TuesdayWhen is Salvation suppose to released? Says pre order on the store but my PS4 is currently downloading it.
Pre-load or something?
So I won't have to download it Tuesday than as it's just installedTuesday
Yes sir, enjoy you lucky PS4 person.So I won't have to download it Tuesday than as it's just installed
You and me both.Tuesday will hurt me so bad. Fuck this 1 month timed exclusivity, I need Revelations.
A quick DLC question, I hope you guys can help me as I currently have no access to my PS4:
I only have the Awakening DLC. As far as I know there is a playlist for the maps of the most current DLC and a playlist with all the default maps and older DLC-maps.
Are there playlists for people who only purchased one of the DLCs? Do I join a playlist with just the default maps? Or do I join the all-old-DLC-playlist and hold everyone back from experiencing other maps than the ones I have (as least common denominator)?
Yes.So I heard the DLC unlocks on PS4 at 1 AM EST?
I couldn't actually play the game, got no games found like AW when other people don't have the mapsYes sir, enjoy you lucky PS4 person.
Yeah. Besides SOE, the rest of the map's Easter eggs are able to be completed solo. Gorod Krovi is a throwback to WAW-BO1 styled maps, and hooking up with people to play is pretty easy through Reddit.Season pass worth grabbing for a primarily solo Zombies player? I play with groups too , but it's usually in odd times for my region so mostly folks that are foreign. I enjoy the challenge of Shadows of Evil, but getting kinda boring as the PaP ritual is time consuming/annoying and don't get me started on the swords/EE lol. Originally bought the game at launch for PS4, but sold it and started again on PC thanks to Humble Bundle.
I personally really liked this fan made trailer that celebrates the end.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sencc5MzLWQ
Anyone see this video from NoahJ456 called Goodbye Zombies. ?
Really good. Makes me sad to see it all over.
god damn, the first step of the main easter egg hasn't even been found yet. and it's been nearly 24 hours
Yeah. Besides SOE, the rest of the map's Easter eggs are able to be completed solo. Gorod Krovi is a throwback to WAW-BO1 styled maps, and hooking up with people to play is pretty easy through Reddit.
Thanks! Oddly, I had never thought of using Reddit for grouping up.
Is the PS4 servers really laggy since coming back? My first match on one of the DLC maps was not good.
Was freaking horrendous since the DLC hit.
Almost unplayable for me and my coworkers.
You are not alone. It's definitely on Treyarch's end.I've been experiencing poor frame rate and general hitching of the game recently. I didn't know whether it was related to my ps4 sounding like a turbine or server side stuff.
How did zombies disappoint in any way? This is the best version of zombies we've ever gotten.Kinda funny how much BO3 disappointed in Zombies and absolutely despise the campaign yet I see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJbrTgUL0Dk again and honestly im really excited/wanting Black Ops 4(please God get back in line with W@W and BO1&2).
We're just now getting somewhere.At this rate, the PC and Xbox players will probably join in on the Easter Egg Hunt.
Though I'm glad, considering they're usually solved in a day.
Oh my God, this is perfect.We're just now getting somewhere.
How did zombies disappoint in any way? This is the best version of zombies we've ever gotten.
We're just now getting somewhere.
That's one of the best maps in the game.DLC ones might be good but the base map was so bad and contrived it ran my entire clan off before the first map pack even hit.
Most likely completing the easter egg and another one for doing it with 4 peopleHow do you get those calling cards?
That house one is awesome.