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Burnout 3 PS2 short impressions


Well, I had the chance to play it and here come my impressions.

First of everything let me confirm that the game doesn't support the Force Feedback wheel from Logitech. I was only playing the demo but the demo of burnout 2 featured FF support (and the final game too) while this one doesn't support (therefore my deduction is the final game won't support it as well as some sources said).

This SUCKS !

The game plays in a similar way than previously released Burnout games. The drifting system is pretty much equal to the Burnout 2...perhaps it's a bit more difficult to drift but well you get the idea: just release the gas button to perform a nice drift :).
One of the things they added is the infamous Takedown which makes you have the ability to screw the other racers/players. When you perform a takedown the screen freezes and you jump to the cutescene mode in which you see your great action ;).
One of the things I didn't like was the fact that the game seems to feature less traffic. Well, that's a feeling I've had since I played the first Burnout. With each iteration I tend to crash less and to find less cars on my way...Perhaps it's that I am becoming a great traffic law breaker but it's kinda curious...
Crashes with the track wall aren't considered as a big CRASH, which means that you could continue racing as if nothing had happened.

Graphically the game outshines everything out there (speaking of racers). Every car features 3 layers (base+specular+texturing) which means that they end having a nice look and that they feel very realistic. The reflections are miles ahead from the ones in Burnout 2.
The textures used are pretty good ON EVERYTHING you NEED TO SEE. What do I mean ? Well, Burnout 3 seems to apply a blur on the borders of the screen which nullifizes the appearance of buildings/environment. You really don't notice it while playing because you are trying to avoid cars/walls at great speed. The fact is that everything you see on the main track looks very good but the textures used for other things are pretty lowres. Burnout 2 was better [I think] on this aspect.
The framerate is 60 fps always and it never drops.
The most awesome thing is the cutescenes involving crashes since they really show where the greatness of the game is. It might be a faked physics engine but the fact is that it looks very realistic. The cars break into thousands of pieces and you see each them performing their own "dance" .

Overall I think it's a must have for everyone who is looking for a good arcade racer.


ourumov said:
Well, I had the chance to play it and here come my impressions.

First of everything let me confirm that the game doesn't support the Force Feedback wheel from Logitech. I was only playing the demo but the demo of burnout 2 featured FF support (and the final game too) while this one doesn't support (therefore my deduction is the final game won't support it as well as some sources said).

This SUCKS !

The game plays in a similar way than previously released Burnout games. The drifting system is pretty much equal to the Burnout 2...perhaps it's a bit more difficult to drift but well you get the idea: just release the gas button to perform a nice drift :).
One of the things they added is the infamous Takedown which makes you have the ability to screw the other racers/players. When you perform a takedown the screen freezes and you jump to the cutescene mode in which you see your great action ;).
One of the things I didn't like was the fact that the game seems to feature less traffic. Well, that's a feeling I've had since I played the first Burnout. With each iteration I tend to crash less and to find less cars on my way...Perhaps it's that I am becoming a great traffic law breaker but it's kinda curious...
Crashes with the track wall aren't considered as a big CRASH, which means that you could continue racing as if nothing had happened.

Graphically the game outshines everything out there (speaking of racers). Every car features 3 layers (base+specular+texturing) which means that they end having a nice look and that they feel very realistic. The reflections are miles ahead from the ones in Burnout 2.
The textures used are pretty good ON EVERYTHING you NEED TO SEE. What do I mean ? Well, Burnout 3 seems to apply a blur on the borders of the screen which nullifizes the appearance of buildings/environment. You really don't notice it while playing because you are trying to avoid cars/walls at great speed. The fact is that everything you see on the main track looks very good but the textures used for other things are pretty lowres. Burnout 2 was better [I think] on this aspect.
The framerate is 60 fps always and it never drops.
The most awesome thing is the cutescenes involving crashes since they really show where the greatness of the game is. It might be a faked physics engine but the fact is that it looks very realistic. The cars break into thousands of pieces and you see each them performing their own "dance" .

Overall I think it's a must have for everyone who is looking for a good arcade racer.

Thanks for the impressions ourumov.

Are you saying the game doesn't support force feedback? What wheel are you using? This fucking sucks BIG TIME I had planned on using a special modded version of the Driving Force Pro wheel just for this game. I can't believe Criterion would pull this shit!!! What the fuck is wrong with them??? Fucking assholes! Now I'm forced to get the PS2 version and have absolutely no plans to buy the driving force pro anymore. I'm going to try and use the Mad Catz wheel.

Dumb fuckers!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The fact is that everything you see on the main track looks very good but the textures used for other things are pretty lowres. Burnout 2 was better [I think] on this aspect.
BO2 was the same way. Around-the-screen blur in BO3 doesn't have much to do with it, really. Low res textures are used on the objects that you normally don't even see, or see it very rarely - like some of the grass areas between the road and the buildings, which are bordered with the bumpers - basically the only time you ever see that grass is when you crash and fly over the bumper, and land into the grass. Other places like that have reduced texturing, but as you've said, anything you actually see during the normal race has very nice textures. Very smart approach, IMO.


keep your strippers out of my American football
good impressions. But I don't get the grief over feedback for a steering wheel. This doesn't seem like the type of game that lends itself to sterring wheel use.


dskillzhtown said:
good impressions. But I don't get the grief over feedback for a steering wheel. This doesn't seem like the type of game that lends itself to sterring wheel use.

Burnout 2 with force feedback wheel is incredibly fun! Why on earth did they remove it from Burnout 3? :(
Brosa said:
Burnout 2 with force feedback wheel is incredibly fun! Why on earth did they remove it from Burnout 3? :(

In the thread that it was announced that BO3 wouldn't have force feedback, isamu mentioned that EA told them to remove the force feedback from the game.


SSX....I hate to admit this, but I was just fucking around when I said that. It really was all BS on my part. I had absolutely NO idea that they really *did* take out FF support for the PS2 version. To discover that what I was in jest turned out to actually be true is incredibly depressing. I seriously seriously thought the game would have FF support. Ourumov's confirmation that it doesn't comes as a big shock quite honestly :(

Xbox version here I come. The PS2 version offers NO advantages at this point.
Hopefully someone does an interview with Criterion and asks them why they removed it from the game. It really doesn't make any sense. Maybe they've got a good reason for it...


isamu said:
SSX....I hate to admit this, but I was just fucking around when I said that. It really was all BS on my part. I had absolutely NO idea that [what I claimed to be fact turned out to be ture]. To discover that what I was in jest turned out to actually be true is incredibly depressing. I seriously [was lying out my ass]. [someone proving my lies to be true] comes as a big shock quite honestly :(

am i missing something?
siamesedreamer said:
Same here.

Over Live is what I'm concerned about.

No Concern Required !

EA has fucked up online in Australia with Madden and other future games...But for this Playing over Live was practically Perfect ! (once in the game that is)

The lobby could be a bit more user friendly.


Is that Takedown shit optional? Cause that's not my style when it comes to playing a racer. I'm all about the clean pass.
Am I the only one here who thought that the Burnout series is way hyped? Burnout 2 lasted me a week before I got bored of it. The game was fun but gimmick aside, the game fundamentally was a car racer. During all the challenges against the cheating AI bored me to death... Crash Mode was superb though. They need to make it more of a feature in this one.


Hates quality gaming
TheGreenGiant said:
Am I the only one here who thought that the Burnout series is way hyped?
Now, go, and spread your message among the transfixed masses before it is too late.
TheGreenGiant said:
Am I the only one here who thought that the Burnout series is way hyped? Burnout 2 lasted me a week before I got bored of it. The game was fun but gimmick aside, the game fundamentally was a car racer. During all the challenges against the cheating AI bored me to death... Crash Mode was superb though. They need to make it more of a feature in this one.

IAWTP. I never finished the custom championship mode because of the annoying rubberband AI.


Are you saying the game doesn't support force feedback? What wheel are you using? This fucking sucks BIG TIME I had planned on using a special modded version of the Driving Force Pro wheel just for this game. I can't believe Criterion would pull this shit!!! What the fuck is wrong with them??? Fucking assholes! Now I'm forced to get the PS2 version and have absolutely no plans to buy the driving force pro anymore. I'm going to try and use the Mad Catz wheel.

The Logitech Driving Force wheel, the standard one.

Is that Takedown shit optional? Cause that's not my style when it comes to playing a racer. I'm all about the clean pass.
Of course. If you don't want to screw others you don't need to.


Heh, I just hope the people I race against do the same thing. Then again the guys I'd prefer to race with have a similiar mindset.


ourumov said:
The Logitech Driving Force wheel, the standard one.

Ahh, I see. Well, it doesn't work with that one there's little chance it'll work with the DFP as the drivers are pretty much identical.

Siz'awll good tho.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Ourumov's confirmation that it doesn't comes as a big shock quite honestly :(
Ourumov's impressions are the impressions of the demo version, from what I can see?

Although, I think D2M15, or someone else confirmed the final version doesn't have it either...


Yes. It's not 100% sure that the final game won't support it but from what I have seen:

WRC 2 Demo supported FF -> Final Game too
NFSU Demo supported FF -> Final Game too
Burnout 2 Demo supported FF -> Final Game too

Let's hope it does.
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