn't convenient

Also I'd be failing if I did no revision, I do less than my friends but still that's cray.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I wish I did this more, I get a lot more work done there. Unfortunately my dissertation had to be written in latex so using different computers isn't convenient

Yeah, i think going to a library dressed like that would get you a lot of awkward stares


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Oh, I doubt I'll change my ways. It'd be nice if I did, but I can't see it genuinely happening. Exams are terrible for me though, so I'll be sitting with a book in my face for about 2 weeks prior to it. Going into an exam without preparing for it is my personal idea of hell. I'll probably need to console a crying friend after the exam too, so I can't really be in a stressed state by the end of it.

Pro tip. Snap out of that right now. Really.

Exams are not that big a hassle. You know how to write good stuff on the fly and in coherent English because you do it every assignment. You know your basic stuff that you need or you wouldn't be knocking up good grades in last-minute-procrastinated assignments. You also know (I suspect) that merely sticking your face in a book for two weeks before an exam is basically no help at all.

Here's what I did for revision (in both of the 2.3 degrees I got): starting six months out from exams, pull together in note form everything you need - that takes a couple of months given there's probably other stuff to do too. Four months out go through the list, and CROSS OFF EVERYTHING YOU ALREADY KNOW. That's the key bit. Most people waste all their revision time revising stuff they know already (which is a complete waste of time), what you want to do is revise the stuff you don't know. That trims it by a factor of five probably. Then go through that and plan out what you are going to revise when. Do some sample essays if you want - whatever works for you. But where you want to be be two weeks before the exam is you know everything you need to, and you've got it in long-term memory so it isn't going to vanish come the exam.

Now basically anything you've got in any sort of long-term memory is going to last a month at least. You try to bang it into short term memory you're looking at between 15 seconds and a few days.

So what I did both times is compress all the stuff I didn't know progressively (by learning the big chunks that I'd missed) on to a single sheet of paper about two weeks before the exam. And then take two weeks off - chilling, doing museums, watching cricket, whatever takes your fancy. Then revise that single sheet of paper on the morning of the exam - have it in your pocket, chuck it away just as you enter the exam room. That's the best you can do.

But if you think you are learning anything from sticking your nose in a book for two weeks before an exam just because everyone else does, you are wrong - mostly you are just going over stuff you already know and it is a waste of time.


I guess it's different for a maths degree, although writing all the important stuff down is something I've wanted to try. Maybe do it this Easter, although we've only done half of each module. You can tailor revision to exam questions better in maths as well
Pro tip. Snap out of that right now. Really.

Exams are not that big a hassle. You know how to write good stuff on the fly and in coherent English because you do it every assignment. You know your basic stuff that you need or you wouldn't be knocking up good grades in last-minute-procrastinated assignments. You also know (I suspect) that merely sticking your face in a book for two weeks before an exam is basically no help at all.

Here's what I did for revision (in both of the 2.3 degrees I got): starting six months out from exams, pull together in note form everything you need - that takes a couple of months given there's probably other stuff to do too. Four months out go through the list, and CROSS OFF EVERYTHING YOU ALREADY KNOW. That's the key bit. Most people waste all their revision time revising stuff they know already (which is a complete waste of time), what you want to do is revise the stuff you don't know. That trims it by a factor of five probably. Then go through that and plan out what you are going to revise when. Do some sample essays if you want - whatever works for you. But where you want to be be two weeks before the exam is you know everything you need to, and you've got it in long-term memory so it isn't going to vanish come the exam.

Now basically anything you've got in any sort of long-term memory is going to last a month at least. You try to bang it into short term memory you're looking at between 15 seconds and a few days.

So what I did both times is compress all the stuff I didn't know progressively (by learning the big chunks that I'd missed) on to a single sheet of paper about two weeks before the exam. And then take two weeks off - chilling, doing museums, watching cricket, whatever takes your fancy. Then revise that single sheet of paper on the morning of the exam - have it in your pocket, chuck it away just as you enter the exam room. That's the best you can do.

But if you think you are learning anything from sticking your nose in a book for two weeks before an exam just because everyone else does, you are wrong - mostly you are just going over stuff you already know and it is a waste of time.

My take on revision has always been:
1) Make detailed notes on each topic/lecture
2) Condense notes down, write and draw out key equations/diagrams to etch them into memory
3) Learn the exam
4) Learn the exam
5) Learn the exam
I'll do things early next year when it actually counts. This year is just practice, heh. But you are right; the panic really does drive you to get everything done.

You probably won't. Every piece of work I've done this year has been the night before again. Can't complain with the grades I'm getting though.


I didn't mean literally. I usually read through a relevant textbook and just copy everything down in note form for future reference. Anyone who thinks reading alone will get them anywhere is just kidding themselves.

Also, the buzz of this library is incredibly calming.

Jedeye Sniv

Hey nerds, questions - I really have a hankering to play some classic PS1 games that I never got to (FF7, MGS1 basically) - would it be worth me getting a PSP just to play these. What should I expect to pay for a PSP these days. Anyone have one they wanna sell to me?

I don't have any Sony devices at all any more.


My studying technique consisted of going through each chapter by writing down the important shit on a notepad. For some reason simply reading it over and over didin't work for me and I remembered things better when I wrote it down. There were times when I literally wrote out whole chapters! Anyway, after each chapter you take a break for about 30 mins. I'd go and speak to someone or watch some TV. Never have a timer or anything as I felt that it always pressured me. So long as you haven't left the studying to the last minute then you can be a little relaxed with the breaks. All about self-control really. Then repeat the same process for each chapter until it's done. That usually took about a few days so I'd always start studying at least a week beforehand. After everything's covered (at this point I'd feel confident that I knew everything that'll come in the exam) I just hit past paper after past paper after past paper focusing on the questions I got wrong. On the day before the exam I created a mind map of all the important stuff on one single sheet of paper and carried it around with me like a bible until 5 mins before the exam where I'd bin it. Stay up crazy late on certain days but super early the night before the exam as I know I'd only get a few hours sleep.


Hey nerds, questions - I really have a hankering to play some classic PS1 games that I never got to (FF7, MGS1 basically) - would it be worth me getting a PSP just to play these. What should I expect to pay for a PSP these days. Anyone have one they wanna sell to me?

I don't have any Sony devices at all any more.

Was it not Suairyu that recently picked up a PSP-Go for playing PS1 games? Yeah, go for a PSP man, get it soft moded, slap a PSX emulator on it and off you go! Shouldn't cost that much I'd think. £50 maybe?


Cause I don't wanna lose you now
I'm lookin' right at the other half of me
The vacancy that sat in my heart
Is a space that now you hold
Show me how to fight for now
And I'll tell you baby, it was easy
Comin' back into you once I figured it out
You were right here all along
It's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me
I couldn't get any bigger
With anyone else beside of me
And now it's clear as this promise
That we're making two reflections into one
Cause it's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me

This album is soooo good

Jedeye Sniv

Cause I don't wanna lose you now
I'm lookin' right at the other half of me
The vacancy that sat in my heart
Is a space that now you hold
Show me how to fight for now
And I'll tell you baby, it was easy
Comin' back into you once I figured it out
You were right here all along
It's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me
I couldn't get any bigger
With anyone else beside of me
And now it's clear as this promise
That we're making two reflections into one
Cause it's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me

This album is soooo good

...what album?

I'm on a ribboned highway and I seen some sickening things,
One good kid smashed to splinters
Another wicked one crowned king.

This album is also good.


all you guys have done is make me want to walk into a CEX and buy a copy of MGS3

Also, 1/3 of the way through with the bulk of the writing. It's very likely I'll have this done in time to eat lunch.
Cause I don't wanna lose you now
I'm lookin' right at the other half of me
The vacancy that sat in my heart
Is a space that now you hold
Show me how to fight for now
And I'll tell you baby, it was easy
Comin' back into you once I figured it out
You were right here all along
It's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me
I couldn't get any bigger
With anyone else beside of me
And now it's clear as this promise
That we're making two reflections into one
Cause it's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me

This album is soooo good

That Girl, Tunnel Vision, Don't Hold the Wall, and Strawberry Bubblegum are my fucking jams.

That outro to Strawberry Bubblegum, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome. And cap girl dancer in that vid, hnnnnnnnnnnnnnng.

I need to smang to that in the background.


Maturity, bitches.
"Tonight's the night" was the chant during Japan Time when everyone was waiting for Captain Falcon's confirmation. I thought you were around back then.
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