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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Sup! New joiner here :)

When is your birthday: 28/04/1990
Where do you live: East London, Leytonstone.
Where are you from: London
What do you do: Market Risk analyst at Nomura
What is your quest: To find one...?
Favourite actor/actress: Leonardo Dicaprio / Rani Mukherjee
Favourite band/artist: Utada Hikaru
Favourite TV show: LOST
Favourite crisps: Worcester Sauce Walkers
Favourite biscuit: Chocolate hobnobs
Least favourite Pokémon: Blastoise
Stalactites or stalagmites: Stalactites
How do you cut your sandwiches: In half

Hope we get along.

Jedeye Sniv

Been holding this post until things got a bit quieter in here so it didn't get lost amongst posts. Got a few things on my mind at the moment and I'm sharing them with you in hopes of getting advice and help.

First, a little about myself. Have no friends in Dawlish and very few in Exeter (in fact there are more people in Exeter who I want nothing to do with). My best friend lives in Watford, another close friend lives in Dagenham and other friends live in or near London. If I get into University (which depends on the results of a test I'll have to take) I'll be moving to London in August. If I don't, then I'll start saving up money to move out for next year. As for personality, I'm quiet, shy and get nervous easily. I try my best to be a kind person though. And apparently I'm creative but I don't see that.

I've met a couple of people recently who I've been hanging out with. The catch? They've known each other for a long time. When we meet up, for the most part the two of them are always talking amongst each other. I try to get a word in but it's rather ignored or they acknowledge it and reply before going back to talking to each other. Now I'm not expecting them to talk to me all the time but a little conversation would be nice. I want to be friends with them because they seem like good people but I can't help but feel that they're not giving me that chance.

Which leads me to my next issue. I have a bit of a problem with paranoia. I keep thinking there's some sort of hidden meaning behind what people do or say when it's regarding me. Mostly happens on forums actually, since I make a post that's about something personal, something important or just a question, and when I return to the topic I see that, most of the time, no one's replied to it and they're still talking about whatever they're talking about. I look at it the wrong way and think that they don't want to talk to me for whatever reason. Thankfully I haven't lashed out at anyone over a misinterpretation.

Speaking of lashing out, this is a problem I have. I don't really lash out often at people, in fact the last time I did was early 2010 (two instances. One was at a friend who made a harmless joke when I asked for help and I snapped at him and the other was when someone who I've hated since school made a joke about a friend of mine that had recently died. He knew that it would bother me, he just didn't expect me to lose my temper and attack him. Thankfully I was dragged away before things got really nasty), but I worry about controlling my anger at times, since I feel that it's building up. I sound like the Hulk here but I just worry too much about when and who I'll take my anger out on. I don't want a friend to make a harmless joke that I'll take the wrong way and react badly to.

Finally, this is probably my biggest concern. Keeping things to myself for too long (if I ever share). Been thinking about it recently but I've realised that I haven't really told anyone much about myself. The person who knows the most about me at the moment still doesn't that much about me. Ok sure most of the stuff isn't stuff you'd bring up in a conversation. Even when people ask "Tell me about yourself", I tend to avoid the question or go for the bare minimum. I really don't know why since there's nothing for me to be ashamed of. Ok sure, a lot of depressing stuff's happened, but a lot of uplifting stuff has happened as well.

TL;DR - Issues with talking in a group that I feel doesn't want me involved. I get paranoid at times and take what would be a harmless gesture as something else. I worry about when I'll take my anger out on someone innocent and who it'll be. And I feel that I keep things to myself so much, so people don't really know a lot about me.

And don't worry, I promise this will be my last post like this for a while. Happy Son will be back soon. Even if it means a break from things.

What up D. I know there are a fair few of our number with anxiety issues and paranoia and all that good stuff, so I shall leave to more experienced minds to share their experiences with you. What I want to stress to you though is that we really are some of the most chill and not-actually-judgmental people that I know of. Take our friend Cy as example. Yes he can be a berk and he says some mad things, but he's as much a part of this place as anyone, and even when we take the piss (as today), it's coming from a place with tongues firmly in cheeks and massive shit eating grins on faces. SO basically what I'm saying is that if he can survive here you totally can.

IMO forum life is mostly about the craic as Ninja would say. Worth in the group can come from many places - a funny turn of phrase, interesting/mad ideas, the ability to join in a good natured dogpile. And if you don't feel up to that, then simply hanging out and throwing your two penneth in is just as good. We all need an audience to laugh at our terrible jokes after all.

Really, we just want this place to be as low-stress and chill as possible, and so far you've done a great job of contributing to the vibe of the place. If you find that a post gets ignored or ran over in our haste to be first with the next zinger then by all means post again.

One serious thing though, i take it from your posts that you've experienced a serious bereavement in your recent past and I can totally understand how that would fuck you up. But please remember if anything that you as a person are not necessarily just a product of the various terrible things that have happened to you. Instead, be about your ideas and your worldview, the things that you will take forward with you into the rest of your life.

Also, you are articulate and thoughtful and you write with clarity - you can totally get that english qual and into uni. Go for it!


Maturity, bitches.
Coldman informs me it wasn't him so I can only conclude it is either afoni or chinner someone is pulling my leg with a fake note. Though I have to say making someone else look generous is a rather strange joke to play.


Welcome nawz! Make yourself at home. Read Jed's recent post, it says it all really.
Coldman informs me it wasn't him so I can only conclude it is either afoni or chinner someone is pulling my leg with a fake note. Though I have to say making someone else look generous is a rather strange joke to play.
That's totally Chinner, he did it for the craic innit.


Great SecretSanta by the way, that's a proper set of gifts!


Knows the Score
Been holding this post until things got a bit quieter in here so it didn't get lost amongst posts. Got a few things on my mind at the moment and I'm sharing them with you in hopes of getting advice and help.

First, a little about myself. Have no friends in Dawlish and very few in Exeter (in fact there are more people in Exeter who I want nothing to do with). My best friend lives in Watford, another close friend lives in Dagenham and other friends live in or near London. If I get into University (which depends on the results of a test I'll have to take) I'll be moving to London in August. If I don't, then I'll start saving up money to move out for next year. As for personality, I'm quiet, shy and get nervous easily. I try my best to be a kind person though. And apparently I'm creative but I don't see that.

I've met a couple of people recently who I've been hanging out with. The catch? They've known each other for a long time. When we meet up, for the most part the two of them are always talking amongst each other. I try to get a word in but it's rather ignored or they acknowledge it and reply before going back to talking to each other. Now I'm not expecting them to talk to me all the time but a little conversation would be nice. I want to be friends with them because they seem like good people but I can't help but feel that they're not giving me that chance.

Which leads me to my next issue. I have a bit of a problem with paranoia. I keep thinking there's some sort of hidden meaning behind what people do or say when it's regarding me. Mostly happens on forums actually, since I make a post that's about something personal, something important or just a question, and when I return to the topic I see that, most of the time, no one's replied to it and they're still talking about whatever they're talking about. I look at it the wrong way and think that they don't want to talk to me for whatever reason. Thankfully I haven't lashed out at anyone over a misinterpretation.

Speaking of lashing out, this is a problem I have. I don't really lash out often at people, in fact the last time I did was early 2010 (two instances. One was at a friend who made a harmless joke when I asked for help and I snapped at him and the other was when someone who I've hated since school made a joke about a friend of mine that had recently died. He knew that it would bother me, he just didn't expect me to lose my temper and attack him. Thankfully I was dragged away before things got really nasty), but I worry about controlling my anger at times, since I feel that it's building up. I sound like the Hulk here but I just worry too much about when and who I'll take my anger out on. I don't want a friend to make a harmless joke that I'll take the wrong way and react badly to.

Finally, this is probably my biggest concern. Keeping things to myself for too long (if I ever share). Been thinking about it recently but I've realised that I haven't really told anyone much about myself. The person who knows the most about me at the moment still doesn't that much about me. Ok sure most of the stuff isn't stuff you'd bring up in a conversation. Even when people ask "Tell me about yourself", I tend to avoid the question or go for the bare minimum. I really don't know why since there's nothing for me to be ashamed of. Ok sure, a lot of depressing stuff's happened, but a lot of uplifting stuff has happened as well.

TL;DR - Issues with talking in a group that I feel doesn't want me involved. I get paranoid at times and take what would be a harmless gesture as something else. I worry about when I'll take my anger out on someone innocent and who it'll be. And I feel that I keep things to myself so much, so people don't really know a lot about me.

And don't worry, I promise this will be my last post like this for a while. Happy Son will be back soon. Even if it means a break from things.

Most others are probably experiencing similar thoughts to you and are more concerned about themselves, a sock that's slowing disappearing into their boot, which checkout queue has the smallest number of slow movers or whether there's an open bottle of coke at home.

Just be yourself, and if you're at a loose end find something you're interested in. There will always be someone else you can relax and feel comfortable with. Even if it is on tumblr. I found great comfort in Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s works when I was young and kind of lost about what life was supposed to be.

We're all children trapped in ageing meat machines stumbling our way through responsibility and adulthood without a map. You'll find your way.

Also, don't worry about people on forums ignoring you, they're probably not doing so deliberately. Some posts can get lost, this one would have probably been skipped over during today and that wouldn't have been through any slight against you.

Sup! New joiner here :)

When is your birthday: 28/04/1990
Where do you live: East London, Leytonstone.
Where are you from: London
What do you do: Market Risk analyst at Nomura
What is your quest: To find one...?
Favourite actor/actress: Leonardo Dicaprio / Rani Mukherjee
Favourite band/artist: Utada Hikaru
Favourite TV show: LOST
Favourite crisps: Worcester Sauce Walkers
Favourite biscuit: Chocolate hobnobs
Least favourite Pokémon: Blastoise
Stalactites or stalagmites: Stalactites
How do you cut your sandwiches: In half

Hope we get along.

Hello! Pull up a chair!

I'd suggest not reading over the last few pages as the conversation has been, uh, quite eclectic today for various reasons.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Sup! New joiner here :)

'nother financial guy eh? Welcome.

Just want to check, did you do your research here - like read the last coupla pages to see what you were letting yourself in for ...

... uh huh ...

... and you still signed up, well good luck to ya ...

See you in another life brutha.
Sup! New joiner here :)

When is your birthday: 28/04/1990
Where do you live: East London, Leytonstone.
Where are you from: London
What do you do: Market Risk analyst at Nomura
What is your quest: To find one...?
Favourite actor/actress: Leonardo Dicaprio / Rani Mukherjee
Favourite band/artist: Utada Hikaru
Favourite TV show: LOST
Favourite crisps: Worcester Sauce Walkers
Favourite biscuit: Chocolate hobnobs
Least favourite Pokémon: Blastoise
Stalactites or stalagmites: Stalactites
How do you cut your sandwiches: In half

Hope we get along.

Welcome! You are 3 tube stops away from me.

Son Of D

Thanks guys and girls for the advice and encouragement guys and girls. It helps :).

How long have you known them? Are they inviting you to places or are you hanging on? Give it some time, I reckon. Reassess later. If the situation doesn't change after that, it may never do.

I've known them for just over a month. And it's usually them asking me to tag along. Maybe I'm looking at things the wrong way. I'll see how it goes in the future.

Probably the best advice came from a really old friend of mine (one of my few friends that I've not pissed off or isolated!) - I was going through a really paranoid, low self-esteem phase and he said that a lot of the time when you are thinking people are thinking about you, they're not. They're thinking about themselves. Just like you are thinking about yourself. People spend all day in their own worlds and it's very very unlikely they even spend a moment thinking in detail about someone else's mind. Basically, you could run down the street on fire, and people would look for a second, say "oh, someone's on fire" and then go back to their own little world.

This is definitely good advice actually. I'm definitely going to keep this in mind for the future. Thanks :D.

Also for LondonGAF, I'm planning a visit to London in March or April. I'll keep y'all updated in case anyone's free for a mini-meet.

Sup! New joiner here :)

When is your birthday: 28/04/1990
Where do you live: East London, Leytonstone.
Where are you from: London
What do you do: Market Risk analyst at Nomura
What is your quest: To find one...?
Favourite actor/actress: Leonardo Dicaprio / Rani Mukherjee
Favourite band/artist: Utada Hikaru
Favourite TV show: LOST
Favourite crisps: Worcester Sauce Walkers
Favourite biscuit: Chocolate hobnobs
Least favourite Pokémon: Blastoise
Stalactites or stalagmites: Stalactites
How do you cut your sandwiches: In half

Hope we get along.

Hello there. Hope you enjoy BritGAF, quite the shenanigans go on here.


So my Secret Santa was Coldman! Thanks very much!


The Iwata cup says "Please understand" on the back and the Pikachu folds out to be a pillow. Oh and the book is a puberty book called "What's happening to my body?" which I'm sure you can all guess which Nintendo joke that is a reference to.

that pikachu is the best thing i have ever seen in my fucking life


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Been holding this post until things got a bit quieter in here so it didn't get lost amongst posts. Got a few things on my mind at the moment and I'm sharing them with you in hopes of getting advice and help.

... [followed by a bunch of decently thought-out, well-expressed and properly qualified stuff about self] ...

Well, Son of D,

The fact you held back before posting this, and the way you expressed it all suggests to me that you're the thoughtful considerate type. I suspect that apart from overthinking things a bit you've probably got no greater problems than living in Dawlish.

Few friends, hard fitting in with new people? All standard stuff which nearly everybody has got.

Anger issues? You lashed out twice three years ago then either you've got it under control or are in a padded cell. Well yeah, Dawlish I know ...

Mild paranoia? Happens to the best of us. Particularly online, everybody's way more interested in either following a particular conversation or in what they have to say.

As for keeping stuff to yourself, that's all down to how you want to play it. I play my personal stuff close to the chest, after all it's got to last a lifetime.

Not trying to downplay your stuff at all sir. Just the reasonable rational way you've approach it all sounds like you're in a perfectly normal situation. Except in Dawlish.

Post again though and I'll try not to ignore it - if I can find it under all the nappies.

Son Of D

Well, Son of D,

The fact you held back before posting this, and the way you expressed it all suggests to me that you're the thoughtful considerate type. I suspect that apart from overthinking things a bit you've probably got no greater problems than living in Dawlish.

Few friends, hard fitting in with new people? All standard stuff which nearly everybody has got.

Anger issues? You lashed out twice three years ago then either you've got it under control or are in a padded cell. Well yeah, Dawlish I know ...

Mild paranoia? Happens to the best of us. Particularly online, everybody's way more interested in either following a particular conversation or in what they have to say.

As for keeping stuff to yourself, that's all down to how you want to play it. I play my personal stuff close to the chest, after all it's got to last a lifetime.

Not trying to downplay your stuff at all sir. Just the reasonable rational way you've approach it all sounds like you're in a perfectly normal situation. Except in Dawlish.

Post again though and I'll try not to ignore it - if I can find it under all the nappies.

It's all fine. I wanted honesty from you guys and I'm getting that. It most likely is a case of me overthinking things and getting the wrong idea from events and actions.


'nother financial guy eh? Welcome.

Just want to check, did you do your research here - like read the last coupla pages to see what you were letting yourself in for ...

... uh huh ...

... and you still signed up, well good luck to ya ...

See you in another life brutha.

Hah! It's just something in me that told me to post on this thread. It just wouldn't feel right if I ignored this.

But yeah, if any brit-gaffers in London like doing Shisha/hookah let me know. We can go out for a smoke.

Jedeye Sniv

Sup! New joiner here :)

When is your birthday: 28/04/1990
Where do you live: East London, Leytonstone.
Where are you from: London
What do you do: Market Risk analyst at Nomura
What is your quest: To find one...?
Favourite actor/actress: Leonardo Dicaprio / Rani Mukherjee
Favourite band/artist: Utada Hikaru
Favourite TV show: LOST
Favourite crisps: Worcester Sauce Walkers
Favourite biscuit: Chocolate hobnobs
Least favourite Pokémon: Blastoise
Stalactites or stalagmites: Stalactites
How do you cut your sandwiches: In half

Hope we get along.

I see London, foreign stuff and choc hob nobs, you'll do just fine my freind

Jedeye Sniv

Hah! It's just something in me that told me to post on this thread. It just wouldn't feel right if I ignored this.

But yeah, if any brit-gaffers in London like doing Shisha/hookah let me know. We can go out for a smoke.

smoke weed like a grownup mane
The last minute of that video looks so unlike how an Alien should act

What, the walking around? I don't see what's wrong with that. Aliens didn't just hang around on all fours like a dog crawling into vents, they were made tall so they looked imposing when bipedal.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I've known them for just over a month. And it's usually them asking me to tag along. Maybe I'm looking at things the wrong way. I'll see how it goes in the future.

That's encouraging, they must be inviting you for a reason. Put it down to them having known each for a long time and just naturally falling into a pattern of talking to each other.


Why the fuck would you hold a meeting at 8am? It doesn't even relate to me, at all. Set of cunts!

Happy Birthday Guerrillas, hope you have a good one! It's my bro's birthday today too.


oh no, snow, like there needs to be any more reason to cause traffic... T-T

oh well, just bought myself a Qanba Q4RAF stick, hyped.


Notts, it's stopped for now but I'm not going to get my hopes up. That could be the warning shots, it could end up really coming down overnight D:

I'd totally forgotten you were a northman. You should seek out Donkey Show and his ladygirl - they're near you. Not that he's been active here in fookin' ages :(
I won't get worried. Though I am going to be in Manchester next week all the way up until my birthday.

I swear to god if the snow means I can't get back down south then I'm actually going to kill somebody.


I'd totally forgotten you were a northman. You should seek out Donkey Show and his ladygirl - they're near you. Not that he's been active here in fookin' ages :(
I won't get worried. Though I am going to be in Manchester next week all the way up until my birthday.

I swear to god if the snow means I can't get back down south then I'm actually going to kill somebody.

Donkey Show is too busy with his OTL, and I'll be joining him sometime next week.
I heard about the snow, checked the forecast, there's no mention of it in the next few days. I is confus :/

I know I'm on the tail end of this Son of D, but I'll offer some advice.

One thing I've learned which helps me a lot is to stay one step ahead of your mind, to recognize common but problematic thought patterns and deal with them before they start to control your perception and interaction with the world. One of the issues with the human brain is that once a thought pattern like depression, paranoia etc becomes commonplace, your brain will follow those patterns subconsciously and it becomes really difficult to change your mindset.

This has all become a bit pseudosciency. When you can, try to step back and see what causes those kinds of feelings, how that affects you and what makes you feel better. Tackle those individually as opposed to all at once so they are manageable. Then you can mull them over, apply some reason and rationality and figure out how to stop thoughts you don't want before you get them.

I can sympathise with the new mates thing though. Last bit of advice, I'm not sure if it applies to you or not though. Say you're in a situation where some friends (but ones you're not fully relaxed and comfortable with) ask if you want to do something on a weekend, go somewhere, and you're uncomfortable/anxious because you think it might be awkward or you won't enjoy yourself: do it. Summoning some determination to do something you're not confident about and then having a good time is a wonderful feeling. Even if it doesn't go that well, you'll know you tried and won't be sat thinking "what if?" many nights later.

/unusually serious post


Notts, it's stopped for now but I'm not going to get my hopes up. That could be the warning shots, it could end up really coming down overnight D:
I've got a clumsy missus who's eight months pregnant :(

I'm surprised you didn't hear me shout 'NOOOOOO!' when the snow started falling.

I did get a cool slow-motion video out of the snowfall though. At least there's that.

Jedeye Sniv

Hey Mike I just listened to a Shins song without skipping it, are you proud of me??

So I was thinking, who's interested in a new 2014 mixtape exchange? Loved the mixes I got from you guys last year and I could def do it again. Bare your souls to me in a list of your favourite songs pls.
Hey Mike I just listened to a Shins song without skipping it, are you proud of me??

So I was thinking, who's interested in a new 2014 mixtape exchange? Loved the mixes I got from you guys last year and I could def do it again. Bare your souls to me in a list of your favourite songs pls.

Can I have a mixtape entitled "Can I Borrow a Feeling?" containing the very best of Wham!, Duran Duran and Adam and the Ants? Thanx


Hey Mike I just listened to a Shins song without skipping it, are you proud of me??

So I was thinking, who's interested in a new 2014 mixtape exchange? Loved the mixes I got from you guys last year and I could def do it again. Bare your souls to me in a list of your favourite songs pls.

So proud!
What song was it?
I'm well up for a new playlist - should there be some kind of a theme, or just dive in cock first?
Got Gravity Rush on my Vita recently.

This game...

Very cool concept, I didn't know a lot about it before I picked it up.

I'm finding the controls a tad fiddly at times but otherwise it's good. Really like the music in the game so far as well. A good soundtrack makes a big difference in a game, western games these days don't put as much effort into music it seems to me.

Occasionally you get some really good stuff like Jesper Kyd's soundtracks but it's less common.


Maturity, bitches.
Well if he point out a decent deal I may consider one.

Disappointed that Sony hasn't progressed since the days of the Ford Model T and offers the Vita in any colour you want as long as it is black,
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