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Burnout 4!


"GAF's biggest wanker"
akascream said:
Disagreement != lack of contribution. Nice try at invalidating my point.
I'll be more than happy to invalidate your point on its own lack of merits, but I wanted to be sure it was worth continuing with someone who sounded like they were just taking the piss.

So, back to your point - how many games have been delivered exactly the way you wanted them, thanks to your wallet?

Why is the series milked to death? What makes you think there's nothing of significance they can do this generation?
jarrod said:
So.. which of those series had part 4 come in the same generation?
Which of those four have evolved as much in such a short period of time?

Seriously, go back and play Burnout 1. Same type of game, completely different experience.


I'll be more than happy to invalidate your point on its own lack of merits, but I wanted to be sure it was worth continuing with someone who sounded like they were just taking the piss.

Right, so let me get this straight. A company puts out 3 very similar games, and announces a 4th. I express my opinion, that I don't like that they aren't improving the game as much as I'd like, and thats taking a piss? Who elected you opinion police anyway?

Why is the series milked to death?

Cause they think it will make them money?

What makes you think there's nothing of significance they can do this generation?

I didn's say "there's nothing of significance they can do this generation", but thier strategy is pretty obvious if you look at the 3 Burnout games so far.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
akascream said:
Who elected you opinion police anyway?
Ummm, my wallet? :p

Seriously - here's how this works. You come on and express an opinion and I have the option to express an opinion counter to that. Seeing as how your opinion began as incredibly cynical and just went deeper into cynicism from there, I just wanted to make sure of your sincerity level since it all just came across as a little too forced. Especially when you're trying to claim on one hand that your wallet is the "most convenient form possible" of influence on game design and yet, on the other hand, you seem to be complaining that Burnout series is "milked to death" because of that and is not improving as much as you'd like.

I didn's say "there's nothing of significance they can do this generation", but thier strategy is pretty obvious if you look at the 3 Burnout games so far.
"Milked to death" doesn't imply that you think there's much they can do. I'm not sure how else anyone is supposed to interpret that.

As for what their strategy is, it's called software design and its highly iterative by nature. Yeah, they want to make money while doing it but that doesn't mean you have to buy every iteration nor does it mean you should feel obliged by GAF peer pressure to deride them for not necessarily sequestering themselves for years on end in order to better delude everyone into believing they have "artistic integrety".


not an idiot
jeez, this overrated series is becoming overexploited now as well... it's all we need is another one. ::rolleyes::


Seriously - here's how this works. You come on and express an opinion and I have the option to express an opinion counter to that.

Got it. It's also pretty cool that I can try to simply invalidate an opinion rather than discuss it. I'll remember that tactic in the future.

but that doesn't mean you have to buy every iteration

Or any at all. The thps franchise has lost any appeal to me aswell. I'll just keep playing 2 on DC thanks.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
akascream said:
Got it. It's also pretty cool that I can try to simply invalidate an opinion rather than discuss it. I'll remember that tactic in the future.
Not my fault you came across as insincere and were doing a good job of invalidating your own opinion in the process. Hence why I asked for clarification in order to see if you did in fact have a genuine opinion worth discussing.

Or any at all. The thps franchise has lost any appeal to me aswell. I'll just keep playing 2 on DC thanks.
Great, that's your prerogative but it doesn't put forth a convincing rationale of why you'd want to participate in a discussion about a series you're not really following anymore.

And I guess your wallet didn't have much to do with the evolution of the THPS series, considering you stopped opening your wallet for THPS roughly 4 iterations ago and they're still going... :)


Not my fault you came across as insincere and were doing a good job of invalidating your own opinion in the process. Hence why I asked for clarification in order to see if you did in fact have a genuine opinion worth discussing.

Coming from somebody without an interest in real discussion, I'm not sure this is worth addressing. (how did I do?)

Great, that's your prerogative but it doesn't put forth a convincing rationale of why you'd want to participate in a discussion about a series you're not really following anymore.

I am familiar with the game and suprised to see a 4th version of it in the same generation. I think I'll be the judge of what discussion I find interesting enough to participate in, and which I don't. You really are good at the disqualifier though.

And I guess your wallet didn't have much to do with the evolution of the THPS series, considering you stopped opening your wallet for THPS roughly 4 iterations ago and they're still going...

I can't believe I'm going to bother with this one. But what are the sales trends for the THPS franchise? If it is in a decline, I would be in the majority and the bottom line always eventually makes a difference. If I'm in the minority the games may stay the same, and I'll buy something I do enjoy. This isn't a difficult concept.
Cops, shortcuts, real in game jumps over oncoming traffic, off road bits...

That's where I want the series to go.

I dunno, we already had Hot Pursuit 2. And while I liked HP2, I think the BO3 experience is much more fun.
DaCocoBrova said:
No one said the series needs to 'take a nap' but they're releasing sequels far too early these days (all publishers).

The series needs something to keep it fresh, or it will dig its own grave like THPS.

This thread is all speculation and wishes. We can do that, right?


I loved the Burnout series and have been a huge fan since the first game was released but I don't want to get tired and lose interest in this series like I did with THPS. I love THPS 2 + 3 but after that the sequels started coming out far too quickly and with little improvements. I have more faith in Criterion then Neversoft when it comes to making bigger and better improevements in their sequels but come on, do we really need another Burnout in this generation?
DaCocoBrova said:
Cops, shortcuts, real in game jumps over oncoming traffic, off road bits...

That's where I want the series to go.

I wish the Burnout series would stay somewhat realistic (like the first game) but if the series is going to evolve this way then I'd like to see them put a "San Franciso Rush" spin on the series and have some really cool shortcuts and jumps. I miss the Rush series :(
Burnout 3 is my first foray in the series, and I absolutely love it. I also agree the only things that could maybe be improved upon is licensed cars (certainly), and maybe a few tweaking options with the cars (but let's not go GT nuts).

Does this require a sequel next year? Probably not, but I won't complain if I see it...


0G M3mbeR
BO3 is my GOTY thus far. I would pay $50 for a track disc.

I have no doubt that #4 is going to be awesome.
JC10001 said:
I'm all for Burnout 4....on next gen consoles that is. The series needs to take a bit of a nap.

I second that. A lot of current gen games should go next gen before we all get bored.

Tony Hawk
annual releases.
Metroid Prime


Chili Con Carnage!
Things to add:

Proper AI in races (Rubberbanding sucks ass)

Actual balance and variety to the cars (They dont need to be real cars but could we do a little better than the same paint jobs with different models?) and can we also make it so theres a point to owning anything other than the Devastators (or whatever the fastest car in each group was called)?

Id like to see a more varied single player mode with a plethora of different challenges, like driving down the wrong side of a freeway for as long as possible or Car javelin or Wreck darts. Race, Race, Crash zone, head to head got old very quick for me.


Tag of Excellence
I have complete faith in Criterion and if EA knows what's good for them they should let the team have complete control with this series. Of course help them out by getting anything licensed that they desire. I reiterate: Criterion needs to be the master and EA the servant boy when it comes to this series.

Personally I'd like to see them hold off on this gen and get to work on an all out graphical masterpeice for all the next gen console launches. Sure a portable game here or there would be great but I'd love to see them blaze a trail and really catch the entire publics attention with a fantastic launch title. It'd be the easiest and most effective way to really get thier name out.


DaCocoBrova said:
I thought to my self 'Self... It would be great if we could combine everything good about these two games. BO3s crashes coupled w/ GT3/4's car selection, real life tracks and realisitic physics.

Will such a game ever exist?

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