8.2 from IGN
5/5 from joystiq
5/5 from fragzone
5/5 from joystiq
5/5 from fragzone
Why have I only just discovered this game?! It looks glorious. I will get it on PSN when it launches.
sure they're not the same team because this one is on a tighter budget. But atleast they still exists.
beautiful atmosphere
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is remarkably simple in its design and premise and surprisingly dark and mature in it's story. Coupled together, Starbreeze have crafted one of the best games of the year.
5/5 from Swedens biggest gaming site.
OK. This seems more and more as a must play.
""Brothers' crowning moment is magnificent - as potent an example of games as an emotional storytelling tool as I've ever seen.""
Amazed that this is scoring so highly. I played a few hours last night and, whilst I did enjoy it, the controls do feel awkward at times.
Even though I'm super-hyped, I honestly think that Swedish media might be prone to Fares-bias. I know I am. I love the dude, but I think I'll keep my expectations a bit lowered.
Pain in the ass that the PSN-release is that far ahead.
Is there a Steam release date? Oh, nice avatar Moobabe.Day One on steam, good job fellas.
I am playing it right now, and I am surprised that budget starbreeze can deliver an emotional title like this. This is their best game after the original Riddick.
I hope we dont see another fps from starbreeze.
We need more games made by Swedish filmmakers... looks beautiful
Will purchase regardless of quality. Although, not sure about twin stick controls.
There was the odd moment when the little brother was on the left of big brother instead of the right and my head melted.
Looks great, but I'm a bit concerned because I have trouble with controls like this due to palsy. Is it fairly slow-paced?
Is it just the demo that's up in NA? Full game comes later today right?