positive seller feedback for ShockingAlberto, purchased DK Tropical Freeze code and he even sent code before i paid. 10 out of 10 would buy from again!
Positive buyer feedback for: da_stabbah.
gave me money. paid promptly. did not stab me.
Alright, GAF. I only have one seller feedback (It was positive!) and a handful of positive buyer feedback. I've also have been on eBay since 2009 and have a 100% rating there. (I'll send you my eBay page upon request.)
I recently got a hold of Adventure Island 2 for SNES and don't really care for it. (Don't judge me) and rather sell it off. Before it hits eBay I figured I'd hook GAF up first!
Label looks good and I cleaned it up. The back label has a slight tear and the other bummer is under the lip (I guess?) of the SNES cart there is some blue marking. I'm sure it could come off with some Goo Gone but I don't wanna push my luck.
I'm looking for 75 dollars shipped OR BEST OFFER. Do NOT hesitate shooting me an offer. I'm willing to work things out. You pay the fees or send as a gift. Thanks! Don't be afraid to PM me.
More pictures at the link: http://imgur.com/a/yQ9MX
Dell XPS 13 Refurb - http://www.dell.com/us/p/xps-13-9343-laptop/pd?oc=dncwt5101s&model_id=xps-13-9343-laptop
Giving some positive feedback to Remk for our quick and easy sale. Watch out for those evil blue shells.
+9 Seller Feedback
NIB Majora's Mask n3DSXL $265 + Shipping
Positive seller feedback for LaunchpadMcQ.
Super easy transaction and fast delivery!
Positive buyer feedback for noquarter. Thank you.
Positive seller feedback to SmokeMaxX
Very smooth transaction on XBLG and Credit. Thanks.
Excitebike 3D Code
Flipnote Studio 3D Code
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze (or any other Gold/Platinum reward) Code
Yugioh Card xD
Dark Magician Girl - Dt06-en064
Princess Peach (New Version)
PC Games:
Diablo 3 + Reaper of Souls PC Keys (Looking for a great deal)
PS4 Stuff:
3 months of PSN Plus US
3DS Stuff:
The Legends of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS
The Legends of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3DS
A good condition Wii(Glorified Gamecube edition). Black, Comes with Wiimote+ Nunchuck, component cables, Sensor Bar and the Mayflash sensor Bar that hooks to the PC, and a copy of Mario Galaxy. Looking for $45. Prefer google wallet payments.
Sly cooper Thieves in Time for PS VITA. $7 google Wallet
A Good condition PSPGO 16GB, comes with component cables as well for playing your PSP on a tv, and charger. Looking for $50 google Wallet.
A Dualshock 3 in good condition. Comes with charging cable. Asking for $20 Google Wallet
Want to sell NBA 2K15 digital download code for $15 google wallet. Will send the code immediately upon payment.
Prefer Google Wallet but can do Paypal. Prices lowered cause I really want this stuff gone. Would also entertain trading the Wii lot for an OG Xbox in good condition.