Lord of Castamere
Does everyone get a eulogy when they die?
Maybe. If I'm alive to give them.
Does everyone get a eulogy when they die?
Tucah was a convenience for Blarg, I doubt Blarg knows what we are killing. I just hope I made a good call.
Man, I know I murderedTucah Night 1 last game, but you guys seem to be intent on never letting him play Mafia.and ate
Tucah does not even put up a fight as you close in on him. You can see it in his eyes that he already accepted his fate.
Everything moves so fast that you do not even realise how it really happened. But as he hangs there, you notice the faintest smile on his face. As you remember how Zatoths life ended, you begin to think that Tucah may have been the lucky one.
Tucah, an Ordinary Tourist is dead.
You are an Ordinary Tourist.
You are aligned with the Tourists.
You have no abilities other than voting.
You win when no remaining players are Cult-aligned.
Before you start with your breakfast you check if anybody is missing. Two survivors did not show up. You hope that you are wrong but as expected, both are dead.
Fireblend, a Witch and Lone_Prodigy, an Ordinary Cultist are dead.
You are an Ordinary Cultist.
You are aligned with the Cult of Cthulhu.
Years of worshipping Cthulhu turned you insane. But your sanity was a small price to pay for the gifts Cthulhu granted you. You used your powers to sink the cruise ship you spotted on the horizon. Somehow a small group of passengers survived and made it to your island. In the chaos your cult managed to infiltrate the survivors. It will be easy to sacrifice them one by one.
[redacted]. Each night phase, one of the Cult of Cthulhu-aligned players may kill/turn insane (depending on Cthulhus mood) one of the other players by PMing me the command SACRIFICE: Playername. This action will be associated with the player who sent the PM. You may also communicate with your partners at the Quickboard found here.
You win when only Cult of Cthulhu-aligned players remain.
Day 2 ends:Welcome!
You are a Witch.
You are aligned with the Tourists.
The other passengers may not realise it but old and dark magic is present on this island. You dont know who is behind it, but at least you are able to use your own magic to protect other survivors.
Once per night you can place a protective spell, which grants protection against one attack this night, on another player. To do so, private message me the command PROTECT: Playername.
You win when no remaining players are Cult-aligned.
My god! We are the best game!
I'm retarded, that was a cultist!
I see that there is a "turn insane" option for Cultists. I don't know if that's done through somebody's decision or RNG, but it seems like this game is going to get really weird, really fast.
Also, I think LP's role PM might have spoiled this game's twist. It seems like the Cultists can convert other players to their side in place of a kill.
I've never been so conflicted about morning results before. RIP Fireblend, but it's awesome that a cultist ended up dead too.
I think that might just be fluff. Otherwise they would probably need two commands, rather than just SACRIFICE.
It sounds too broken to me if it were true, but who knows.
I was seriously questioning you for a minute there
Good results for the first night, now I have to go look at what Blargonaut's suggestions were and see if that has any impact here...
Oh my god you guys had really read Lone_Prodigy EXTREMELY well but... How?
Oh my god you guys had really read Lone_Prodigy EXTREMELY well but... How?
I think that might just be fluff. Otherwise they would probably need two commands, rather than just SACRIFICE.
It sounds too broken to me if it were true, but who knows.
Going through Firebrand and Lone_Prodigy's posts aswell.
Seems that the mafia can either kill or turn someone insane each night, Like a 50/50 chance, sucks that They got lucky tonight by killing our doctor. But who got the other kill? If they got the 50% chance of killing someone it seems we have a 3rd or neutral party who cab kill aswell.
I am currently on mobile but will be home in 2 more hours to dive into those questions.
"Depending on Cthulhu's mood" makes it sound more like it's a random process that Cultists don't choose to me. It would probably just be sacrifice if it was flavor text.
I don't actually see how L_P being a cultist clears Blarg. If we've been assuming that Blarg is a third party, does it really matter who he kills?
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to not have to lynch Blarg, but we did agree on it, so I'd like to understand the reasoning.
I see that there is a "turn insane" option for Cultists. I don't know if that's done through somebody's decision or RNG, but it seems like this game is going to get really weird, really fast.
Oh my god you guys had really read Lone_Prodigy EXTREMELY well but... How?
I don't think any of us have reasoning yet. The deal was that Blarg had to deliver a concrete cultist for our day 2 kill. With this cult death, he may have done just that but we are going to need to look back through old posts first.
To me that sounds like way too big of a mechanic not to be fully detailed in the Cultist's role PM, leaving aside the fact that it sounds like it would be a really powerful ability for the cultists (who already have an information ability) to possess.
Is this something Zatoth is able to comment on? We really need to know this going forward.