Buy/Sell/Trade Thread 2016 | Read the Rules in the OP | I'd Buy That for a Dollar!

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looking to sell:


River City Tokyo Rumble - $20

Mass Effect Andromeda - $40
Final Fantasy XV - $30
Idolm@ster Platinum Stars Platinum Box edition - $65

All prices include shipping within US

Gravity Rush Remastered (US copy - brand new, sealed)
Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition (brand new, sealed)
Doom Collectors Edition (opened, codes not used)
The Last Guardian Collector's Edition (brand new, unopened)
Final Fantasy XV Ultimate Collector's Edition (brand new, sealed - comes with postcards)

Make me an offer, and please no lowballs.



Gravity Rush Remastered (US copy - brand new, sealed)
Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition (brand new, sealed)
Doom Collectors Edition (opened, codes not used)
The Last Guardian Collector's Edition (brand new, unopened)
Final Fantasy XV Ultimate Collector's Edition (brand new, sealed - comes with postcards)

Make me an offer, and please no lowballs.

then you should at least put a price if you know what you want them to cost

Got some very rare Collector's Editions I no longer want due to a year-long clear out. I'll start with these for now and see how it goes:


  • From Software 20th Anniversary: King's Field Dark Side Box
    VGC condition -- complete
    £90.00 + p&p


  • Dino Crisis 5th Anniversary Pack
    NM condition -- complete
    £100.00 + p&p


  • BioHazard 15th Anniversary Box [e-capcom Limited Edition]
    NM condition -- complete
    £160.00 + p&p

UK seller.
PayPal only and a valid home address, I'm only sending these to the address that YOU are living at i.e. the address provided during the PayPal transaction. Tell me what shipping you want when buying i.e. second class, international tracked. I'll take pictures of them if requested!
I'm willing to negotiate the above prices in exchange for digital GOG/Steam games.

VGC = Very Good Condition
NM = Near Mint


WTS: Steam keys
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
RPG Maker 2000
Dungeon of Elements
Duelyst - 20 Spirit Orbs
Duelyst - Cosmetics Bundle
Elegy for a Dead World
Road to Ballhalla
Dead Secret
Life Is Strange™ - Episode 1
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Tomb Raider I
Tomb Raider II
Tomb Raider III
Tomb Raider: Legend
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Napoleon: Total War Collection
Doodle God
Axis Game Factory: AGFPRO Zombie FPS
Axis Game Factory: AGFPRO Zombie Survival Pack
Game Character Hub
Game Guru
Game Guru: Death Valley Pack
Game Guru: Megapack 2
Game Guru: Megapack 3
PlayCanvas + TANX
Whisper Of A Rose
Legends of Dawn
Olympia Rising
Always Sometimes Monsters
Full Mojo Rampage
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy
KickBeat Steam Edition
Curse Premium
Strife Closed Beta Key
Ultionus: A Tale of Petty Revenge

WTS: non-Steam keys
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (30-day sub key)



PayPal (name your price).


PM me for business.
For sale
Final Fantasy VIII PC big box, complete and in good condition.
Deadly Premonition: the director's cut for PS3, near mint.

Prefer to sell in the UK only. PayPal/bank transfer. PM me if interested. I have some good feedback I think.



Steam keys from Humble:

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 - $4
Hacknet - $2
Read Only Memories - $2
The Witness - $6


PM and request


WTB Chungking Express Blu-ray from the criterion collection.

New or used if in very good condition. Must be willing to ship to Canada. PM your price.

Paypal, AmazonPayments, or interac online.
Paypal,Amazon,Steam,Steamkeys (Really depends since I already have so much) welcomed accepting offers not responsible for any extra fees that maybe included for whatever reason. All feedback is positive!


Game Key List
To clear up confusion
(Humble) One Steam Key
(Humble) x2 = Two Steam Keys
(Humble/Origin x1) = One Origin Key
(Humble x1/Origin x1) = One Steam and One Origin
I use original store name (Humble) before anything else in order to keep track where they are from but by default any key I have is Steam unless stated otherwise (Humble/Telltale x1) and etc.

140 (Humble) x2 $0.60
Anachronox (Humble) $0.50
Avadon: The Black Fortress (Humble) $0.50
Back to Bed (Humble) $0.50
Ballpoint Universe: Infinite (Humble) $0.50
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardiana (Humble) $0.50
Bejeweled 3 (Humble) $0.50
Beyond Divinity (Humble) $2
Beyond Eyes $0.75
Bit Trip: Runner 2 (Humble) $1
Broken Sword 1 (Humble) $0.75
Broken Sword 2 (Humble) x2 $0.75
Broken Sword: Director's Cut (Humble) $0.75
The Chaos Engine (Humble) $0.30
Command & Conquer 3: Red Alert 3 Uprising (Humble x5/Origin x4) $1.25
Consortium (Humble) $0.40
Contagion (Humble) x2 $1
Crimsonland (Humble)) $1
The Darkness II (Humble) $1.25
Deponia (Humble) $0.50
Divine Divinity (Humble) $2
Doodle God (Humble) $0.60
Dracula: Origins (Humble) $1
Dragon Age: Origins (Humble) $2.50
Draw a Stickman: RPG (Humble) $0.50
The Dream Machine Episodes 1-3 (Humble) x3 $1
Dungeonland (Humble) $0.40
Dynamite Jack (Humble) $0.50
Ethan: Meteor Hunter (Humble) $1
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin (Humble) $1.25
Fieldrunners (Humble) $0.75
Fieldrunners 2 (Humble) $0.75
Frozen Synapse (Humble) x2 $1
Game of Thrones (Humble) $1.25
Gods Will be Watching (Humble) $0.75
Gratuitous: Space Battles (Humble) $0.30
Greed Corp (Humble) $0.50
The Guild II Collection (Humble) $1.25
Half Minute Hero (Humble) $1
Hexcells Complete Pack (Humble) $1.25
HOARD (Humble) $0.40
Hyper Fighters $0.50
Infinifactory - $ 1
KAMI (Humble) $0.40
King's Bounty: The Legend (Humble) $0.60
Knights of Pen & Paper +1 Edition (Humble) $1
Legends of Persia (Humble) $0.50
Leviathan: warships (Humble) $0.50
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North (Humble) $1
Ludwig (Humble) $0.35
Lume (Humble) $0.40
Lumino City (Humble) x2 $0.50
Lunar Flight (Humble) $0.40
McPixel (Humble) $1
Men of War (Humble) $1
Men of War: Assault Squad (Humble) $1
Meridian: New World (Humble) $0.50
Medal of Honor steam- $1.25
Mirror's Edge (Humble/ Origin x1) $1.50
Necromonads (Humble) $0.50
Nethergate: Resurrection (Humble) $0.50
Nightsky (Humble) $1
Offspring Fling (Humble) x2 $1
Oil Rush (Humble) $0.30
One Way Heroics (Humble) $1
Oniken (Humble) $0.50
Orcs Must Die GOTY (Humble) $1
Paranactual Activity (Humble) x2 $0.50
Peggle Deluxe + Bejeweled 3+ Bookworm Deluze (/ Origin x1) $1.50
Pirate Pop Plus - $0.50
Poker Night at the Inventory (Humble x1/ Telltale x1) $0.75
Poker Night 2 (Humble) $1.25
Populous (Origin x4) $1
Post Master (Humble) $0.30
Puzzle Agent (Humble x1/ Telltale x1) $0.50
Puzzle Agent 2 (Humble) $1
Railroad Tycoon 3 (Humble) $1.25
Ravensword: Shadowlands (Humble) $1
Real Boxing (Humble) $0.50
Rescue: Everyday Heroes (Humble) $0.50
Resident Evil Rev 2: Episode One (Humble) $0.50
Retro City Rampage DX (Humble) $1
Risen (Humble) $1
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack (Humble) $1
Saint's Row 2 (Humble) x2 $1
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse (Humble) $2
Sanctum Collection (Humble) $1
Savant - Ascent (Humble) $0.50
The Second Avernum Trilogy (Humble) $1.50
Sequence (Humble) $0.50
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter (Humble x2) $2
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter ( Humble x3) $2
Shattered Skies: Ultimate Edition $12
Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet (Humble) $1
Shivah: Kosher Edition (Humble) $1
The Showdown Effect (Humble x2) $1
Space Quest Collection (Humble) $1.50
Splice (Humble) $0.50
Star Wars: Dark Forces (Humble) $1.50
Star Wars: Dark Forces 2 (Humble) $1.50
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Humble) $2
Strata (Humble) $0.50
Swords & Soldiers HD (Humble) $0.50
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack (Humble) $1
Thief Gold (Humble) $1.50
Thomas Was Alone (Humble) $1
Tiny Troopers (Humble) $1.50
To the Moon (Humble x2) $1
Trainz Simulator 12 (Humble) $1.50
Unholy Heights (Humble) $1
Urban Trial Freestyle (Humble) $1.50
Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War: Game of the Year (Humble) $2
Warlock (Humble) $1
War of the roses (Humble) $3
The Whispered World: Special Edition (Humble) $1

Resident Evil Origins Collection (PS4) below $20



I have a Breath Of The Wild T-Shirt I don't need...long story short I bought it while on holiday and didn't notice it was a female shirt at the time :( only been opened once to try on before I noticed my stupidity.

it's this one here in Medium

I'll take £10 in Amazon,Paypay,Eshop,Steam pretty much open to anything. It cost me £18 but I can't return it to the store since I was on holiday in London when I bought it.

Razer Nabu Watch Forged Edtion - £60 + postage

Has some scuff marks on the band but that's it if you want pics lmk.



Just Cause 3 (PS4)
Valkyria Chronicles (PS4)
Hitman (PS4)
Doom (PS4)
Nioh (PS4)
Gravity Rush 2 (PS4)
Horizon (PS4)
Nier Automata (PS4)

Only looking for physical editions that are in good condition and complete with case. If you have one of these game and are looking to sell, please PM me. I can pay via PayPal. Located in USA.



ASUS STRIX 980 Ti OC (this model)

About 1 year of use on it. No manual OC applied, been running at out of box OC settings since purchased. Regular use, good condition.

Asking $250 shipped via PayPal (CONUS only), UPS ground shipping.

Next week I'll also have a very lightly used 1080 Ti FE available if you want to PM me about that. Will probably have it available for sale Thursday, it'll be in use until then.


I have:

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood VR - $11.00
Bloodborne - $12.00
Call of Duty: Black Ops III (PS4) - $20.00

Prices include shipping. Payment through Paypal. I haven't played any of these games more than six times.



- Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition (Steam/GOG)

- Pillars of Eternity (Steam/GOG)

- Skies of Arcadia (SEGA Dreamcast)
(would prefer complete, not really interested in disc only)

I use PayPal (FF) for my payments. PM me!
I have a copy of Nintendo Land and want to trade for one of these:

Super Mario Maker
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Bayonetta 2
Super Smash Bros. 4 Wii U
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Pikmin 3
The Wonderful 101
Captain Toad
Hyrule Warriors
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Yoshi's Woolly World
Shovel Knight
Shantae: Half Genie Hero
Xenoblade Chronicles X
I have a copy of Nintendo Land and want to trade for one of these:

Super Mario Maker
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Bayonetta 2
Super Smash Bros. 4 Wii U
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Pikmin 3
The Wonderful 101
Captain Toad
Hyrule Warriors
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Yoshi's Woolly World
Shovel Knight
Shantae: Half Genie Hero
Xenoblade Chronicles X

I'm not trying to complain or sound negative about your post or anything, but I feel like you're over estimating the value of Nintendo sells for $5 at gamestop right now.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
WTS The Witness for 6$ paypal. Steam.


Hey guys, I find myself in a somewhat financial emergency here and I need to sell stuff fast. I'll post more stuff later but for now:

WTS: Media Markt/Saturn Voucher codes. 60€ for 50€. Paypal. Excluding fees.

I also have one 35€ code, 2x 15€ codes and one 7,99€ code. If you want to buy something, hit me up.

I'll post other stuff later. A Laptop, Xbox One, 3DS, games.

FiiO E10K usb headphone dac/amp: $50

Like new, box and accessories. Going to throw it on Ebay if no one wants to make an offer this time.


A new challenger!

Dogbone $20
NES Controller $10
SNES $10
Genesis 6-Button $13
All controllers are 1st party, working, tested.
All prices are shipped, willing to combine for lower prices etc.
Edit: Controllers are on hold

Clearing out my physical media. Make offers, I'm wheeling and dealing.
$3 for Blu-Ray $5 for TV Seasons $4 for Disney, others as noted. Assume any digital copy has been redeemed.

X-Men First Class
Darkwing Duck S1 DVD
Mad Men S3 BR
Pixar Short Films
Transformers S1 DVD
Doctor Who Series 5 BR
Doctor Who Series 7 Pt 1 BR
The Social Network
Terminator 2
Tropic Thunder
Mortal Kombat Legacy
Mortal Kombat Legacy II
Smallville S6
Smallville S7
Speed Racer
Lost in Translation
Terminator: TSCC Season 1
The Muppets
Transformers (First live action movie)
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Taiko Drum Master (Disc, Box) $7
Final Fantasy XII GH $10
Fushigi Yugi: Eikoden $20

I'll try to keep shipping down as low as possible. Open to haggling, definitely up for bulk discounts.


Katamari Damacy
Chuck S1
Pirates 1-3
Inside Out
Man of Steel
Speed Racer
Bugs Life
Zach and Miri
Roger Rabbit and TNBC
Green Lantern Emerald Knights
Green Lantern First Flight
Justice League The New Frontier
Batman Year One
Batman Under the Red Hood
Superman Doomsday
Batman Gotham Knight
Batman The Dark Knight Returns Pt 1
Wonder Woman
Superman/Batman Public Enemies
Justice League Crisis on Two Earths[/QUOTE]
WTS Bigger stuff for pick-up only (Boston area)

These past two months have been brutal. My son was born with moderate to severe hearing loss and my wife has to get her gallbladder out. Between early intervention, doctor's appointments and an increased workload at my job, I rarely, if ever have both the time and energy to look up individual prices for games. If you want something, please make a reasonable offer and we'll go from there. I won't be able to sell these at MSRP. I'm typically pricing these at 15% less than pricecharting/eBay prices, but am open to offers. With everything going on, please expect some delays in my responses/finalizing deals. If you inquired before and I never got back to you, I apologize as it was probably buried.

The big stuff is for pickup only, but the smaller stuff I can ship.

All Brand New unless otherwise noted

The Last of Us: The Post-Pandemic Edition PS3
Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition PS3
Bioshock: Infinite Songbird Edition PS3
Bioshock: Infinite Songbird Edition X360
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Collector's Edition X360 - Outer box is fairly damaged
Tales of Xillia Collector's Edition PS3
Tales of Xillia 2 Collector's Edition PS3
Tales of Xillia PS3 Slim
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX Collector's Edition PS3
Hyrule Warriors Premium Box (NTSC-J) Wii U
Entire NIB first print Amiibo Collection (Missing some Animal Crossing ones)

The rest of my collection is in the spreadsheet below.
Prices are forthcoming, but it will be slow going as there's so much there. If you see something you want that isn't priced yet, pm me an offer and maybe we can work something out.
I have a packing tote of guides to add, and will hopefully get to it this weekend.
I'm also working on conditions, but most disc based and recent cart (PSV/3DS/DS) are excellent to like new and complete, most of my SNES/N64/NES/GBC/GB/GBA games are cart only unless otherwise noted. I also have limited edition consoles (mostly 3ds/3dsXLs) that I have to add, but nothing super exciting there.

I also have a weird proposition, if anyone is interested.

I'm thinking of selling a NES Classic for retail + ship, with the caveat that I get to keep the controller. I can't find an official controller anywhere and as my brother already has a NES Classic, I wanted him to have two controllers for his. It'll be great if you want the console and don't mind the third party controllers.


-Lady and the Tramp
-Lion King
-Peter Pan
-Cinderella (animated)
-Iron Man
-Iron Man 2
-Captain America
-Game of Thrones Digital Seasons UV - 1,2

-Breach and Clear (PSV)
-Saturday Morning RPG (PS4/PSV)
-Oddworld: New and Tasty (PS4/PSV)
-Astebreed (PS4)
-Tales of Beseria Collector's Edition
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