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Call of Cthulhu Mafia |OT| Nuts on this island taste insane! Yum Yum!

Yeah, I gotta agree there. As much fun as Blarg was, he'd still be hoggin' up all of th' attention if we didn't vote 'im off last night.

My biggest regret is that his death served no purpose, as we lost 5 people last night despite our efforts to prevent any unnecessary deaths.
Rather than arguin' in circles about who may or may not be cult, do we know if there's anyone who definitely isn't cult? I remember some stuffy British guy sayin' "if you eliminate the impossible, what remains must be the truth," so maybe we should give that a shot while we await th' resta our absentee friends.

ROTY, Retro, Scrafty and LoC are the most trustworthy players in the game as it stands.

Everyone else is a bit iffier, although Flame's behaviour makes me lean towards thinking he's Town.

I imagine you mean that promising lead if Coppa flips Cult would be me? The case against Coppa that you all have developed is, quite frankly, about as solid as an ice cream on the ground in California. I think that Nin should be the one to go today.

Way to quickly change your tune from 'lynch an inactive' to 'Nin's the best option'. Also, during Day 2 I was fairly certain that you listed some other people as suspicious? Why aren't they worthy of your attention?

I'll ask this question then, what information would lynching Coppa provide that is so much better than what lynching someone else would?

It's not going to be qualitatively 'better' than any other option, and if you're looking for that then you'll be looking for a very long time. He has been the centre of suspicion for three days now and frankly there aren't any better options. He's been the subject of many posts and everyone has held an opinion of some description on him. We need to lynch him so we can finally move on from the last vestiges of Day 1 and start to get somewhere new with the discussion.

Even if we learn that he's Town, then this is knowledge that nobody before he flipped was privy to aside from Cult, and so we can also start to examine who was prematurely distancing themselves from the issue or possibly acting in such a manner to ensure that they wouldn't be linked too strongly back to a Tourist lynch later.

Alright, Flame, enough with the silly innuendos.

If you have an Override don't fucking use it.

You're not smarter than the rest of us, as much as you clearly think you are. A lot of us, seemingly a plurality and possibly a majority, think Coppa is the best choice for today. If he doesn't go today, he's gonna go tomorrow. All you'll do by stopping that is kill our momentum dead for the second day running and force us to do the same old dance on Day Four.

Co-signed tbh. I was tired puzzling over how I was going to create a euphemism in order to address the topic so as to not alert the one person reading who hadn't figured it out yet.


Though I would still like to see this answered. People keep saying it might change my interactions and cast them in a different light, but if you look back on it the majority of my interactions are with people who are dead. Blargonaut and Sorian were probably the 2 people I replied to the most, and we know both are dead. Other than that we have Rats rounding out the top three, because he's continually accused me of being a cult. I don't see how much analysis you'll get when you see I'm a nobody.

We'll get more out of you than we would from inactives, who you were trying to get us to lynch.

The idea behind this (and every other lynch) is to hope that we get a cultist, but if not get some semblance of information that we can use for later nights. We can see who bandwagoned, who lead the charge, who differed in opinion, and so on. If we get lucky with a cult kill, great! We have a lot of information to go off of. If not, we at least have a record of people posting and we try again.

For you, it might exonerate some people and it might cast some people under suspicion, depending on what you flip. Since it's been a topic of contention for two days, we have a good amount of posts that revolve around discussing you.

Why has nin been suspicious? Because he's like me? He goes along with the ride? Maybe some of us don't have a lot of time lol

If you find something that would make me say "OH. NIN IS DEFINITELY A CULTIST." Then please. Present it to ms.

It'd be difficult find any evidence that anyone is definitely a cultist. The best we can do is hope our suspicions are correct.




Ok enough fucking around, time to get to brass tacks. I'm going to explain Rats off to ya's posts and explain why he's wrong. I've responded to Rats' day one post before, and my defense is largely the same on that. The one thing I will add is that he mentioned the orb is a recruitment device for the cult, and they would want to use it. We didn't know that at the time I posted any of the questions about it and I urge you to take that into account when reading it. I've since changed my opinion to be that posession of the orb isn't something we want to disclose. We stand to gain more by not knowing who has it than anything.

This was the first thing Coppa said that really bugged me. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't think threats of this sort are the kind of thing that help Town.
I'm sorry you read it as a threat. It was more of a question of how much you were sure I'm a cultist phrased aggressively. When cornered and questioned I tend to get a bit more aggressive, pardon the tone.

The missing context here is LoC saying we lynch Coppa today. Coppa agrees, like a good little Townie would, but his promise wouldn't even last the rest of Day Two. Also note the suggestion that an investigator not look into him on Night Two.
And? Given the chance to survive I would like to. Besides, I didn't see us losing 5 people last night, I saw us losing 2 (I miscounted and forgot Matt Attack would leave us as well, we would have lost 3 if not for Neuromancer/Sorian's crazy debacle). The numbers change now, and I still think losing a tourist is something we should avoid.

A much harder plea, on the grounds that an investigation of Coppa would be bad for Town. You don't want to hurt Town, do you?

Again, I've explained the logic here. I honestly don't see myself lasting longer than today (nor did I see myself doing so last night). As a tourist, we should do our best to win, and that means finding cultists.

If it's not clear, this post is a subtle way of pointing suspicion at Darryl, as he'd previously expressed he wouldn't entertain baseless accusations. A shady, subtle tactic, instead of making an argument and standing behind it. Not Tourist behavior, I don't think.

No no, it's not at all. Rather than point out when people don't respond to queries about Lone_Prodigy they didn't read and then accuse them of being tourists... oh wait.

This comes off to me as subtle fishing for Flame's role. But he's careful not to go too far, and he wants us all to know about it, because that's what a Townie would do.
He asked me point blank what my reasoning was. If my reasoning is "I think you have a special power" do you want me to come out and say it and give that away? What the hell would you do?

That said, I'm resigned to my fate and honestly I see myself in the same position as Blargonaut was yesterday. There's too many people to placate entirely and I feel I'll be a diversion to any actual discussion the next few day phases if people continually hide behind "BUT COPPA IS SO SUSPICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!"

When I'm revealed read over all my posts and realize I said literally exactly what I was thinking. Not one of those is hiding ANYTHING about my intentions in this game, I tend to play these things straight forward. I outline all my key points of logic, and I don't think there's much more you can interpret from this. I'm spending the rest of this day phase pulling out suspicious clues against the people I think need to get out soonest.


I have asked indirectly and gotten no response, so now I will ask directly - Coppa, Flame, who do you suspect? Who do YOU think should go?


Today is the 125th Birthday of H.P. Lovecraft, so I decided to allow Blargonaut to rejoin the game. Of course he is not allowed to use the knowledge he gained outside the game.






Ok enough fucking around, time to get to brass tacks. I'm going to explain Rats off to ya's posts and explain why he's wrong. I've responded to Rats' day one post before, and my defense is largely the same on that. The one thing I will add is that he mentioned the orb is a recruitment device for the cult, and they would want to use it. We didn't know that at the time I posted any of the questions about it and I urge you to take that into account when reading it. I've since changed my opinion to be that posession of the orb isn't something we want to disclose. We stand to gain more by not knowing who has it than anything.

I'm sorry you read it as a threat. It was more of a question of how much you were sure I'm a cultist phrased aggressively. When cornered and questioned I tend to get a bit more aggressive, pardon the tone.

And? Given the chance to survive I would like to. Besides, I didn't see us losing 5 people last night, I saw us losing 2 (I miscounted and forgot Matt Attack would leave us as well, we would have lost 3 if not for Neuromancer/Sorian's crazy debacle). The numbers change now, and I still think losing a tourist is something we should avoid.

Again, I've explained the logic here. I honestly don't see myself lasting longer than today (nor did I see myself doing so last night). As a tourist, we should do our best to win, and that means finding cultists.

No no, it's not at all. Rather than point out when people don't respond to queries about Lone_Prodigy they didn't read and then accuse them of being tourists... oh wait.

He asked me point blank what my reasoning was. If my reasoning is "I think you have a special power" do you want me to come out and say it and give that away? What the hell would you do?

That said, I'm resigned to my fate and honestly I see myself in the same position as Blargonaut was yesterday. There's too many people to placate entirely and I feel I'll be a diversion to any actual discussion the next few day phases if people continually hide behind "BUT COPPA IS SO SUSPICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!"

When I'm revealed read over all my posts and realize I said literally exactly what I was thinking. Not one of those is hiding ANYTHING about my intentions in this game, I tend to play these things straight forward. I outline all my key points of logic, and I don't think there's much more you can interpret from this. I'm spending the rest of this day phase pulling out suspicious clues against the people I think need to get out soonest.

Coppa, I think a lot of people (myself included) have you as their prime suspect because there's frankly no one else that would be a good candidate today. That's not saying you are for certainly mafia, but that you're the best choice we've got tonight.

That being said, if there's a better suspect, I think I speak for everyone when I say we are all open ears. Your defense is sound and makes sense, however, it doesn't remove the suspicious posting you did during the first day phase and that nagging feeling that you are mafia from most people. If presented with something better, I know personally, I'd move my vote.

RE Flame_AC: What the hell are you doing? If you're trying to subtly hint you are a power role, it's not working. You've basically told everyone at this point. And OK, I get you want Coppa to live, but do you have some reasoning for that or is it "just because"? If you know something we don't either say it upfront or be a little more subtle with your information (too late for that now). It doesn't help anyone to just plainly say "this isn't happening because I said so". That doesn't help us at all.

I can see a few possibilities for why Flame is so protective. I'm sorry I'm pointing them out but at this point, but the mafia know something's up already and I think it's worthwhile talking about it.

1. Flame_AC is a cop. He's investigated Coppa and he knows Coppa is town. Therefore, he's trying to save him from dying. The way he's going about this is pretty weird, though, claiming that he'll "prevent it" somehow. Cop's can't really prevent death, but it could be a bluff.
2. Flame_AC is a mayor/overrider/lynch-stopper and somehow knows (or has a really good hunch) that Coppa is town. In this scenario, Flame_AC has the power to stop a lynch. This is super dangerous for us, as we don't actually know if Flame_AC has information on Coppa or if it's all just a hunch. A no-lynch today would be, in my mind, bad even if Coppa were town. Let's also not forget that mafia could have the power to override as well.
3. Flame_AC is mafia. He's lying about all this crap as a ploy to make it look like he's important. Not the wisest strategy, but Flame has played very erratically before.

A further interesting thought to chew over:
An interesting mafia strategy would be to play hardball for the defense of Coppa (like Flame_AC is doing), then once Coppa flips town, Flame_AC looks like he was the only one defending him.

Here's a pretty good discussion point: Coppa, how do you feel about Flame_AC defending you? Do you have any thoughts on this?


I have asked indirectly and gotten no response, so now I will ask directly - Coppa, Flame, who do you suspect? Who do YOU think should go?

I don't have time for a full list, but off the top of my head (and without super deep prying) here's who I think are worth looking into:

I'll divide mine into tiers! May this list outlive me. Currently I think these are the MOST SUSPICIOUS™:

Droplet- A lot of people have Droplet figured as a tourist, I'm not so convinced. For the past 2 days Droplet has gone into various bandwagons relatively early (granted they were both on me). While playing aggressive, I think droplet is trying to hide in the bandwagons early so she doesn't look suspicious.

GreatCharleston: Took a bit too much offense when prompted to talk on day 2. A lot of people seem to think he's worth investigating, I'll agree on this.

And now the KEEP AN EYE ON™:

Rats Off To Ya- Way too quick to step into Sorian's power hole. I'm wary of anyone who tries to take advantage of that situation too much. Ultimately I think we're actually better without a single lead voice in the group. With 1 voice it's much much too easy for cultists to hide in and agree with the votes. Having an obvious leader benefits the cult more than the tourists.

TheWorthyEdge- Unlike Vylash TWE has actually posted some recently. I still can't get a read on, I think it's worth pushing back on.

Vylash- He hasn't posted much of anything ever. Nor did the player he replaced. It's impossible to get a read on him, and on day 3 that's going to make this a lot harder when we finally get someone who WILL participate. Sure mathematically there's a chance this role is a tourist power, but if it is we're not losing anything by lynching it since an inactive role is as good as a dead one.

As for Flame_AC, I would much prefer he not use a power role to save me if he has one. Like you said, it's almost impossible to read it without painting a huge target on him, and unless he's the cop and also knows who a cultist is, I'm worried losing him would hurt us too badly.That said, he's now in a tricky spot if he has a role, does he use it while he can in a not ideal time, or does he wait and hope he lives long enough to use it? I honestly think for the good of the team he shouldn't have gone out this openly to protect me given that I'm almost always going to be a prime suspect.
People still don't trust me? Well, I am the one who kills in the night. Y'all should down right fear me.


Get real, nerds.

If I was the killer I'd have done it in this order:

Never Forever to go first gotta get rid of them long posting players to leave some of you in the dark.
Then maybe someone less engaging to throw people off like RetroMG or Timeasis who are totally inoffensive players.
Then RatsOffToYa while he's spoken for me a few times in my defense it'd have been best to get rid of him to avoid any real form of suspicion that I was the killer.

Saying this though you will all probably assume it's some Blarg type of mind games and that I AM a Cultist but seemingly me being all funny about it in hopes you're all just like "Haha, nice joke dude." & don't read into it too much.

Droplet is a very neutral player, I don't suspect her at all anymore for the time being.

Nin1000 is hella whack but he may just not want to put in the effort like some of the previous posters have been doing and honestly it's a lot of work to match up to.

AC_Flame got VERY defensive about Coppa, maybe trying to watch his fellow cultists back but maybe he knows something we don't and wants to keep him alive? Giving very weak reasoning though doesn't sell it to me at all however.

TheWorthyEdge seems to want to blend in pretty well and want to be more offensive in the name of the tourists but so far he hasn't really done all that much in their favour.

ScraftyDevil wants to be a crafty devil and since she joined has always been very much on the side of the tourists but it's easy to blend in not that I think she's against them.

Never Forever
is really hard to get a read on, very judgemental, a lot of massive posts detailing previous behaviours of posters and potential theories regarding their political(?) standing in the game whether they are to cultists or not. Some of it is good work though.

Coppanuva this guy has been getting group suspected/bullied for a long while now but if there's no solid leads you can only go with what you feel is right which is unfortunate for him. He didn't crumble as quickly as Lone_Prodigy though and maybe there's a chance we're wrong? Only time will tell.

Rats Off To Ya
He's also been VERY quick to judge and aggressive, a totally play to win style but he lets up on people fairly easy but I suppose when the trail gets cold there's no point in chasing it up. Not too sure about him taking Sorian's role though, he's been the way he has been since the first day.

johnnyquicknives & ultron87 make some good posts when they do post but I'd like to see more involvement from them if given the chance, the lack of attachment to the game is leaving me with very little on how to feel about them.

As I said earlier types like RetroMG, Timeasis and LoC seem VERY carefree and they don't really have any really stretching or radical views. Boring players, safe players? Potentially, also a lot like me. They have some questions and some answers but that's about as far as they go. No hate though, fellas.
Fact o' the matter is, we won't know anythin' for sure until after we've lynched someone t'day. All we've got for now are hunches, and whatever the lynchee turns out to be will hopefully give us enough information to go off 'f.
I'll ask this question then, what information would lynching Coppa provide that is so much better than what lynching someone else would?

Listen, there are things I'm working out in my head, but I feel if I say too much right now it would only give the enemy more time to develop a defense.

Suffice to say, I have a theory, and if my theory is correct, we have the potential to win this game tomorrow. I have a lead on our next and possibly final Cultist, but right now it's more of a feeling than any kind of hard evidence. Lynching Coppa, and seeing him flip Cult, would make all the pieces fall into place.

The way I see it, if Coppa is a Tourist it doesn't pose any greater threat to us than lynching any other Tourist we have. But if he's a Cultist it blows this entire game wide open. Trust me on this one, please. If you have an override, I am begging you not to use it today.


Fact o' the matter is, we won't know anythin' for sure until after we've lynched someone t'day. All we've got for now are hunches, and whatever the lynchee turns out to be will hopefully give us enough information to go off 'f.

I agree with this, but I still don't think lynching me gets you much information about other people. As it stands I've been mainly a lone wolf unattached to people. Other people even claim I haven't contributed much thought and have gone along with general tendencies, which I can agree with. We've been in 2 days and there's been 2 votes. I was grouped with the winning vote both times. However even amongst people I sided with almost nobody has argued FOR me (with the exception of Flame_AC). I'm telling you I'm going to flip ordinary tourist, I know absolutely nobody with the exception of Flame_AC (and the cult members who would honestly be stupid to side with me at this point) believes I'll flip tourist at this point. What do you stand to gain from that knowledge?

Right now everybody is thinking "He's going to flip cult and when that happens who can I analyze and attack next." That's the wrong avenue to bark up and you're wasting your time thinking that way. When I flip tourist, who are you going to analyze next? I've thought and thought about it and I have no idea who you'll get any sort of leads on based on that revelation. If I did, I would start outlining it now because I'm accepting my lynch as an inevitability at this point.


I have asked indirectly and gotten no response, so now I will ask directly - Coppa, Flame, who do you suspect? Who do YOU think should go?

On the previous page I had responded to Droplet's question looking for the people who we thought were for sure town, so I answered that instead and forgot to answer you. Here's the list of Tourists again: Droplet, Coppa, myself, Vylash (purely inactive, ordinary tourist), or Retro are Cultists.

The only other person that I think the rest of y'all would be willing to lynch today would be nin1000, which is why I mentioned him earlier. I would like to go after some others, but I know that's not happening today.

RE Flame_AC: What the hell are you doing? If you're trying to subtly hint you are a power role, it's not working. You've basically told everyone at this point. And OK, I get you want Coppa to live, but do you have some reasoning for that or is it "just because"? If you know something we don't either say it upfront or be a little more subtle with your information (too late for that now). It doesn't help anyone to just plainly say "this isn't happening because I said so". That doesn't help us at all.

We're both agreed then that I am not subtle. I understood the value of losing a Tourist on Day 1 and argued Neuromancer over it as a necessary evil. Now on Day 3, we've got a little bit more information for us to judge off of. I think we both understand what the other side is after, but I'm hesitant to withdraw my protection from Coppanuva.

I don't have time for a full list, but off the top of my head (and without super deep prying) here's who I think are worth looking into:

As for Flame_AC, I would much prefer he not use a power role to save me if he has one. Like you said, it's almost impossible to read it without painting a huge target on him, and unless he's the cop and also knows who a cultist is, I'm worried losing him would hurt us too badly.That said, he's now in a tricky spot if he has a role, does he use it while he can in a not ideal time, or does he wait and hope he lives long enough to use it? I honestly think for the good of the team he shouldn't have gone out this openly to protect me given that I'm almost always going to be a prime suspect.

If you don't want me to save you, and you're fine dying, I'll let it go and carry on your memory to the end of the game. However, if you want, I'll be glad to keep my current position, it's a matter of what do you want?

Or, if everyone else is agreed, 100%, barring the inactives, that Coppa is the choice for today, I'll relent.
I agree with this, but I still don't think lynching me gets you much information about other people. As it stands I've been mainly a lone wolf unattached to people. Other people even claim I haven't contributed much thought and have gone along with general tendencies, which I can agree with. We've been in 2 days and there's been 2 votes. I was grouped with the winning vote both times. However even amongst people I sided with almost nobody has argued FOR me (with the exception of Flame_AC). I'm telling you I'm going to flip ordinary tourist, I know absolutely nobody with the exception of Flame_AC (and the cult members who would honestly be stupid to side with me at this point) believes I'll flip tourist at this point. What do you stand to gain from that knowledge?

Right now everybody is thinking "He's going to flip cult and when that happens who can I analyze and attack next." That's the wrong avenue to bark up and you're wasting your time thinking that way. When I flip tourist, who are you going to analyze next? I've thought and thought about it and I have no idea who you'll get any sort of leads on based on that revelation. If I did, I would start outlining it now because I'm accepting my lynch as an inevitability at this point.

Well then who are your alternative suggestions? Which players do you think will shed more light on things depending on how they flip? You're throwing up roadblocks without presenting alternatives. You're literally just as good as anyone else from that perspective.

The main issue with you is that you're the centre of attention and I just want to get rid of you so we can finally move on and talk about something new. We need a more dynamic flow of ideas where we won't be returning to the issue of Blargonaut/Coppanuva any more so every exchange will be more meaningful and every vote will actually put more pressure on people. As it stands, Nin hasn't even popped out to acknowledge my vote because it doesn't matter. We're all focused on you.

A No Lynch is not an option. You are agreed on by the largest number of people as being suspicious. I'm sorry, that's mafia for you.


If you don't want me to save you, and you're fine dying, I'll let it go and carry on your memory to the end of the game. However, if you want, I'll be glad to keep my current position, it's a matter of what do you want?

Or, if everyone else is agreed, 100%, barring the inactives, that Coppa is the choice for today, I'll relent.

That's the thing I'm not sure of. It depends ultimately on how much you can prove, and whether or not you think you'll last much longer. If you think you'll survive longer by not saving me, do that. If you think your survival won't be impacted by however you plan to save me, by all means do that. Ultimately I trust your judgement on this.


I just have a concern with this policy of ignoring the mostly inactive people. That gives any Cult members that are playing that way a free pass to continue not doing anything and slipping by.

I certainly hope there aren't any shenanigans like the Cult convincing replacements to stay inactive (and thus get replaced) to play off the "replacements must be town" thoughts that exist. Hopefully that wouldn't be stood for. But even without cheating like that someone could just be doing the 2 posts per day thing to stay within the rules and stay under the radar.


Um. Sorry, this is a bit unclear. Am I town, or a cultist?

Ah. Sorry about that, I cut off too much from a different post, that whole list is of people I believe to be Tourists.

That's the thing I'm not sure of. It depends ultimately on how much you can prove, and whether or not you think you'll last much longer. If you think you'll survive longer by not saving me, do that. If you think your survival won't be impacted by however you plan to save me, by all means do that. Ultimately I trust your judgement on this.

It doesn't matter if I die so long as the Tourists win anyways, if they want to lynch me or the Cultists want to kill me for whatever reason, then that's their prerogative. I'll wait and see if everyone's in agreement that you have to go before I make a decision.

I just have a concern with this policy of ignoring the mostly inactive people. That gives any Cult members that are playing that way a free pass to continue not doing anything and slipping by.

I certainly hope there aren't any shenanigans like the Cult convincing replacements to stay inactive (and thus get replaced) to play off the "replacements must be town" thoughts that exist. Hopefully that wouldn't be stood for. But even without cheating like that someone could just be doing the 2 posts per day thing to stay within the rules and stay under the radar.

I have that same concern, but I don't think anyone else here is looking to be lynching the inactives anytime soon.


It's not like I don't want to put pressure on inactives, I just don't want to be policy lynching them now when we're already down 7 in two days. We got lucky that LP was killed at night because we had something to discuss, whereas if we had just had the Tucah vote and Fireblend kill I think we would have just repeated night one. It's also less that I don't want them gone as it is I don't want to spend the day phase making choices based on no information that will then yield us no information to talk about on the next day.

And yeah, we got nothing on Vylash. So while you're here, TheWorthyEdge, got any thoughts? About Coppa, Flame, nin, whatever?
It's not like I don't want to put pressure on inactives, I just don't want to be policy lynching them now when we're already down 7 in two days. We got lucky that LP was killed at night because we had something to discuss, whereas if we had just had the Tucah vote and Fireblend kill I think we would have just repeated night one. It's also less that I don't want them gone as it is I don't want to spend the day phase making choices based on no information that will then yield us no information to talk about on the next day.

And yeah, we got nothing on Vylash. So while you're here, TheWorthyEdge, got any thoughts? About Coppa, Flame, nin, whatever?

Yes. I do.

Flame and Coppanuva: I have my vote on him right now strictly because he said "I won't let you guys vote coppanuva tonight." There was already suspicion on Coppanuva which makes for this whole Flame being stoic thing weird. Why would he defend someone we have a suspicion on? Could it be a big deal, such as Flame being able to see who is who? Maybe. But this could also be what he wants. For us to think that Coppanuva may be a tourist because Flame is being risky and defending him. If we kill Flame tonight and figure out what he is then we will know what Coppanuva is for a fact.

What happens on a split vote?

Nin: I honestly don't have a crazy read on him but he does seem to be driving by quite a bit
even though that's what I've been doing, so I'm being a hypocrite :D
Now, nin could be a tourist or a Cultist just like any of us right? I'm not %100 sure he is a Cultist strictly because of how much he's said. Not much. But then again that also rings bells. Maybe he's trying to avoid accidentally saying anything that might be harmful to his side or maybe he is dying for time to post. This right here is why I don't exactly trust him, and why I think he could potentially be a Cultist BUT. What good does his death do to us now? Why not vote Flame and get more information? If we have a strong feeling by the end of the day that nin is a Cultist we can vote Flame or Cop today and vote Nin tomorrow.

And those. Are my thoughts.


Yes. I do.

Flame and Coppanuva: I have my vote on him right now strictly because he said "I won't let you guys vote coppanuva tonight." There was already suspicion on Coppanuva which makes for this whole Flame being stoic thing weird. Why would he defend someone we have a suspicion on? Could it be a big deal, such as Flame being able to see who is who? Maybe. But this could also be what he wants. For us to think that Coppanuva may be a tourist because Flame is being risky and defending him. If we kill Flame tonight and figure out what he is then we will know what Coppanuva is for a fact.

I don't know, Flame's been playing kind of erratically this whole time (flip flopping his votes, going after Sorian) so I'd be hesitant to try to link anyone to him. Although I do think it would be interesting if he flipped cultist, I don't know if it would prove any suspicions.

Split vote = No evict

Man you and Darryl are both stuck in Animal Crossing.


Yes. I do.

Flame and Coppanuva: I have my vote on him right now strictly because he said "I won't let you guys vote coppanuva tonight." There was already suspicion on Coppanuva which makes for this whole Flame being stoic thing weird. Why would he defend someone we have a suspicion on? Could it be a big deal, such as Flame being able to see who is who? Maybe. But this could also be what he wants. For us to think that Coppanuva may be a tourist because Flame is being risky and defending him. If we kill Flame tonight and figure out what he is then we will know what Coppanuva is for a fact.

I'm confident that there will be a lynch, Coppa or someone else, depends on a couple of things really. I already stated I'd relent on Coppa if that is what every other player would want, so I'm not necessarily blocking the town, I just want to ensure that you are all banded together in a mistake. As a side note, I don't think doing anything with me would give you any of the information you think it would.


Coppanuva 5
Rats Off To Ya

Vylash 2

nin1000 1
Never Forever

Flame_AC 1

9 votes are needed to end the day early



Coppanuva 6
Rats Off To Ya

Vylash 2

Flame_AC 1

9 votes are needed to end the day early


Took me awhile to count but anything to help the game
Coppanuva 6
Rats Off To Ya
Never Forever

Vylash 2

Flame_AC 1

9 votes are needed to end the day early


Just doing my part to keep you all updated
Coppanuva 6
Rats Off To Ya
Never Forever

Vylash 2

Flame_AC 1

9 votes are needed to end the day early


Just doing my part to keep you all updated

The ending of Armageddon is on TV literally right now.

Miss ya, Blarg. <3


Rats Off To Ya, do me a favor... when I flip tourist, please tell us the logic behind how you thought you could end this day tomorrow. I want to see this theory you hyped up, and by that point it should be ok to share anyhow.

Also, I want to make a case for you all to consider lynching Rats Off To Ya tomorrow for me. First, look how hard he's been pulling votes on people the past 2 days. Yes, he voted for LP the first day, but it was also clear he wasn't about to get voted off. It's a pretty easy shield a conniving cultist can grab onto if it's clear there's no risk (even better if they know the player is likely to get lynched soon, gains trust). He also outlines a case against me, a known villager, at two separate days, yet in neither of these 2 days is he the first to vote for me. Day 2 he was second, today he was 4th. I see this as trying to make other people vote and then allowing him to jump in so it's not clear he initiated it.

I'm also wary of how quickly he jumped to gain talk control. Rather than allowing other people to speak, he raised his case against me again early on, which has since dominated conversation today. This is the second day in a row I've been up for major talks, and it's greatly hampered our information gathering sessions. This is a pretty easy stall tactic, meanwhile the cult is gathering more kills every night, along with our mysterious second night killer. I think Rats Off To Ya poses a strong risk to our success, though I will commend him on not outright saying who he thinks is suspicious today (since that would inform the Cult who NOT to kill).
This is some anime shit with you all coming out of no where beyond the grave to assist us.

Also, I want to make a case for you all to consider lynching Rats Off To Ya tomorrow for me.

I won't do it for you but I may consider it unless I get turned on instead, ROTY is the strongest player now and I want to have faith but we'll see how it goes tomorrow.
So yesterday I posted that 2 players that gave me negative gut feelings were Neuro and Timeaisis.

Neuro is obviously irrelevant now but at lunch time I went back over a lot of Times posts to try and see if there was a reason I had a bad feeling about him. His day one posts seemed a lot more substantial to me than those on day two and, since day 2 was a bit of an anomaly, I've kind of reset my opinion.

I'm inclined to think Flame is town, and I don't think he has inside/investigator knowledge. He's going way too hard/obvious with his defense of Coppa which would be a stupid move for an investigator as they make themselves a target. He could be a cult looking to build trust but that seems like a risky play when they're already down a team member.

I've posted about Coppa before but really the bottom line for me is: How many people are willing to flip and trust him? Are there any other players thats role flip would really persuade you that he's town?. I think possibly lynching Flame might give a bit of insight, but not enough that he wouldn't be suspect #1 again tomorrow, and if thats the case it's probably best to rip of the mask today.

I agree with some of the comments on nin, he does seem to have been gliding through the game fairly innocuously which always sets off alarmbells. A lot of posts before the game, a lot around Blargs riddles and numerous other posts that I view as being kind of 'around' the game rather than in it. Honestly I think he's scummier than Coppa but I think Coppa might be a better bet for todays vote.

On the inactive chat, I don't think it's as clear cut as a lot of you say. It's not smart to say that we should let inactive players slide because thats basically validating it as a way for mafia players to hide. It might never come to it but I like always having lynch an inactive as the backup plan for when we struggle to decide because, if nothing else, it means inactivity is a real risk. People not talking hurts the game. Yes I know how ironic this is when I've been pretty inactive.
He also outlines a case against me, a known villager, at two separate days, yet in neither of these 2 days is he the first to vote for me. Day 2 he was second, today he was 4th. I see this as trying to make other people vote and then allowing him to jump in so it's not clear he initiated it.

Maybe it's just because it aligns with my playstyle but I put much, much more stock in the player that willing to initiate discussion, and outline a case against, another player than throwing out a vote.


Rats Off To Ya, do me a favor... when I flip tourist, please tell us the logic behind how you thought you could end this day tomorrow. I want to see this theory you hyped up, and by that point it should be ok to share anyhow.

Also, I want to make a case for you all to consider lynching Rats Off To Ya tomorrow for me. First, look how hard he's been pulling votes on people the past 2 days. Yes, he voted for LP the first day, but it was also clear he wasn't about to get voted off. It's a pretty easy shield a conniving cultist can grab onto if it's clear there's no risk (even better if they know the player is likely to get lynched soon, gains trust). He also outlines a case against me, a known villager, at two separate days, yet in neither of these 2 days is he the first to vote for me. Day 2 he was second, today he was 4th. I see this as trying to make other people vote and then allowing him to jump in so it's not clear he initiated it.

I'm also wary of how quickly he jumped to gain talk control. Rather than allowing other people to speak, he raised his case against me again early on, which has since dominated conversation today. This is the second day in a row I've been up for major talks, and it's greatly hampered our information gathering sessions. This is a pretty easy stall tactic, meanwhile the cult is gathering more kills every night, along with our mysterious second night killer. I think Rats Off To Ya poses a strong risk to our success, though I will commend him on not outright saying who he thinks is suspicious today (since that would inform the Cult who NOT to kill).

I'm going to make a wild guess here and wager that he thinks if you flip mafia, he can easily justify going for Flame, being your staunch defender.

I don't think it would be that obvious though. I doubt both you and Flame are mafia. Flame has played way too "hard and fast defender" of you for you both to be mafia. It would be way, way too obvious, in my opinion. If you flip mafia, Flame would be putting so much heat on himself that would be it.

That being said, maybe Rats has another idea entirely. I'm starting to doubt your mafia, Coppa, to be honest. It's hard, though, because I'm not seeing too many other suspects out there right now. The only other nagging feeling I have is Flame, and that's just because of his post style and staunchness of defending you. Seems suspicious. Not mafia-like per se, but suspicious.

As per your comments, johnny, I completely understand that. My posts the past week or so have come in the beginning of my workday and the end of it, so I don't get much conversation done in the meat of the day, unfortunately. I completely understand your suspicion but I unfortunately don't have much of a defense other than I've been pretty busy. I'll try to make a better effort to post some more substantial stuff later on.
My suspect isn't Flame. As I said, I'm pretty sure Flame is Town.

Coppa, I already responded to your accusations about Day One, so either you can't read or you choose not to. Or you're a Cultist trying to put doubt into Flame's head without seeming like you're angling for an override.

I've explained why I'm going after Coppa two days in a row. We didn't get anything useful from yesterday in terms of scum tells, so this is an older read, although Coppa's behavior since I first made the accusation certainly hasn't helped him. Also, Coppa, I didn't even bring you up today until Scrafty specifically asked me to, so you can stop with that "shutting down discussion" idea.

If I'm wrong today, hey, I'm wrong today. It's only the third day, and two outta three ain't bad.
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