Haha, GE Wii was awful as host. MW3 Wii was strange, because at first being host was an advantage, but after the "big patch" Treyarch changed everything to client-side, so the host got screwed again.
In GE it really depended. If you were matched with regional players, being host was "bearable" and usually gave you slight advantages with certain loadouts (SMGs, Sniper Rifles)
If you were matched with people having shit connections, being host was almost impossible to deal with.
In MW3 the patch really was for the better. As much as it sucks to be host, it was unplayable pre patch. It had worse lag shooting than the first Conduit, rubber banding out the ass and was just technically not a working game.
I simply can't wait to try out 60fps pointer aiming on the WiiU, even if the MP has problems, that still leaves Zombies which I personally prefer anyway.