Buy/Sell/Trade Thread 2016 | Read the Rules in the OP | I'd Buy That for a Dollar!

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Wind Waker Link & Zelda Amiibo 2 Pack
Marvel VS Capcom 3 PS4 Physical

  • Persona 5 Take Your Heart Edition - Make Offers
  • Attack on Titan (PS4) (New) - $32 shipped
  • God Eater 2 w/ God Eater (PS4) (New) - $32 shipped
  • Final Fantasy XV (PS4) - $30 shipped
  • World of Final Fantasy (PS4) - $32 shipped (New)
  • Final Fantasy Type 0 HD (PS4) - $27 shipped
  • Arslan: The Warrios of Legend (PS4) (New) - $22 shipped
  • Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance (PS4) (New) launch edition - $50 shipped
  • Until Dawn (PS4) - $17 shipped
  • Zero Time Dilemma (Vita) - $17 shipped
Other Stuff
  • Huawei Smart Watch 42mm w/ Silver Mesh Band- $275 shipped (used, has some surface scratches but not on the watch face) Information/Pic
  • Zero Time Dilemma Watch (case is scratched from shipping) - $17 shipped
  • Kubo and the Two Strings (UV Digital Code) - $5
  • Miss Hokusai (UV Digital Code) - $8
  • Nintendo Switch Gray Joycon set - $72 shipped (new)

I have positive buying and selling feedback for several years, feel free to hit me up with offers!
Accepting Paypal Gift/Facebook payment or please cover the fees!



Feedback here


Wii U: The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD Gold label - $43 shipped (image)
Wii U: Super Mario 3D World Red case - $28 shipped (image)
3DS: The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (Nintendo Selects) - $15 shipped (image)
PS2: VeXx - $20 shipped (image)
PS2: Blitz The League - $10 shipped (image)
PS2: Rune: Viking Warlord - $25 shipped (image)
PS2: antigrav (EyeToy included) - $20 shipped (image)
PS2: Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists Of The Roses $25 shipped (image)


Creative Sound BlasterX G5 DAC (hardly used) - $90 shipped (image) This one = (amazon)
Wii U Pro Controller (incl. charging cable and manual) charged fully twice - $30 shipped (images)

[BD] Afro Samurai The Complete Murder Sessions - $40 shipped


MLBTV Premium - $25 (x2)

PayPal FF or you pay fees


NeoGAF + Seller! Buy with confidence!

WTS Digital Movie Codes!

Cloverfield - $3
Ex Machina - $3
Jurassic World - $3
Star Trek Beyond - $3
Star Wars: The Force Awakens - $5

Steam Keys!

$1 a key or take all of them for $5

3089 Futuristic Action
4089 Ghost Within Steam
Club Manager 2016
Crazy Belts
Melissa K And The Heart of Gold
Nash Racing
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
S3079 Block Action RPG
Street Racing Syndicate



Used PC "barebones" - 2500K (purchased Jan 2012 and clocked at 4.6GHz 100% stable from day 1 at 1.36v), 16GB DDR3 1600 RAM (GSkill Sniper Low Voltage), Cooler Master 212+, and ASRock P67 Extreme4 Gen3 motherboard. Interested in selling these all as one. - $180 shipped

Softmodded Xbox Bundle - Comes with original Xbox already softmodded, WD 250GB hard drive installed, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, Xbox memory card with modded Splinter Cell save already preloaded, NCAA Football 2006 (used to update your Xbox's dash to the most recent version that can be modded), component cables, power cable, Duke Controller, S Controller. Note that you wont necessarily need Splinter Cell, NCAA, or the memory card since I've already modded it, but everything is included if you want to mod another console in the future. - $90 shipped

Dreamcast "bundle" - Comes with Dreamcast, VMU, one official controller, one third party controller, and power cable. Does NOT come with any video cables, sorry. Though you'll want to hook this up via VGA anyway. Note that the CD drive stopped working some years ago and I had to pot tweak it to let it read disc again. I've had no issue since then, but just stating that up front. - $45 shipped. I also have a decent bit of Dreamcast games listed for sale in my Google spreadsheet listed right below this, and am certainly interested in selling all this, and all the Dreamcast games together for a cheaper price. Hit me up.

Gone Girl Digital HD Code (iTunes/UV) - $3

LittleBigPlanet 3 PS4 - $9 shipped

60+ retro(ish) games - Put them all in a Google Sheet to not clutter up this post so it's viewable here. Note that there is a decent bit of sports games, a decent bit of average/poor condition games, and a large amount of them not that "rare" or worth much. But they are taking up a fair amount of room in my closet so hit me up cause I need that space.

PS3 Wireless Bluetooth Headset - $10 shipped

Samson Go Mic - $28 shipped


Shovel Knight Amiibo
Toon Link (one that comes with Zelda) Amiibo

Prices include shipping to the United States --- Minimum order = $10 --- Paypal

Hyper Light Drifter box and instructions (new/sealed) - $28

Actraiser 2 - $26
Super Mario All-Stars - $24
Contra Spirits (Contra 3) - Superior Famicom version - $22
Gradius 3 - labeled pealing a little, could be fixed easily - $11
Kefka's Domain - $28 (3 CD FF6 OST)

All games come with a standard Nintendo sleeve
Battle of Olympus - $10
Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril - $34
Contra - $29
Super C (rough cart condition but plays fine) - $15
Dragon Warrior 4 - $63
GI Joe A Real American Hero - $42
Spy Vs. Spy - $6

Animal Crossing: New Leaf - $14
Batman: Blackgate - $8
Henry Hatsworth - $10
Mario Kart 7 - $14
Shinobi $9

Suikoden - $25

$5 Dunkin Donuts Gift Card - $2.5
$2 Dunkin Donuts Gift Card - $1

MLB.TV 1 Year - $30
Code becomes available on April 4th

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Limited Edition - Nintendo 3DS - $80
Delivers from Amazon on Release Date

Sager NP9870-S 17.3" laptop - $1700 plus shipping
1080P Matte Display G-Sync
Intel i7-6700K Desktop CPU
16GB DDR4 2133MHz RAM
250GB M.2 SSD
Win 10 Pro

Marvel Unlimited 1 Month codes - $5


Outlier Medium Shirts from WTF Top Packs, never worn

Teavana Tea - Purchased Dec 2016

Teavana Gyokoro Imperial Green Tea (at least 11 ounces in a tin) $50
Teavana Golden Monkey Black Tea (at least 11 ounces in a tin) $50
Teavana Monkey Picked Oolong (at least 10 ounces in a tin) $50
$120 if you buy all three.


Dropped both prices by $10 in the hopes of getting some movement. At least IMO that should definitely be in "priced to move" range, so please shoot me a PM if you're interested.
US Shonen Jump lot- November 2004 through April 2012 (final issue, 88 issues total, around 350-400 pages each, plus the bonus "Naruto Collector" issue they sent out at some point)- $110 shipped
(Shipping is going to be a pain on this one, and pricey, so that's factored into that cost. I'm looking to get ~$65 in hand, and that's what I estimate it'd add up to if sent via Media Mail. That said, if you have a better idea on how to get it sent off cheaper, I'm all ears).

Wandering Son Vol. #1-8, US. $100 shipped
The prices on some of the volumes have really creeped up (IE the Amazon listings for 2 of these are over $100 currently), but I think this should be about right for a "fair" price for the lot. (Ideally I'm looking to effectively sell these off to fund a set of Japanese volumes).

If you're interested in either of these, definitely shoot me a PM, and we can talk details.



Hi, I'm selling most of the above movies and shows to try and make some money to buy something nifty. Everything is in great condition.
Id like to make at least $100 after shipping and fees, so lets say $130 shipped?
Please message me if you are interested :)

Game of Thrones Season 1 (BR+DVD)
Game of Thrones Season 2 (BR+DVD)
Game of Thrones Season 3
Desert Punk complete Series (DVD)
Aladdin 2+3 (BR)
Fox and the Hound 1+2 (BR+ DVD)
Pocahontas 1+2 (BR +DVD)
Princess and the Frog (BR+DVD)
The Matrix Trilogy (BR)
Men in Black (BR+DVD)
Men in Black 2 (BR+DVD)
The Godfather (DVD)
The Dark Knight (BR)
Inception (BR)
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (BR)
Assassins Creed Lineage (BR)
My Little Pony Equestria Girls (BR+DVD)
Close encounters of the Third Kind Boxed Collectors Bluray (BR)
Sucker Punch (DVD)
Road Warrior (DVD)

All games are in mint condition and include the original box (and manual, if applicable)

Bayonetta 2 (original run including Bayonetta 1 - never used) - $45
Xenoblade Chronicles X - $20 shipped
Splatoon - $30 shipped
Super Smash Bros. Wii U - $30 shipped

Payment through Paypal F&F or you pay the fees, please.


Most of the items that are brand new in box, Others are adult owned, unless noted other wise. Shipping price included, (Edit: Buyer pays shipping for The Witcher), ship in USA only. Accepting offers of course. Paypal only, please send as friends and family if possible or cover the PayPal fees when sending payment. I'm also located in North Jersey to those that would like to meet up.

HKS Racing Controller for PS3 - $18
Power A Pro Elite Wireless Controller for PS3 - $10
Street Fighter x Tekken Fightpad (King/Marduk/Poison/Hugo) for PS3 - $30
Marvel vs Capcom 3 Special Edition for PS3 - $30
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 Collector's Edition for PS3 - $30
Shin Megami Tensei PERSONA 2 Innocent Sin Limited Edition for PSP - $40
Just Cause 3 for PS4 - $12
The Witcher 2: Dark Edition for Xbox 360 - $80


Sennheiser HD 598 Special Edition (no box, 3.5mm cable) (Black) - $85
970 GTX Windforce (Have box, never been OC, looking to upgrade) - $140


Unconfirmed Member


-Disgaea 2 PC artbook DLC Steam code - $2
-World End Economica Episodes 1-3 complete set Steam codes - $10

via Paypal
Trying to get rid of stuff, someone wants to take it all I will happily box and get out. Shipping would depend on what is ordered and bundling, but I'm not really looking to make money. Pics are available for anything needed:
Game System Notes Price
Final Fantasy X-2 PS2 Box and Manual Only $2
Tetris Worlds PS2 $4
Genji PS2 $5
DDR Max 2 PS2 $5
Capcom vs SNK 2 PS2 $24
Def Jam Fight for New York PS2 Gamestop Case $25
Star Ocean Till The End of Time PS2 Greatest Hits Case $7

N64: Games Only
Game System Notes Price
Command & Conquer N64 Slightly Scratched Label $6
007 Goldeneye N64 Rough Label $7
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2 N64 $5
NFL Blitz N64 Rough Label $4
007 The World Is Not Enough N64 $9
Gameshark Pro N64 V3.3 $12
Road Rash 64 N64 $12

Random Hardware No Box:
RocketFish HDMI Splitter Model# RF-G1185 $12

Gameboy Games Only:
Game System Notes Price
Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages GBC $11
Tom Clancy's Rainbox Six GBC $4
Dragonball Z Legendary Super Warriors GBC $8
Desert Strike GB $4

Genesis Games only:
Game System Notes Price
Street Fighter 2 Special Championship Edition GEN $8

Gameboy Advance Games Only:
Game System Notes Price
Hamtaro Ham-Ham Heartbreak GBA $15
Pokemon Emerald Version GBA $12

Looking for a New 3DS (smaller kind)!

Preferably on 11.2 or lower firmware... I'd like to get Retroarch running on it!

Also have a new in box NES Classic that I can trade against it...

Thanks GAF!


Prices lowered!

Man been forever since I've done anything on here! I think my listing on the feedback sheet indicates I'm a Platinum seller? In any case two things two things I'm looking to sell:

The Last Guardian LE Steelbook + Game ($40 shipped in the US). US release (worth noting since this steelbook was apparently released in multiple regions), steelbook and game are like new, disc was only removed and put back in once. This is ONLY for the game disc + steelbook, no other LE content/statue/codes are included. DLC code sheet is included in the case but the code already used.

Paypal only, not looking for trades really at the moment. Prices are pretty firm but I'll knock some off if you buy both. Items will ship out 1-2 days after payment is received. Thanks!
WTB: Super random but does anyone have this?

Just the cover slip though in great or like new condition! I just want the cover and not the actual game itself so that's why I haven't been using eBay.

Super weird I know but I thought I'd just try. I really want this cover!

PM me if you do and are willing to negotiate a price thanks!
MLB.TV Premium 1 Year - $25
It will be available on April 4th.

Square Enix Holiday Box 2016 - $10
  • Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
  • Goetia
  • Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 1 & 2
  • Hitman Intro Pack
  • Hitman Go: Definitive Edition
  • Tomb Raider Underworld
Xbox One Digital Codes
1 Month EA Access - $4
14 Day Xbox Live Gold - $1

Risen 2: Dark Waters Gold Edition
TransOcean: The Shipping Company
WARMACHINE Tactics & WT - Mercenaries Faction Bundle

UV Codes
The Equalizer - $2 Pending
Bad Boys 2 - $2 Pending

Want: Paypal

Astro A38 Wireless Bluetooth Headphones - Lightly Used - $40.00 Shipped
Purchased these to use with my Vita, used them a handful of times, still work and look brand new, comes with all original pacakaging, cable, and paperwork.

Corsair M65 RGB Gaming Mouse - USED - $25.00 Shipped
Use for a few months, still in great condition, works flawlessly. Comes with original packaging.

Razer Blackwidow Ultimate Edition - USED - $45.00 Shipped
Used for a few monthjs, still in great condition, works flawlessly. Does not come with original packaging.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Venom Snake - Play Arts Kai - $70.00 Shipped
Had this on display for a bit, all pieces are there in perfect condition.

I accept Paypal

Thanks for looking.


from a positive seller/buyer(previously gold).

Backer key w/Immortal Edition Upgrade
Steam or GOG, your choice (won't choose until I have received payment.)

$30 obo

Kickstarter Collector's Edition Torment for PC/MAC


Tales of Vesperia Xbox 360 sealed


SMT: Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 PS2 Used condition

paypal friends and family only for digital goods

Games will be sent in bubble mailers.

I consider myself a buyer first and foremost so I know how important communication with digital goods is. I check neogaf email nightly sometimes more on weekends


WTS (shipping within US included). Paypal. Pm me if interested.

Eternal Darkness - $35

Killer 7 - $35

or both for $60

both are complete and in great condition.

Just reposting.

Alright, somebody suggested I list some of my old as PC games here for any interested collectors. Tried this a few threads back, nobody was interested. Are there PC game collectors on NeoGaf? Probably not but maybe something will catch your eye.

Three things:

1. I am in Canada and the prices are in CANADIAN dollars, this means it's like a 25-30% discount for any American gaffers out there right off the bat.

2. I don't mind working something out if you wanna buy multiple copies. I'm flexible with pricing as well.

3. If you're overseas, yes, I do ship overseas. However, be warned that the cheapest shipping option from Canada to an overseas destination is in the range of $20-30 (depending on the country) and it is SLOW. There are other options but they ramp up in price pretty significantly. The good news? The cost of shipping is largely based on weight so if you get 1 game or 10 games, the shipping fees are the same as long as they stay under 1 kilogram or 2.2 pounds for you imperial users (same rule applies to Americans but shipping to America won't be that bad to begin with).

Due to the sheer amount of games I have, I decided to just share them in a Google album with you guys rather than clutter up the forum with link photos. I did my best to sort them by era, genre and computer system. Each photo has a short description so click on them for info. If you have questions about the contents, feel free to ask and I don't mind taking pictures of the insides. The list and prices can be found in a shareable Google sheets found here

The Photos

Oh, and I take Paypal. Shit I'll even do Ethereum or Bitcoin payments for those of you who like the cryptocurrency thing.

I will be periodically updating this as I go along BTW so feel free to check on it later.



PS Vita 2000 - BLACK - EXCELLENT CONDITION. This is an extra system I had which wasn't used much, so it's in awesome condition. It will come with a 64GB memory card and small slim pouch. Will also come with the original Vita packaging. All pictured below. Sorry for the crappy pic, if you need pictures of anything specific let me know.

FW version: 3.60

I'm asking for 200 dollars shipped. US only. I accept Paypal only. Paypal gift or you pay the fees.


If someone from Brazil with positive feedback please get in touch with me via PM. I would like to buy something from Mercado Livre. Specifically a record. I will make it worth your while. Thanks.
I'm looking for Overwatch for Xbox One. Preferably a digital copy of the game since I already have it installed (was lent to me and I had to give it back and my kid absolutely adores the game). Let me know what you have!
Long shot, if anyone wants to buy something from Amazon, I have $278 and can knock off $20 or so for you in exchange for PayPal. Darn Nintendo Switches on Amazon.



PS Vita *Slim* with a 16 or 32 GB mem card.

WTS Steam Keys:


Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - $2


The Last Remnant - $1


Murdered: Soul Suspect - $2


Dungeon Siege III - $1


Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide - $3

Operation Flashpoint Red River $1
Overlord $1
Heckabomb $1
Damnation $1



NES classic, US Version, NiB- 110.00. US only please.

PayPal (friends and family or you cover the fee.)

I'm a Platinum Seller/Buyer here.



Hi folks,

Looking to clear our some of my inventory. Every item is in pretty good shape minus the usual wear on boxed items (wears on the corners, etc). Feel free to PM me for more information.


N3DS Black - $150
It's in great condition. Comes with third party charger, and handgrip.

Galaxy s6 64GB AT&T - $220


SMT 4 - $15 w/ sountrack, bonus materials (guide, box)
Soul Hackers - $18 w/ box and soundtrack
Etrian Odyssey 4 - $19 w/ box no manual.
Loz: Link Between Words - $25 box w/ manual
Ocarina of TIme - $10 box w/ manual
Pokemon X - $10 box w/manual
Super Mario 3D Land - $10 box w/ manual
Contra 4 - $15
SMT : Strange Journey -$ 20 box and manual
Chorno Trigger - $15
Dragon Quest V -$ 20
Dragon Quest IX - $20


I have a Uplay key for either (you can choose during installation):

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands

All you need is an Nvidia GTX 10 series graphics card to redeem it.(if you don't have one, I can just create an account on Uplay for you to have it with the game of your choice)

I'm looking for a trade actually, so I'd accept a Steam gift(s) for it:
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