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Bush: "economy is great!" Reports: "economy is lagging, significantly"

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Junior Member
Seriously, why the hell is this guy president? And who the hell supports his obvious lies?

Bush Lauds Economy Despite Employment Data

By PETE YOST, Associated Press Writer

STRATHAM, N.H. - President Bush (news - web sites) told New Hampshire voters Friday that the nation's economy is improving, even as the latest unemployment report shows weakness in the creation of jobs.

"I'm not going to be satisfied until everybody who wants to work can find a job," Bush told cheering supporters at a picnic in New Hampshire, where recent polls show him tied with rival John Kerry (news - web sites).

Bush's remarks followed the release of new figures showing the nation's economy added 32,000 jobs in July, representing the smallest gain in hiring since December. Analysts were expecting the economy to add anywhere from 215,000 to 247,000 jobs in July.

Monthly job growth of 200,000 to 300,000 is regarded by many economists as a yardstick for healthy economic recovery.

"Today's employment report shows our economy is continuing to move forward," (????????!?!?!?!?! WTF?) Bush told the crowd in the only Northeastern state he won in the 2000 election.

"We're in a changing economy and we've got more to do," said the president, who was making his third trip of the year to New Hampshire.

In addition to the meager job gain for July, the government revised the June employment report, showing a gain of just 78,000 jobs, even less than previously reported. May's payrolls also were revised down to show a gain of 208,000.

New Hampshire's economy is mixed, with an unemployment rate consistently below the national rate. New Hampshire has lost thousands of manufacturing jobs since the president took office. The state's rate for June was 3.9 percent, a fact that drew cheers when Bush remarked on it in his speech. The national jobless rate for July was 5.5 percent.

"You proved that we're moving America forward and we're not turning back," (UMM HOW?) the president said.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Again I can't believe that the polls show that Kerry only has a SMALL lead....


The thing is, the Bush team realized that it doesn't matter whether you say something that's true or not, you merely need to repeat the lie over and over again, until people believe it.

And it's working pretty well for them.


Unconfirmed Member
Well, to be fair, there are still jobs being created, so it's not exactly a lie. It's just that there aren't very many jobs being made.

This is just politics, not GWB being an idiot and a jackass. There is, believe it or not, a difference.
Fjord said:
Do you guys have to turn every damn little piece of news into a post about how you hate Bush?

Seeing that this is running as a headline for most major news websites that aren't showing Fajullah in flames, I would imagine it would have to be quite imporant. Which it is. 32,000 jobs were created, out of a predicted 215,000-247,000. Its a good inidcation that most Americans are finacially in the shitter and that consumer spending will probably go down. This coupled with the jacked up oil prices means bad news for the "soaring" economy.


DarienA said:
Again I can't believe that the polls show that Kerry only has a SMALL lead....

I heard that pollsters only poll people who are "likely" voters which means they voted 4 years ago in that election. The argument for such a tight race right now is that a LOT of people who never voted before are pissed at the current administration and will deffinately vote this time. I can atest for that because i'm in that category.

The thinking is that a people who haven't voted before will come out in droves to vote Bush out. How accurate that is I cannot tell as I don't have any real data to back that up. Just something I've heard a few times.
Basically, the Bush administration used the employer polls the last three months while they've been stroking themselves in the media over "job creation". Now, when the employer polls are negative they say that household polls are actually the important ones (because they're a bit more positive this month.)


"We've seen nine months of growth," Labor Secretary Elaine Chao told CNNfn on Friday.

"Not consecutive, but nine months in employment growth in the manufacturing sector in the last 12 months."

It's inconceivable to me that those on the right can defend and support tactics like this double speak. Orwell is rolling over in his grave. The Onion article that described Chao's job status being changed to part-time and contingent hits the mark strongly.

"It's not a lie, if YOU believe it"


Junior Member
MetatronM said:
Well, to be fair, there are still jobs being created, so it's not exactly a lie. It's just that there aren't very many jobs being made.

This is just politics, not GWB being an idiot and a jackass. There is, believe it or not, a difference.

"Today's employment report shows our economy is continuing to move forward," Bush told the crowd in the only Northeastern state he won in the 2000 election.

This isn't a lie?

And as for there aren't very many jobs being made, there's hardly ANY! 10% of the predicted number is just plain ridiculous.


Looking for Pants
Yeah its very disappointing. July was a very bad month apparently. The stock market has been getting hit very hard lately. It'll be interesting to see if August brings any changes.


The hyperbole continues. "Lies". Uh huh.

He acknowledges there work to be done and says the enonomy is moving FORWARD. Sheesh, he didn't say it's fantastic!

the nation's economy added 32,000 jobs in July

Uh..hello? Jobs added = moving forward. MAYBE you could say the economy is stagnant or slowing down, but to say Bush is LYING is absurd.


*drowns in jizz*
It doesn't fucking matter what the reality is. He can say in his speech he plans to rape everyone in the audience and he'll get a standing ovation. Because noone really cares to find out what the fuck is really going on. Its easier to take his word and make them feel good. But this isn't an anomally. He repeatedly champions issues and themes that he has always fought against, and people buy it. Don't try to rationalize anything.


You can't judge polls either..they are worthles..they only use either registered voters or those most likely to vote. So many people who never bothered to vote before are gonna vote this year to get bush out. I've never voted before, but this year is different..I can't sit by and let this guy do any more damage.


Uh..hello? Jobs added = moving forward. MAYBE you could say the economy is stagnant, but to say Bush is LYING is absurd.

thats silly...no matter what month it is..people are always gonna find jobs...of those who got jobs..how many do you think lost jobs during the same period? Prove it that we're moving forward. The job growth is still going very slow and is nowhere near where it should be.


The thing is, the Bush team realized that it doesn't matter whether you say something that's true or not, you merely need to repeat the lie over and over again, until people believe it.

"Talking points...they're true because they're said a lot." -Jon Stewart on the Daily Show

To be fair though, I don't know if the month-by-month obsession over the economy is doing anyone any good. I think it's only getting so much play b/c it's an election year. It could just as well go up in August. PEACE.

White Man

Economy is moving forward? All I've gotta say is that I'm glad I've got hipster-induced-borderline-anorexia, because I seriously doubt I'd be able to afford to eat well.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Bush's IQ is 75, he doesn't know how an economy even works and he takes pleasure in sending American's to Iraq to die.

Oh yeah, he was in cahoots with the entire Bin Laden family to bring down the towers and start WWIII so his oil buddies could make a little extra cash.

Now there's no need for this thread anymore.
- Actually, the total number of jobs created rose by 629,000. The 32K number is "non-farm related". Check the BLS site: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm

Total Employment and the Labor Force (Household Survey Data)

Total employment rose by 629,000 to 139.7 million in July, and the employ-
ment population ratio--the proportion of the population age 16 and over with
jobs--increased to 62.5 percent. The civilian labor force also increased over
the month, rising by 577,000 to 147.9 million, and the labor force participa-
tion rate rose to 66.2 percent. (See table A-1.)

- Unemployment went DOWN to 5.5%. This is good news.
EDIT: Conflicting reports on unemployment. Sites such as CNN say it dropped from 5.6 but the BLS says it stayed at 5.5. Make up your own mind.

Again I can't believe that the polls show that Kerry only has a SMALL lead....

Probably because the American people know how big of a phony Kerry is.

I wouldn't be surprised if this election was a landslide.


Probably because the American people know how big of a phony Kerry is.

I wouldn't be surprised if this election was a landslide.

You mean, while ignoring how phony Bush is? They're both worthless, just that maybe Kerry's less worthless than Bush IMO. If this election is a landslide, then that's just plain sad. As bad as Kerry is, he's no worse than Bush. We'd be better off without both of them. PEACE.


Mike said:
The thing is, the Bush team realized that it doesn't matter whether you say something that's true or not, you merely need to repeat the lie over and over again, until people believe it.

And it's working pretty well for them.
Is there a shock smilie?


*drowns in jizz*
Outlaw Pro Mod said:
- Actually, the total number of jobs created rose by 629,000. The 32K number is "non-farm related". Check the BLS site: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm

- Unemployment went DOWN to 5.5%. This is good news.
EDIT: Conflicting reports on unemployment. Sites such as CNN say it dropped from 5.6 but the BLS says it stayed at 5.5. Make up your own mind.

Probably because the American people know how big of a phony Kerry is.

I wouldn't be surprised if this election was a landslide.

DO you get turned on by the thought of Bush getting a 2nd term?


Outlaw Pro Mod said:
- Actually, the total number of jobs created rose by 629,000. The 32K number is "non-farm related".

Could we just get rid of the goddamn spin already? Bush may be claiming that "today's employment report shows our economy is continuing to move forward," but he's the only one who believes it, apparently. May and June were WORSE than the Bush Administration reported, and July's payroll figure was incredibly disappointing.

America's payrolls grew by an anemic 32,000 new jobs in July, suggesting the economy is stuck in summer lethargy three months before voters elect a president. The report rattled Wall Street and sent stocks tumbling.


Analysts were expecting the economy to add anywhere from 215,000 to 247,000 jobs in July. They were predicting the jobless rate would hold steady at 5.6 percent.


Most economists look more closely at the payroll figure as a better barometer of the health of the jobs market. The 32,000 net jobs added in July followed a gain of just 78,000 jobs in June. May's payrolls also were lowered to show an increase of 208,000. The new figures for May and June translated into a combined 61,000 fewer jobs being created in those two months than previously estimated.
Most economists look more closely at the payroll figure as a better barometer of the health of the jobs market.

The article does have a point here.

So what's the deal with the balance of the 629K? Just curious.


Setec Astronomer
The "629K" is an unreliable if not wholly imaginary figure taken from the household survery, which is basically a poll of 60,000 families. :p

Oh, and oil prices and inflation are up, and the stock market is down... this is not "continues to move forward", unless you add "while getting whacked back and forth".
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