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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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So I've heard. I can't understand why.

Fun fact. Leonardo DeCaprio was supposed to play Bateman at one point and Mary Harron had to fight the studio for a long time to get Bale, who actually approached the character with the right level of humour, to play him instead.


Fun fact. Leonardo DeCaprio was supposed to play Bateman at one point and Mary Harron had to fight the studio for a long time to get Bale, who actually approached the character with the right level of humour, to play him instead.

Mary Harron was spot on



formerly Oynox Slider
But Sploatee, the Iron banner event starts soon! SOON!

I know. I am both tempted to go back and annoyed that it's only available for a week. What if I can't play this week? That's kind of my gripe at the moment - the way life has to be organised around the game rather than the other way around. Organising raids was actually stressing me out. I wouldn't have thought it would be that hard to find 5 other UK / EU people who can just do an hour here and there but it really is. It's like having to be the organiser of a gathering where everyone already has commitments and is just ''making an appearance".

They often don't, unfortunately.

I absolutely love Transistor. You are right the UI is fantastic, its a very overlooked feature in many games, where function takes over from form. But when both are done well it really adds to the immersion. The soundtrack is awesome too (and part of the story!).

I really hope the game can keep my attention. The last RPG I tried was Child of Light and I grew to hate it. At least Transistor has actual clever combat though .

I know!

The music at that point was really intense, and I was just sort of stunned at the fact that she was murdering this guy in almost exactly the same way she accused the other boyfriend of raping her. Not that you couldn't see it coming with her playing up for the security cameras before but jesus.

Such a great film.

Pretty much why I haven't played Destiny there Sploats, I rarely if ever get to play TV games for more than an hour, the idea of raids just fills me with dread. Long sessions by obligation, no thanks. I once spent 3 hours doing something in Halo 3 when dinner was due (Annual achievement, was awesome), Mrs still won't let me forget about it.

I'm actually a little concerned by my inability to be interested in any new games lately. Trailers and announcements are just ... "OK, that's a thing", there's nothing like the brutal one two combo of Dead Rising and Gears that made it impossible to resist getting a 360. Even iPad gaming has tapered off dramatically for me, that was my most played device over the past couple of years.

So instead, my current gaming plan is to raid the past and mop up the games I never got to as a youngun. But even then, I think I might have played all of the 'good' games (by 'good' I mean games that still hold up today). There are a shitload of JRPGs on PS1 so I'm currently playing Xenogears (mini impression - very pretty and fun battle system but daaaaaamn those Japanese fellas love to go on. And on. And on), having just finished up FF7.

I feel a bit like I do with comics - I think I've played all (or most of) the classics. Sad :(

Don't let me put you off Destiny. It's great. You don't have to play it so intently, I'm just the kind of person that wants to play all the hardest content and the game puts up grind barriers to it like any RPG. There's just loads of timed content to make it feel like a service and not a product.

Is there nothing at all? Bloodborne? MGS? The Witness? No Man's Sky?



We don't generally tip in bars.

Restaurants I usually tip 10-15% for good service, a bit more for exceptionally brilliant service, and nothing for poor service.

Same here. Point is about tipping in this country is that it isn't mandatory and it all comes down to whether you feel - as a customer - your waiter/waitress/driver deserves extra payment based on whether they have provided an excellent service and/or gone above and beyond the expected. I tip taxi drivers if they arrive super fast during late night busy times, put luggage in the boot of the car or even if we have a decent chat during the journey.

I consider movies to be subjective as well, it all comes down to personal taste.

I don't trust critics, they completely panned Les Mis on it's opening night in the theatre and said it would never do well. Got that s bit wrong.

There are plenty of movies that were critically panned but people still enjoy it because they just see it as a fun and enjoyable movie to them. Speed Racer, Lone Ranger etc. Hell, De Palma's Scarface was shat on by critics and viewers back when it was released and it's a celebrated movie now. People should just go to the movies to watch what they want and not to watch a movie because some pompous thick-rimmed glasses wearing critic on BBC or whatever described it as the best thing since sliced bread. If you like the look of the movie then go for it!

About Wolf of Wall Street, I enjoyed it during my first viewing but even then I felt it dragged hard at certain parts.

I don't know about you guys but once you're familiar about all the crazy shit Jordan Belfort got up to during the first viewing of the film then I kinda feel like there's nothing else a second viewing would offer and therefore it would be difficult to justify sitting through the long movie again.

You could probably throw in Taxi Driver, Clockwork Orange, Talented Mr Ripley, American Psycho, Young Adult, Raging Bull etc etc as movies with unlikeable protagonists that were still decent movies. Fuck, throw in Seinfeld too.

That Jerry Seinfeld was a right twat I tell ya.


Maturity, bitches.
One of the main reason I got into handhelds and pick up and play games. I can just leave my 3DS on the charger by my laptop and play short doses when it tickles my fancy.

When it comes to console games I almost feel I must set aside the time to play it. I mean Xenoblade, which I finished recently (the main quest, still have all the side quests to do) took me over 100 hours to complete and I actually started it on the Wii years ago (though back then I shared the TV, which isn't a problem now) and most of that was during the weekends when I could literally binge play the whole day. I'm questioning whether I should get the sequel despite enjoying the game.

Jedeye Sniv

Don't let me put you off Destiny. It's great. You don't have to play it so intently, I'm just the kind of person that wants to play all the hardest content and the game puts up grind barriers to it like any RPG. There's just loads of timed content to make it feel like a service and not a product.

Is there nothing at all? Bloodborne? MGS? The Witness? No Man's Sky?


MGS will be great, I'll play that on PS3 though. No Man's Sky (and Elite) looks ace, that's on the next-gen list. The Witness will probably be cool but I still don't really know what it is. That'll also be on iOS. Just need other games on the list to justify the purchase ;) Bloodborne is one of those Souls games, right? Not a fan of them.

I would get GTA again in a heartbeat despite having spent 100s of hours on it over the past year.
On the weekend went to see my friend's new digs in Shepard's Bush. He's moved out of his parents house who are retiring and selling their home in Staines to move to Brighton. He works in Hammersmith so it's a good thing for him. Shepard's Bush is not bad. He has a nice collection of pubs nearby that are quite cosmopolitan without going full Shoreditch. As lame as it sounds I was quite impressed with the Wesfield Centre, the big shopping mall they have there. Tons of shit on his doorstep, I was mega jelly. They were doing some kind of movie memorabilia auction this weekend so it was nice to look around the display cases at costumes, props and miniatures from stuff like Connery-era James Bond, Terminator, Judge Dredd and more.

This weekend had my first night out drinking since I decided to quit smoking on Thursday. So far doing alright, didn't feel any particular craving while I was drinking which is unusual, may have been something to do with how damn cold it is suddenly. Anyway, last time I quit I was mad twitchy for a few days so it's probably for the best that I'm leaving my job this Wednesday, otherwise I'd stard suspecting everyone was plotting against me at work based on momentary serious eye contact with people I don't interact with like last time. Although that might have had nothing to do with quitting I don't know.

What I do know is that with the time I have left at work I won't be able to resolve the Flaming Train Wreck that is my personal working folder, stuffed full of out of date and unorganised information, mistakes and sloppyness from up to 12 months ago and beyond. The first phase of my cunning plan has been to hide it so it doesn't attract unwanted attention. Then, when the time comes I put it back in the cabinet on my last day and walk away from the apocalyptic mess I've left behind, Hollywood style. I'm also trying to get a half day on Wednesday as technically I've accrued enough paid leave to do that. Soon I will be able to wash my hands of it. Soon.


I consider movies to be subjective as well, it all comes down to personal taste.
Well of course yeah, all art is subjective, just some forms more than others. Games for example have certain easily definable parameters by which they can be judged:

Does it run well?
Are the graphics decent?
How are the controls?
Value for money/content?
Is it fun to play?

You can almost review them as a checklist, it's comparatively easy to assess their merit objectively. It's a similar story with movies albeit to a lesser extent. The script, acting, direction, score, sound design; they're all aspects that can quite easily be judged as good or bad pretty much.

It's a lot harder to apply these predetermined ideals to music in my opinion.
There are plenty of movies that were critically panned but people still enjoy it because they just see it as a fun and enjoyable movie to them. Speed Racer, Lone Ranger etc. Hell, De Palma's Scarface was shat on by critics and viewers back when it was released and it's a celebrated movie now. People should just go to the movies to watch what they want and not to watch a movie because some pompous thick-rimmed glasses wearing critic on BBC or whatever described it as the best thing since sliced bread. If you like the look of the movie then go for it!
I agree to an extent, I wouldn't allow a single person's review to sway my opinion one way or the other. But when the concensus is overwhelmingly negative from pretty much all aspects of the media, it's hard to expect anything but disappointment.


formerly Oynox Slider
MGS will be great, I'll play that on PS3 though. No Man's Sky (and Elite) looks ace, that's on the next-gen list. The Witness will probably be cool but I still don't really know what it is. That'll also be on iOS. Just need other games on the list to justify the purchase ;) Bloodborne is one of those Souls games, right? Not a fan of them.

I would get GTA again in a heartbeat despite having spent 100s of hours on it over the past year.

Don't go next gen yet then!

Ignore the hype herd. I've played a few good games (and one stupidly addictive one and one amazing game) but I wish I'd gotten a Xbox 360 with hindsight. I could've played Radiant Silvergun, Ikaruga, Rez, all the Cave games and then stuff like Bioshock and Dark Souls. Remote Play could've waited. There really isn't anything uniquely great about the next gen consoles yet imo. Maybe by Christmas 2015.

On the weekend went to see my friend's new digs in Shepard's Bush. He's moved out of his parents house who are retiring and selling their home in Staines to move to Brighton. He works in Hammersmith so it's a good thing for him. Shepard's Bush is not bad. He has a nice collection of pubs nearby that are quite cosmopolitan without going full Shoreditch. As lame as it sounds I was quite impressed with the Wesfield Centre, the big shopping mall they have there. Tons of shit on his doorstep, I was mega jelly. They were doing some kind of movie memorabilia auction this weekend so it was nice to look around the display cases at costumes, props and miniatures from stuff like Connery-era James Bond, Terminator, Judge Dredd and more.

This weekend had my first night out drinking since I decided to quit smoking on Thursday. So far doing alright, didn't feel any particular craving while I was drinking which is unusual, may have been something to do with how damn cold it is suddenly. Anyway, last time I quit I was mad twitchy for a few days so it's probably for the best that I'm leaving my job this Wednesday, otherwise I'd stard suspecting everyone was plotting against me at work based on momentary serious eye contact with people I don't interact with like last time. Although that might have had nothing to do with quitting I don't know.

What I do know is that with the time I have left at work I won't be able to resolve the Flaming Train Wreck that is my personal working folder, stuffed full of out of date and unorganised information, mistakes and sloppyness from up to 12 months ago and beyond. The first phase of my cunning plan has been to hide it so it doesn't attract unwanted attention. Then, when the time comes I put it back in the cabinet on my last day and walk away from the apocalyptic mess I've left behind, Hollywood style. I'm also trying to get a half day on Wednesday as technically I've accrued enough paid leave to do that. Soon I will be able to wash my hands of it. Soon.

I picture you like Denzel in Man on Fire as your employer explodes behind you.


I was playing The Crew over remote play this weekend. I think it's the most fun I've had with a game this year, just driving round and checking shit out. Such a fucking huge map, all in the palm of my hand. The smaller screen flattered the less than stunning graphics and made it look great. November 11th can't get here soon enough.


I can't decide what looks better, The Crew, Driveclub or Project Cars.

The Crew has that crazy map, but I'm not sure how much faith I have in Ubisoft when it comes to driving games, Project Cars will be a full on sim to act as a stopgap for the next GT and Driveclub just seems to have some crazy tech stuff going on.

I think Driveclub has my vote right now but we'll see.


I can't decide what looks better, The Crew, Driveclub or Project Cars.

The Crew has that crazy map, but I'm not sure how much faith I have in Ubisoft when it comes to driving games, Project Cars will be a full on sim to act as a stopgap for the next GT and Driveclub just seems to have some crazy tech stuff going on.

I think Driveclub has my vote right now but we'll see.
All 3 for me. DC for arcade blasts and eye porn, PC for that sim goodness I'm missing on PS4, and The Crew to just kick back on the sofa with my Vita and cruise around. If I grab an XBone at Xmas, I'll grab FM5 and FH2 too.

I'm quite fond of racing games.
All 3 for me. DC for arcade blasts and eye porn, PC for that sim goodness I'm missing on PS4, and The Crew to just kick back on the sofa with my Vita and cruise around. If I grab an XBone at Xmas, I'll grab FM5 and FH2 too.

I'm quite fond of racing games.

I've had my eye on Driveclub for a while but have barely mentally registered the other racing games coming out around the same time. I don't really play racing games anyway, the only ones I ever spent any time with at all were Crash Team Racing and the original Burnout and I'm not sure they count.

I tried Driveclub at EGX and I was really shit. Still want to play it though, it does look stupidly pretty and I feel I should own one game of the genre. Until it came up in the thread I'd not even consciously considered The Crew as a possible purchase. I know very little about the game except it's Ubisoft and supposedly seamlessly open world. I'm wary of Ubisoft these days so not sure I believe the promises.

What's up with the name anyway? "The Crew" sounds like the name of some kind of Spaceship Management game similar to Simcity. I'd rather play that I think.


I've had my eye on Driveclub for a while but have barely mentally registered the other racing games coming out around the same time. I don't really play racing games anyway, the only ones I ever spent any time with at all were Crash Team Racing and the original Burnout and I'm not sure they count.

I tried Driveclub at EGX and I was really shit. Still want to play it though, it does look stupidly pretty and I feel I should own one game of the genre. Until it came up in the thread I'd not even consciously considered The Crew as a possible purchase. I know very little about the game except it's Ubisoft and supposedly seamlessly open world. I'm wary of Ubisoft these days so not sure I believe the promises.

What's up with the name anyway? "The Crew" sounds like the name of some kind of Spaceship Management game similar to Simcity. I'd rather play that I think.
I can't really talk about The Crew because of the NDA, all I'll say is it's a great game for me. Make of that what you will. I will say it is seamless and fucking HUGE though.

Driveclub definitely looks like a good racer for people that aren't normally into racers. I assume you have PS+? If so, at least you can try it yourself and decide later.
I can't really talk about The Crew because of the NDA, all I'll say is it's a great game for me. Make of that what you will. I will say it is seamless and fucking HUGE though.

Driveclub definitely looks like a good racer for people that aren't normally into racers. I assume you have PS+? If so, at least you can try it yourself and decide later.

Well la-dee-da check out Mr Bigshot over here.

Also yes I have PS+ so I intend to try before I buy, like the Sainsbury's deli counter except I might actually buy something I've tried this time.


Well la-dee-da check out Mr Bigshot over here.

Also yes I have PS+ so I intend to try before I buy, like the Sainsbury's deli counter except I might actually buy something I've tried this time.
It's just a closed beta, but with my PSN and gamer tag so easy to find, I don't want to risk getting myself blacklisted in the future. I like betas!

I thought I was the only one that blatantly abused the deli counter. It usually backfires when I end up buying tons of meat anyway.


formerly Oynox Slider
Remote play nearly worked!

I had a 3/5 4G signal on my Apple (tm) iPhone (tm) 6 on 4GEE from EE (tm) and managed to play a bit of Transistor and Infamous. The graphics went a bit mushy (especially on Infamous) but if I can find a coffee shop where I can get 5/5 and disable all background refreshing it might be good ...
It's just a closed beta, but with my PSN and gamer tag so easy to find, I don't want to risk getting myself blacklisted in the future. I like betas!

I thought I was the only one that blatantly abused the deli counter. It usually backfires when I end up buying tons of meat anyway.

I also abuse the free bits of stuff they put out on the end of toothpicks but I think everyone is guilty of that. I think they've cottoned on to me doing it though as I'll go back 5 or 6 times if they've got some nice cheese or smoked meat out. I kind of recognise the members of staff they have there including the deli folk. Recently one of the ladies there caught my eye as I came around for a second pass and she said "take two if you like!" and chuckled. Two bits of cheddar, what a flirt.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Tricky week this week. Mrs phisheep is not well, so I've got the shop on my own. Also scheduled to do an inquest on Friday, assuming the coroner lets me ask questions, since the client can't afford a proper barrister, so need to start schmoozing the coroner's court first thing tomorrow. Plus I need a new filing cabinet as my last one (15 years old) has at last run off its rails and narrowly avoided my foot.

New flat is nice. It'll be a proper (as in huge) Christmas tree this year.

Reminder folks, Weston-super-Mare carnival this year is on Friday 7th November. Most spectacular (by a long long way) carnival procession I have ever seen. I don't have space to accommodate people, as it has all been taken up by sons and daughters stuff, but if you are down this way give us a call. We're very close to the carnival route - the flat is about 50 yards from the main procession and the shop is right in the middle of it all (and we basically keep the shop open right up to when the procession starts).

If you are driving, get here early as fuck. Every parking space for about five miles out gets taken very quickly.

PM for details if you are down this way.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Greetings magnificent people,
How are we all doing?
I have lost my forum love and find it really hard to post these days and I only really lurk OT, I blame imgur

Does anybody else have lots to say but little motivation to post it? I think it's because my keyboard is woefully bad and I broke my mac charger so I can't use that..

I guess I'll do an update here for anyone who was wondering if I'm still alive

So Uni is great, I feel like I'm being challenged and although it's a bastard at times, it's really fun too.

I've made a butt load of friends and there's this girl danni who I really enjoy spending time with, I don't think we're gonna be going anywhere with it but she's cool anyway and stuff

I'm still on SSRIs but I'm going to start weening off them at the start of next year, woooo

Oh and my sister has had her child, I'm yet to meet it but I'm gonna make it a rugby player as soon as he can walk. He's beautiful and I am the proudest brother in the world right now.

I guess the only negative thing to say is that these days I don't express much of my feelings these days. People are genuinely shocked when I articulate any strong emotions. It's like I've built up a massive wall and whilst I thought I could bring it down at any time I genuinely have a hard time feeling guilt, shame, sadness or sympathy.. It's like when you get stuck on one emotion and mine is essentially...happy and loud..But I'm not? It's hard to explain... People used to come to me for chats about deep things. But now whilst I am considered somebody who's good to talk to and trustworthy, people won't come to me when they're down which sucks. Although I am asked for advice on women which is quite funny when my pickup-line is essentially "Hey you, fancy coming back to mine for some mediocre sex?"

I guess I have a list of questions to ask:

Who are the current regulars?
Is Mikeside doing well?
Dean, are you and your missus doing well?
Musha, are enjoying your job?
Is BGBW still a legend and would he be up for round two of smooches?
Does Chinner still pop in from time to time?
Has Owen managed to perfect his Hayley cosplay?
How is no angels and the babby doing?
Is Dapper still hilarious?
Does afoni still swear by nintendo?

Jedeye Sniv

Yeah fuck you Timmy, I feel a deep and personal hurt for not being on the list.

Glad you're still alive and that uni is good. I guess.


Woah, it's Timmy! Good to hear from you bro, glad things are going well. Embrace your new life mate!
Who are the current regulars?
Is Mikeside doing well?
Dean, are you and your missus doing well?
Musha, are enjoying your job?
Is BGBW still a legend and would he be up for round two of smooches?
Does Chinner still pop in from time to time?
Has Owen managed to perfect his Hayley cosplay?
How is no angels and the babby doing?
Is Dapper still hilarious?
Does afoni still swear by nintendo?
  • "New" regulars would probably be show me your skeleton, Nerdkiller and The Poet
  • I think so, he's loved up, has a new house and his job sounds like it's taking a turn for the better
  • Again, I believe this to be the case
  • I'm pretty sure she's loving it
  • Yup, hasn't posted in a week or so though
  • Nope, haven't seen him for ages
  • Yes, I'm a regular doppelganger these days
  • Pretty well last I heard, but again, he's not posting that much these days, busy I guess
  • Absolutely, cracks me up regularly
  • Of course
Answering other people's questions? Not cool Minj.

Hey Tash, good to see you back in here bro. I am still enjoying my job thanks. Although I'm currently at home ill, I am actually logged in and doing work, which I guess says I give a shit about it, so that's good.


Greetings magnificent people,
How are we all doing?
I have lost my forum love and find it really hard to post these days and I only really lurk OT, I blame imgur

Does anybody else have lots to say but little motivation to post it? I think it's because my keyboard is woefully bad and I broke my mac charger so I can't use that..

I guess I'll do an update here for anyone who was wondering if I'm still alive

So Uni is great, I feel like I'm being challenged and although it's a bastard at times, it's really fun too.

I've made a butt load of friends and there's this girl danni who I really enjoy spending time with, I don't think we're gonna be going anywhere with it but she's cool anyway and stuff

I'm still on SSRIs but I'm going to start weening off them at the start of next year, woooo

Oh and my sister has had her child, I'm yet to meet it but I'm gonna make it a rugby player as soon as he can walk. He's beautiful and I am the proudest brother in the world right now.

I guess the only negative thing to say is that these days I don't express much of my feelings these days. People are genuinely shocked when I articulate any strong emotions. It's like I've built up a massive wall and whilst I thought I could bring it down at any time I genuinely have a hard time feeling guilt, shame, sadness or sympathy.. It's like when you get stuck on one emotion and mine is essentially...happy and loud..But I'm not? It's hard to explain... People used to come to me for chats about deep things. But now whilst I am considered somebody who's good to talk to and trustworthy, people won't come to me when they're down which sucks. Although I am asked for advice on women which is quite funny when my pickup-line is essentially "Hey you, fancy coming back to mine for some mediocre sex?"

I guess I have a list of questions to ask:

Who are the current regulars?
Is Mikeside doing well?
Dean, are you and your missus doing well?
Musha, are enjoying your job?
Is BGBW still a legend and would he be up for round two of smooches?
Does Chinner still pop in from time to time?
Has Owen managed to perfect his Hayley cosplay?
How is no angels and the babby doing?
Is Dapper still hilarious?
Does afoni still swear by nintendo?

We're great, thanks. Talking babbies, houses and marriage so I suppose that's good.

As for your no extreme feelings, welcome to SSRIs, mane. Cunting drugs that help some do fuck all for others and even make some poor bastards even worse.


Maturity, bitches.
I've got a bit of a cold but not so bad that I can't go to work, though my brain is a bit dead. Fell into the trap of saying "I'm fine thank you" when someone asked me how I was when I'm clearly not.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
oh yeah shit, how's cheezmos bae too, has anybody met him?
No specific question for me?

Get out. I'm not answering any questions.
Hey sploatee, I bought sushi yesterday because it was reduced and I enjoyed the shit out of it and for that I blame you.

Yeah fuck you Timmy, I feel a deep and personal hurt for not being on the list.

Glad you're still alive and that uni is good. I guess.
Sorry mate, but you're too active on facebook for me to ask about you on here as you are one of my regular stalking victims
Woah, it's Timmy! Good to hear from you bro, glad things are going well. Embrace your new life mate!

  • "New" regulars would probably be show me your skeleton, Nerdkiller and The Poet
  • I think so, he's loved up, has a new house and his job sounds like it's taking a turn for the better
  • Again, I believe this to be the case
  • I'm pretty sure she's loving it
  • Yup, hasn't posted in a week or so though
  • Nope, haven't seen him for ages
  • Yes, I'm a regular doppelganger these days
  • Pretty well last I heard, but again, he's not posting that much these days, busy I guess
  • Absolutely, cracks me up regularly
  • Of course
this is excellent
Answering other people's questions? Not cool Minj.

Hey Tash, good to see you back in here bro. I am still enjoying my job thanks. Although I'm currently at home ill, I am actually logged in and doing work, which I guess says I give a shit about it, so that's good.
woo, it's nice to give shits isn't it?

We're great, thanks. Talking babbies, houses and marriage so I suppose that's good.

As for your no extreme feelings, welcome to SSRIs, mane. Cunting drugs that help some do fuck all for others and even make some poor bastards even worse.
holy shiiiit that's great mayn.

Also cheers for insight.

I've got a bit of a cold but not so bad that I can't go to work, though my brain is a bit dead. Fell into the trap of saying "I'm fine thank you" when someone asked me how I was when I'm clearly not.

Having a sickness bug fucking sucks but on the plus side I've lost a little bit of weight.

Come on guys, an apple a day should solve this


Got a lovely cold coming myself.

Might have to take a week off and play Iron Banner....

Anyone going to the NFL London game in a couple weeks Lions vs Falcons?


Itchy Feet at Mint tonight, apparently it's one of their busiest nights and an absolute blast to work:



Eilidh reckons she's expecting 600+ through the door, DJ will be playing Swing, Ska, Funk, Soul, Rock & Roll, Rhythm and Blues, etc, should be good fun!


A week? I posted yesterday!
Soz mate, I must've missed that one.
Answering other people's questions? Not cool Minj.
I just wanted to provide a comprehensive answer for Timothy, accept my sincere apologies Mush.

(I think I got it pretty spot on though to be fair!)
oh yeah shit, how's cheezmos bae too, has anybody met him?
He was going to come out with me, Cheez and sploat and her missus the other day but was apparently a bit under the weather. Cheez showed me pics though, he's totes dreamy.
Ahh, my exams is done! Only nice things to look forward to for the rest of the year :-D

Don't we get new PS+ games today / tomozz? Life is pretty sweet right now
Nice to see a bit of Tash Gordon, things sound positive on your end which is good to hear.

I'm on top of my shit today, sometimes you just get a good feeling.

Got some new bands to listen to and some mindless work to go through as I go. The crisp October air has made it necessary for me to wear a sweater to work and now I feel toasty and cosy like a Boxing Day morning. I thought I'd have found it harder to give up cigarettes but the cravings I expected just aren't coming. Also just sent off an application for a provisional driver's license so next time BritGAF hits the town I might not even be carrying my pasport as ID, shock horror. Also got a date with Destiny ce soir so my evening's all sorted out too.

Everything is Tres Fucking Bon even if my job does end tommorow.
Nice to see a bit of Tash Gordon, things sound positive on your end which is good to hear.

I'm on top of my shit today, sometimes you just get a good feeling.

Got some new bands to listen to and some mindless work to go through as I go. The crisp October air has made it necessary for me to wear a sweater to work and now I feel toasty and cosy like a Boxing Day morning. I thought I'd have found it harder to give up cigarettes but the cravings I expected just aren't coming. Also just sent off an application for a provisional driver's license so next time BritGAF hits the town I might not even be carrying my pasport as ID, shock horror. Also got a date with Destiny ce soir so my evening's all sorted out too.

Everything is Tres Fucking Bon even if my job does end tommorow.

Yiss. This is probably my favourite type of weather - wintry and crisp, high-pressure with endless blue cloudless sky. I've also got a selection of big coats that I actually enjoy wearing. Autumn is welcome as far as I'm concerned.

You having a leaving do at your work?
Yiss. This is probably my favourite type of weather - wintry and crisp, high-pressure with endless blue cloudless sky. I've also got a selection of big coats that I actually enjoy wearing. Autumn is welcome as far as I'm concerned.

You having a leaving do at your work?

Autumn is great so long as it's not too wet as far as I'm concerned. I like the cool feeling on your skin, seeing your breath etc.

Leaving do, not as such. I'm getting together with my fellow contractors and one of the girls that was let go ahead of us for lunch and drinks next week.

Tommorow though we'll have to endure a fairly cringey goodbye speech from our resident "hands-on-hips, loud shirt and transparent grin" style HR guy, who will gather unwilling co-workers in a circle around us as he quotes bits of our CVs he read for the first time 15 minutes before so he can pretend he knows us. I'm cynical about it because I've been there for 5 of these this year already. Everyone stands there with their hands in their pockets waiting to get back to whatever they were in the middle of doing, someone we actually like gives us a card, the speech peters out and everyone obediently claps then gets back to work. As you can tell I can't wait.

Actually looking forward to a bit of downtime between possible jobs. Got a few new ideas for NaNoWriMo next month too.
Autumn is great so long as it's not too wet as far as I'm concerned. I like the cool feeling on your skin, seeing your breath etc.

Leaving do, not as such. I'm getting together with my fellow contractors and one of the girls that was let go ahead of us for lunch and drinks next week.

Tommorow though we'll have to endure a fairly cringey goodbye speech from our resident "hands-on-hips, loud shirt and transparent grin" style HR guy, who will gather unwilling co-workers in a circle around us as he quotes bits of our CVs he read for the first time 15 minutes before so he can pretend he knows us. I'm cynical about it because I've been there for 5 of these this year already. Everyone stands there with their hands in their pockets waiting to get back to whatever they were in the middle of doing, someone we actually like gives us a card, the speech peters out and everyone obediently claps then gets back to work. As you can tell I can't wait.

Actually looking forward to a bit of downtime between possible jobs. Got a few new ideas for NaNoWriMo next month too.

Bleh, yeah that does sound pretty cringey. I can picture it exactly. Shame it's probably too late to edit some mad stuff into your CV to see if that guy still reads it out...

You should post a link to your No in here, I'd deffo read it. You've got a good writing style.
Bleh, yeah that does sound pretty cringey. I can picture it exactly. Shame it's probably too late to edit some mad stuff into your CV to see if that guy still reads it out...

You should post a link to your No in here, I'd deffo read it. You've got a good writing style.

lol a missed opportunity.

When asked what my next move is I might just blurt out something weird like "I'm joining the French Foreign Legion!"

As for NaNoWriMo, I appreciate what you said. But I always find it a bastard putting what's in my head into text when confronted with the Great White Void that is the first page of a word document. If I can pull something off I'll definitely share though.


Itchy Feet at Mint tonight, apparently it's one of their busiest nights and an absolute blast to work:

Eilidh reckons she's expecting 600+ through the door, DJ will be playing Swing, Ska, Funk, Soul, Rock & Roll, Rhythm and Blues, etc, should be good fun!
Daaaaaaaamn that sounds great I'm jealous.


Our Girl is a bit alright, ain't it? Not so much critically quality drama wise speaking, but it's got it's heart in the right place at least.


BBC Music have done some nice big thing of a cover of God Only Knows. Loads of people, some you'll go "oh fuck off" some you'll go "oh they did it!" and others "oh who are they young musician of the year nope not a fecking clue". I quite liked it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqLTe8h0-jo

I'd be less anti- it if BBC radio hadn't hyped it up like it's a big deal.

They literally said they'd been gearing up to it for years. Don't M&S basically do something like this every Christmas for an advert?
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