Offers welcome on the following. I’m in the UK but happy to post anywhere. Lots of stuff so splitting into two posts. This one is hardware and dreamcast/playstation software. Nintendo games to follow in a separate post.
Click pics for larger version:
Net Yaroze (PAL) - complete

Neo Geo Pocket Color (JPN) with metal slug

Sonic 10th anniversary CD and Coin set

Action replay CDX (DC-UK demo disc but works fully)

Dreamcast (JPN)

Dreamcast controller x 2
Dreamcast VMU x 4 (no caps)

Dreamcast rumble pack

Dreamcast - House of the dead 2 gunset

GameCube memory card 59 x 3
Playstation memory card x 3 (silver, trans red, trans green)

Playstation analog controller (trans green)

PS2 memory card x 3 (black)

Sony location free TV (composite video only) PAL
Gunbird 2 (PAL)

Gigawing (PAL)

Worms Armageddon (PAL)

Sonic adventure 2 (PAL)

Chu chu rocket (PAL)

Phantasy star online (PAL)

Shenmue II (PAL) –
SOLD to Dwayne

Wetrix (PAL) –
SOLD to Dwayne

Virtua tennis (US)

Shenmue (US) –
SOLD to Dwayne

House of the dead 2 (JPN)

Crazy taxi (JPN)

Pen pen triIcelon (JPN)

Sonic adventure (JPN)

Sega rally (JPN)

Daytona USA 2001 (JPN)

F355 challenge (JPN)

Jet set radio (JPN)
Dancing Stage Euromix (PAL)

Midway Atari collection 2 ( PAL)

Front mission 3 (PAL) –
SOLD to Dwayne

Beatmania (JPN) - slightly damaged jewel case

Houmer Hunter Lime (slps00020) (JPN)

Arkanoid (JPN)

Rtype delta (JPN)

Starblade alpha (JPN)

Namco museum encore (JPN)

Smash court tennis (JPN)

Time crisis (JPN)

GunBullet (JPN)
McDonalds original Happy disc (JPN)

0 story (JPN)

Ape escape 2 (JPN)

GT3 A-spec (JPN)

Fantavision (JPN)

Ridge Racer V (JPN)
Metal gear AC!D (US)

Mercury (US)

Untold legends (US)

Ape escape on the loose (US) - disc only
IQ mania (JPN)

Minna no golf portable (JPN)

Ridge racers (JPN)

Exit (JPN)

Spider-Man 2 movie (JPN)