Positive buyer feedback for toneroni and ChiefEdiri! Was late on posting feedback for toneroni, but he was a great buyer.
Positive seller feedback to Cade.
Thanks as always.
Positive buyer feedback for toneroni and ChiefEdiri! Was late on posting feedback for toneroni, but he was a great buyer.
I'm not sure if this is the place to ask, but I'm looking for a copy of the most recent Charlie Hebdo. Preferabbly nothing more than $15 including shipping. I'm not sure if any of FrenchGAF can help me out. OR even if anyone from NYC or Canada can help at all.
Extremely quick, no problems at all. Highly recommended!
Im interested in this as well but I want to know more about other avenues to buy it.
Im interested in this as well but I want to know more about other avenues to buy it.
Positive seller feedback for mgs2master2. Sold me a Vita with a bunch of accessories and games and shipped it super quick.
That's what he wrote![]()
Positive seller feedback for etae and mgs2master2! Sold me some Fox and Kirby DS game at great prices also got a drawing of Kirby!
Removed sold, lowered a few prices, etc
Games, Systems, and PC Parts for Sale.
-3$ for shipping, unless larger package. Pick up will be free.
-Uploading pictures of all games in a separate album.
Skies of Arcadia - 63$
Twilight Princess - 50$
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call Limited Edition(New) - 35$
Pokemon Black(New) - 37$
Clubhouse Games(Complete) - 5$
Dragon Quest V(New and Used copies) - 51$ New, 32$ Used
Etrian Odyssey II(Complete) - 14$
The World Ends With You(Complete) - 18$ - Pending
Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness(Complete) - 12$
Persona 3 Portable(Complete) - 14$
Tales of the World Radiant Mythology(Complete) - 12$
Phantasy Star Portable 2(Complete) - 38$
Ys Oath In Felghana LE(New) - 52$
Trails in the Sky LE(New) - 53$
Persona PSP LE(New) - 55$
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth(New) - 10$
Prinny Can I really be the Hero?(Complete) - 10$
Tactics Orge(Complete) - 10$
Persona Innocent Sin LE(Complete) - 45$
Crisis Core(Game Only) - 3$
Devil May Cry 4(Complete) - 4$
Obvilion GOTY(complete) - 4$
Knights of the Old Republic II(Complete) - 8$
Silent Hill 2(Complete) - 30$
Mists of Padaneria LE - 80$
Vampire Bloodlines (Game and Manual) - 15$
Arcanum(Game and Manual) - 4$
No One Lives Forever Guide - 3$
Fallout Collection(Complete) - 5$
Kohan(Game and Manual) - 5$
Alice(Game and Manual) - 10$
I'll do a special deal on the PC Games. 35$ Shipped for all of them minus SH2 and Mists of Panderia
Special Note - Diablo III, Starcraft II, Tera, and Warcraft III Expansion. I know some people like to have a physical package. I will sell them each for 2$. Includes everything but the working CDKey.
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 + Postcards(Complete) - 24$
Children of Eden(Complete) - 5$
Pink Sweets + Muchi Muchi Pork(Complete) - 63$
Espgalduda II Black Label(Complete) - 30$
Deathsmiles Limited Edition(Complete) - 18$
Metal Gear Rising(Complete) - 5$
Xenoblade Chronicles - 70$ - Pending
Gunbird 2(Complete) - 38$
Mars Matrix(Complete) - 70$
Vangrant Story(Complete) - 18$
Parasite Eve(Complete) - 12$
Odin Sphere(Complete) - 12$
Silent Hill 2GH(Complete) - 31$
Grand Theft Auto VC(Complete) - 5$
Tales of the Abyss(Complete) - 19$
Dragon Quest 8(Complete) - 15$
Xenosaga III(Complete) - 42$
Devil Summoner LE(New) - 50$
Berserk Millennium Falcon Hen Seima Senki no Shō(Complete) - 20$.
Shadow Hearts Covenant(Complete) 25$
VP2(Complete) 13$
Marvel vs Capcom 3 SE(Complete) - 17$
Earth Defense Force 2025(Complete) - 10$
PSP 3000 Model - 70$
Gameboy Limited Edition - 50$
Street Fighter 360 Controller(Fightpad)(Chun Li) - 40$
Pokemon Walker - 10$
PC Parts.
i5 2500 3.3ghz - 70$
- SOLD!- WiiU NES Remix Pack (Nes Remix Vol. 1 & 2)
- $25 Paypal gift
- (1) Super Smash Brothers 3DS Club Nintendo Code
Positive seller feedback for Cth! Sent me the code even before I sent him Paypal. Super quick transaction!
Positive Seller feedback to CidHighwind89
Sold me a PSVita in Like New Condition for a great price.
Seriously, if you had told me this system was new and unused, I would've believed it.
Literally everything there and perfect as if it just came from the store.
Thanks a bunch =)