So I'm home for the holidays and cleaning out some stuff from my Dad's place and I found a box of PS2 games. I don't want them anymore, but I am loathe to throw them out. Most of the stuff is in mint/near-mint shape with manuals and all included (unless otherwise noted).
Amplitude - No manual
Beyond Good & Evil - Manual missing cover
Disgaea 2
Enter The Matrix
FIFA Soccer 2003
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XII
Fire Pro Wrestling Returns
The Getaway
God Of War
God Of War 2
Gran Turismo 3
Indigo Prophecy
Jak & Daxter - No manual, greatest hits disc
Kingdom Hearts
Max Payne 2
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
NFL Blitz 2003
Onimusha - No manual
Onimusha 2
Ring Of Red
Shadow Of The Colossus
Space Channel 5 Special Edition
Tony Hawk 4
Valkyrie Profile 2
Xenosaga Episode 1
NOT PICTURED: Document of Metal Gear, GTA 3 (black label), Raw Danger (no manual)
I will consider any and all offers for these games, but only if you want all of them. I am not gonna start mailing out 2 or 3 games to people because I just do not have the time. I would prefer to have this dealt with in the next 10 days if someone is interested, as I'm flying back home on the 2nd and this box will be trash by then.
I'm not looking for a crazy amount of money, just looking to get these games into the hands of someone who might want them for a collection or whatever. I can get you a rough shipping quote if you PM me your address. I live in Canada (Greater Toronto Area) if that affects your decision at all.
Will also accept a copy of Dragon Age: Inquisition for PS4 as trade.