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Budweiser Wants To Buy Corona | DOJ: "LOL"

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one of the few perks of living in indianapolis. zombie dust has been on tap all over the place in indy the past few months, it's fuckin great. nothing beats gumball head though...that's even hard to get around here where they sell other three floyd's.

I think my friend and I had a sampler of Zombie Dust. We thought it tasted like pig shit but I can't remember what kind of beer it is.

Seriously, they gave me an ounce sampler of it and I didn't finish it.



No. Its not the best beer by far, but its good.

i guess for some people here, if the beer doesn't come from a hipster's Williamsburg apartment bathtub, its auto-bad.

Oh come on. I'll drink miller or bud if that's all that's around, but I strongly prefer getting locally brewed Bells. Not because of some hipster cred (shit, everyone around here drinks that stuff) but because it tastes and feels better. I always feel gassy (burpy) after drinking miller and bud. The only way I can tolerate Corona is if I put a a bunch of fresh lime in there, and even then it's not something I think tastes great. Without the lime, however, it tastes absolutely terrible to me.


What actually is the best Mexican beer? I'm fond of Dos Equis. My local mexican joint gives you a huge mug with a lime wedge for like $4. Shit is amazing.

Does Mexican breweries even make exotic styles of beer? Sour, Barely Wine, Triple, Imperial/Double IPA, Stouts, Quadruples, Porters, etc. etc?

I know there's "dark" style of Mexican beer, such as the Negra Modelo. Also, their Christmas (or Festive) beers but..

Edit: Maybe I just don't see them sale in my city. When my city thinks of "Mexican beer" they think the typical yellow Corona, etc.
Never knew that Modelo made Corona...because I've never liked Corona. Negra Modelo is my go-to beer at Mexican restaurants though.

My man.

With giant corporations going all Highlander more and more every year, I wonder what the last one standing will be? PepsiCo? WalMart? Disney? There can be only one!


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
With giant corporations going all Highlander more and more every year, I wonder what the last one standing will be? PepsiCo? WalMart? Disney? There can be only one!

I already pay more for beer, but it's worth it:


A guy sent me a six-pack of Zombie Dust, Gumballhead and Alpha King in the mail. Not mindblowing since I'm in Seattle and have access to incredible PNW beers, but still pretty damn amazing.

Ashevillian here. I can get most beers but I have yet to see a Three Floyds beer. Makes me sad.

Three Floyds has extremely limited distribution. Last I heard it was Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin (limited), Kentucky (limited) and Japan. Yep. Japan.
A monopoly on the most flavorless and weak beers in the world. I say let 'em do it. Although Corona >>>>>>>> Bud. Both suck.

Negra Modelo fo life.


Negra Modelo is my number two "go-to" beer overall anyway (behind Shiner Bock) in terms of plain ol bar drinking.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
My dad used to work for Miller and the marketing guys were always pretty somber because beer is a stagnant good where companies fight over the same marketshare.

I suppose the only real alternative is to buy out the competition. Like people have said though, fears over inflated prices may be overstated since microbrews are still reasonably priced and the barrier of entry is so low that if they ever did raise prices substantially, someone will take advantage.
No offense but Budweiser is probably the worst tasting beer ever. It's really a beer sold on image more than anything because i can't believe someone drinks this piss because it tastes good. It especially irritates me that a lot of places in the us serve nothing but Budweiser. It's like you ask them for a Heineken and they look at you with that mean face...

Rednecks love it though, it resonates well with rock, pickup trucks, american football and stuff like that.
No offense but Budweiser is probably the worst tasting beer ever. It's really a beer sold on image more than anything because i can't believe someone drinks this piss because it tastes good. It especially irritates me that a lot of places in the us serve nothing but Budweiser. It's like you ask them for a Heineken and they look at you with that mean face...

Rednecks love it though, it resonates well with rock, pickup trucks, american football and stuff like that.

Heineken really isn't any better, and is just as much sold on image as Budweiser is.

Also, come to WA, OR or CA. You will find that most places carry something local and/or craft.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
What actually is the best Mexican beer? I'm fond of Dos Equis. My local mexican joint gives you a huge mug with a lime wedge for like $4. Shit is amazing.
TJ, hands down. Cuacapa isn't bad, either.

They're harder to find, though, so I usually just get a Negra Modelo if I'm out at a restaraunt. If they don't carry that, I can tolerate a Two Exes Amber. Won't do the green, though. If they say, "we only have green", "fuck you, give me a Jarritos." If they say "I don't have that", I throw the bowl of chips at a wall and say, "¿Estás racistas? Me siento ofendido. Usted nació de una puta sin madre!"


Heineken really isn't any better, and is just as much sold on image as Budweiser is.

Also, come to WA, OR or CA America. You will find that most places carry something local and/or craft.

Outside of some rural patches and dry counties, I think most places that aren't absolute holes in the wall carry local and/or craft brews. I live in Michigan and I haven't been to a bar since I've been of drinking age where I couldn't get at least a Bell's. It's a trend that seems to be growing, so much so that I'm less and less concerned about some beverage conglomerate as time goes by. It would be great if some big collective of local breweries across the country joined up to be able to broker deals with distributors and merchants independent of the macrobrewers. This may already be happening and I just haven't paid attention, I dunno.
No offense but Budweiser is probably the worst tasting beer ever. It's really a beer sold on image more than anything because i can't believe someone drinks this piss because it tastes good. It especially irritates me that a lot of places in the us serve nothing but Budweiser. It's like you ask them for a Heineken and they look at you with that mean face...

Rednecks love it though, it resonates well with rock, pickup trucks, american football and stuff like that.

Budweiser is a great American Beer.
It would be great if some big collective of local breweries across the country joined up to be able to broker deals with distributors and merchants independent of the macrobrewers. This may already be happening and I just haven't paid attention, I dunno.

This does exist, but it's typically with the larger craft guys. Here are two examples:


ABInbev holds 33% ownership of CBA, too.
Why anyone drinks corona is beyond me. Paying craft beer prices for the same thing as every other shitty pale lager is stupid as hell. Fuck marketing.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
Why anyone drinks corona is beyond me. Paying craft beer prices for the same thing as every other shitty pale lager is stupid as hell. Fuck marketing.

I balk at the idea that I'm paying the "imported" price for it. I mean, fuck, if I just want that cheep ass beer feelin', I'll buy a Lone Star.


Budweiser is a shitty beer (their entire line) and Corona is an equally shitty beer sounds like a match made in heaven. I'll never get the appeal to drinking either blah.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
A guy sent me a six-pack of Zombie Dust, Gumballhead and Alpha King in the mail. Not mindblowing since I'm in Seattle and have access to incredible PNW beers, but still pretty damn amazing.

Great Lakes/"Third Coast" beers > West Coast

The Chicago beer scene is blowing up something fierce and is easily giving the West Coast a run for its money.


The only time I ever had Corona, I could taste it for a full day afterwards and was horrifically sick the next day. Horrible stuff
(bud isn't nice either)

Seth C

Nice, been trying to find this beer locally for purchase but have come up short. Where do you live?

You will not find 6 packs of Zombie Dust outside the greater northern Indiana area. Maybe some make it to Indianapolis and Chicago, but beyond that...stop looking.
I've heard that InBev is also brewing Heineken and Beck's in America now and still charging import prices. Anyone else hear anything about that?

Yes, this is true. Heineken is still imported and they own the brand.

InBEV/AB RUINED Beck's by changing the recipe, brewing it in St. Louis and still charging a premium price.

This pisses me off and I have boycotted any In-Bev product. Beck's was always my "go-to" beer when I want a lighter pilsner / lager style beer in the summer or for an all day session.

Good article here

Great Lakes/"Third Coast" beers > West Coast

The Chicago beer scene is blowing up something fierce and is easily giving the West Coast a run for its money.

That's great, but I'd still take living in Seattle and being just a short drive away from Portland, Hood River and Bend, OR over that. Beer is strongly ingrained into our culture out here, so it's not as much of a scene or driven by a hype machine. It's really nice not having to wait in lines for days to get a beer or know someone who knows someone to get something.

Seth C

That's great, but I'd still take living in Seattle and being just a short drive away from Portland, Hood River and Bend, OR over that. Beer is strongly ingrained into our culture out here, so it's not as much of a scene or driven by a hype machine. It's really nice not having to wait in lines for days to get a beer or know someone who knows someone to get something.

There are like 3 or 4 beers people out here wait in line for. Aside from the dozens and dozens of great breweries, we also get distribution of stuff made out east and from the mountains.

I've been to Seattle and while I had a great time, being centrally located has amazing benefits when it comes to experiencing beer from all over the country.


Kind of a weird thing to say considering the influx of smaller breweries appearing on supermarket shelves. Outside of supermarkets the beer market is phenomenally healthy. So much quality and variety out there :cheers:
The microbrew industry accounts for a miniscule amount of beer sold in this country.

Sam Adams is the biggest American-owned brewer, and they have less than .5% of the US market in terms of volume.


Outside of some rural patches and dry counties, I think most places that aren't absolute holes in the wall carry local and/or craft brews. I live in Michigan and I haven't been to a bar since I've been of drinking age where I couldn't get at least a Bell's. It's a trend that seems to be growing, so much so that I'm less and less concerned about some beverage conglomerate as time goes by. It would be great if some big collective of local breweries across the country joined up to be able to broker deals with distributors and merchants independent of the macrobrewers. This may already be happening and I just haven't paid attention, I dunno.


Craft beer's really been blowing up lately. I think unless Inbev buys up everything the macrobreweries will probably be down to 60-70% market share in about 20 more years.


I don´t really appreciate beer much, but as far as local mainstream Mexican brands I like Noche Buena. XX Lager is OK too.

That's the Mexican "festive" beer I was speaking about. Looks like a Christmas beer because of the artwork. Just found a picture with Christmas decorations too.


God I want to drink some beer. Must be nice :foreveralone:
February 15th is around the corner! (my New Year's Resolution goal)


Isn't this good for small businesses? The more expensive the shit beer gets the more competitive microbreweries get. Damn DOJ!
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