Positive buyer feedback for ClearData. 10/10, would do business with again.
WTS: All Prices Shipped
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure (Cart Only) - $7
Amazing price for an amazing game. Someone buy this as an impulse purchase, you won't regret it.
Does anyone have a copy of this FS without making me feel the need to take a shower afterwards?
Gamestop in my area has one but I hate paying those guys 40 bucks for a used copy that's probably in poor condition.
Let me know! I have plenty of positive feedback in this thread.
WTB - Mario Kart 8 eShop code. PM me if you want to work out a deal!
I sent you a PM yesterday trying to figure out what you wanted in terms of MPT. I have a factory sealed copy i'm looking to sellI want to buy these more than one at a time, so I can save a little money.
Dark Souls
Kirby 25th Anniversary
Mario Galaxy 2
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Wind Waker
WTS: PS Vita
My vita/persona 4golden(retail)/16gb memcard is still for sale. Looking for $160 (willing to accept reasonable offers, pm me.) Everything's in great condition.
pics: http://imgur.com/a/Rbt3m
WTS: PS Vita
My vita/persona 4golden(retail)/16gb memcard is still for sale. Looking for $160 (willing to accept reasonable offers, pm me.) Everything's in great condition.
pics: http://imgur.com/a/Rbt3m
I have an oled vita with a 4gb card for sale. Check my post history.Hey I am interested in the ps vita. I have persona and a 16gb card already. Would you split it up?
Does anyone have a copy of this FS without making me feel the need to take a shower afterwards?
Gamestop in my area has one but I hate paying those guys 40 bucks for a used copy that's probably in poor condition.
Let me know! I have plenty of positive feedback in this thread.
Anyone have a 12 month xbla card for around $40?
Positive seller feedback for blazenumb1. Incredible to deal with! Answers quickly and follows up promptly! Will absolutely do business with again in the future!
Animal Crossing 3DS Game (Game + Box; CN code used). - Trade pending
Tales of the Abyss PS2 (complete)
Mario Kart 7 (Used the CN code already)
Avalon Code (No box)
Ni No Kuni Steelbook
Paper Mario 3DS Game
Zelda: Skyward Sword
Dragon's Crown Vita
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Wii U - Pending
Uhh... I forgot what else.
Can also trade on CAG if need be: http://www.cheapassgamer.com/user/288570-luxuria/
Leftovers From Summer Sale
Assassin’s Creed® III - 6$
Octodad - 6$
Mercenary Kings - 6$
Mass Effect Collection (Includes Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe Edition) - 8$
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition - 9$
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist Deluxe Edition (Includes The High Power DLC Pack, The Homeland DLC Pack, Bonus suits, weapons, and gear) - 9$
Broken Age - 10$
Hey I am interested in the ps vita. I have persona and a 16gb card already. Would you split it up?
Looking to move soon and won't have much time to play these games. PM me and we can work something out! I take very good care of my games so they are all in Good/Great condition. I will provide pics per request. Thanks!
Jak & Daxter Collection
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection
Infamous 2
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
God of War Ascension Collector's Edition
God of War HD Collection
God of War Origins Collection
God of War 3
Resistance 2
Resistance 3
Wonderbook Book of Spells
White Knight Chronicles
Prince of Persia (2008)
Castlevania Lords of Shadow
Rocksmith 2014
Tales of Xillia Special Edition
Watch Dogs
P4A Music CD sealed
Looking to trade for GBA Games, 3DS Games, and a 2DS. Will also accept PayPal.