Nintendo 3DS XL - Blue/Black - $95 - Includes 32gig SD card (micro w/adapter),original box AND the AC adapter! Pay $15 more and get Mario & Luigi bundled. Has 9.5 firmware installed.
Positive feedback for Nyoro SF
Great seller, would buy from again
kind of random, but does anyone have any of the new iphone chargers? (lightning cables i think they are called?)
Im still also looking for Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance for GCN if anyone has a copy.
Zombie Army Trilogy code (Digital, PS4)
Looking for $40 in Amazon
Bumpin this real quick
Humble Card Game Bundle Now if I charged per card included in the bundle the value would be in the thousands, but well all I really want to do is get back what I spent on it as I got it due to an error and thus just want $12 for the bundle. I'm willing to break up the bundle, but would prefer to sell it all together, and if I do break it up I will come up with prices (as it won't just be evenly split as all games/items are not created equal)
Hello, Hello, Hello and welcome to this weeks goofy post of the week.
so what do I have for people this week well hmmmm something that is awesome*, well.... everything is awesome though.
*note actual levels of awesomeness will vary from user to user.
Lego Movie Vita code Only $9999.99 Now remember, no whining about prices in this thread, but hey as a one time deal to the first person who buys this I will offer a 99% discount and make it a mere $1, but act fast or I may just give it away to the first person who tells me that my post was awesome, albeit confusing.
hmmm what's next what's next. oh how about this.
Venture Bros season 5 ultraviolet code I really want a slice of that fat money cake, and no the cake is not a lie, how about we price it the same as the number of hidden messages I have included in this post.... $2.
Humble Card Game Bundle Now if I charged per card included in the bundle the value would be in the thousands, but well all I really want to do is get back what I spent on it as I got it due to an error and thus just want $12 for the bundle. I'm willing to break up the bundle, but would prefer to sell it all together, and if I do break it up I will come up with prices (as it won't just be evenly split as all games/items are not created equal)
Anyways if you made it this far, congrats you may want to get yourself checked out because no sane person should have made it to the end of this postTo reward you, listen to a 15 year old sing
and then refuse to believe me that it's a 15 year old and look up it on wikipedia
This is the real end now... thanks for reading![]()
The Evil Within for PS4. Game is in great condition and includes case and inserts. $20 through Paypal gift. Shipping only to USA. PM me if interested.
Stop by a Radio Shack. I picked one up the other day for about 11 dollars. It's a jacketed cable that feels so much more study than the original one. It also came with a car charger adapter.
[H] $25 Microsoft Store Gift Card
[W] $20 Amazon Gift Card
PS4 Games (CIB):
Wii U Games (CIB):
- The Last of Us Remastered
Wii Games (CIB):
- Bayonetta 2
- Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
- NES Remix Pack
Wii Accessories:
- Xenoblade Chronicles
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
- Wario Land: Shake It!
- Super Paper Mario
- Super Mario Galaxy
- Official Nintendo Nunchuk - Black
Selling: Dragon Quest Heroes for PS4 (JP) - $65 shipped
I buy too many games at the same time and don't have time to play this right now :-(.
Great condition, only played a few times. PS4 is region free so this game plays fine on any system. I am located in Florida so shipping should take 3 business days or less.
Positive seller feedback for blazenumb1
edit - fixed! Sorry max, plz forgive me.
Don't mean to rain on your parade or anything, but it's quite simple to get this brand new for about $70-71 via several import sites with 1-2 day shipping via Fedex. I, myself, got it for $70.54 off Nippon-Yasan.
Sent you a PM regarding The Last of Us Remastered.
Don't mean to rain on your parade or anything, but it's quite simple to get this brand new for about $70-71 via several import sites with 1-2 day shipping via Fedex. I, myself, got it for $70.54 off Nippon-Yasan.
Well, I mean, $65 < $70.54
Whether that savings is worth it to someone is obviously up to them.
Well, I mean, $65 < $70.54
Whether that savings is worth it to someone is obviously up to them.
Thanks for the heads up. I got it for $80ish myself so I wasn't aware.
Marvel Unlimited Subscription 1 Month Gift - $5
Positive Feedback for Spades, Quick Transaction and he sent the code and it worked great.