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Call of Duty: Black Ops III |OT| No Content For Old Gen


I constantly have 'connection interrupted' messages during multiplayer, this together with continous lag. It's really getting crazy and I am not enjoying the game at all anymore because of the constant lag.


Am I the only one? Or other people with the same problems? If so, any solutions? (I am playing on PS4)
Treyarch just updated the game settings. Not sure if this just happened to you, but it just did for me. Booted me and made me update.
Hmm far for a shotgun.. well out of melee range. I routinely get OHKs i have no business getting. No shotgun in BO3 hits truly "far"... not even the Argus.

Any decently ranged shot you got a 1HK at was on a damaged enemy.

"Far" 1HK range for a shotgun would be anything past 400u (10m). The KRM literally requires hitting enemy with every pellet in the shot to get a 1HK on a full health enemy past 200u (5m). Melee range is around 100u (2-3m). Having to hit someone with every pellet of your shot is not a consistent 1HK.


Yo wtf. I didn't expect such a reaction to the campaign. I thought it started off slow but that shit gets rolling and it's definitely one of my favorites. Also, it's a call of duty game, if the story isn't just dumb crazy bombast, they did something wrong. Luckily, they delivered in spades.


Dat Flamethrower tho

I think I just found out where my first Prestige token is going.

Update on my Pharo woes: I removed the Suppressor and its doing ALOT better for me now.
Removed the suppressor too, so much better as well, got some sweet game play with it

I still keep ghosts tho
Is it all game modes still? That actually sounds better than Nuketown 24/7.

So far I've played Kill Confirmed, Team Deathmatch and Domination. Thing is everybody still votes for Nuketown so you don't play any other map anyway.
It's under bonus games Chaos Moshpit.
Any decently ranged shot you got a 1HK at was on a damaged enemy.

"Far" 1HK range for a shotgun would be anything past 400u (10m). The KRM literally requires hitting enemy with every pellet in the shot to get a 1HK on a full health enemy past 200u (5m). Melee range is around 100u (2-3m). Having to hit someone with every pellet of your shot is not a consistent 1HK.

Hmm... idk maybe it's because I use a shotgun like a shotgun and dont try to fire it way out of range? I keep it to indoor areas, chain wall-runs and slides and close distances to people fast. My shots are i'd say 90% OHK with the KRM (if i had to guess... can i look this up?) If you ADS with the KRM (all shotguns in BO3 even) it tightens up the spread a LOT. I run laser as well and have never had a problem even using the KRM without. Can't see how someone would use anything aside from the Argus over the KRM. To each his/her own.


y'all should be ashamed
Ok, I'd like to talk about the Black Ops 3 campaign.

I love the CoD campaigns. I don't pretend to know every intricacy of the plot, but I don't really have to anyways, because the series is known for just shoving you right into the middle of the action at all times. It functions as a massive Hollywood blockbuster, and you're essentially the star, witnessing the major events that push the plot along to its conclusion. Sometimes that means having a building fall on top of you, or witnessing the Eiffel Tower being blown up, or perhaps something as small as being in the President's motorcade as it flips on the highway while surrounded by an enemy invasion. Usually you're after a single villain, doing all kinds of horrible things ("He's using our drones against us!" is a line that might not have ever been uttered in any CoD campaign, but it seems fitting in quite a number of them). Let's Go Get That Dude and Stop That Shit.

CoD: BO3 shakes things up. You're no longer against one man, nor are the directives that clear. Most of the world is in shambles to start with, so there's not much spectacle left to witness, sans rubble falling on top of more rubble. In fact, you may not even be completely human...so much so that you can't even trust what you're even seeing. It's a leap over the drugs and psychosis of the mind that BO2 and other games have tried to do, and a bit more direct- think of it as the Matrix, except something is actively destroying the perfect virtual world that mankind has built. What is this force? How can it be stopped? And if you cannot trust the software that is being infected by it, and that's all you're basically running on at this point, then what can you do? What would death even mean?

BO3 brings up these fascinating questions and attempts to answer none of them. As it turns out, the whole glitched reality is a cool way to have some trippy landscapes and...that's it. This is a campaign bankrupted of ideas, with monotonous gameplay, zero setpieces, little direction, and a few injections of the bizarre explained only in this multi-dimensional plot that pretends to offer more than it actually does.

The characters...there are few, and they are not written well. You have Christopher Meloni as Taylor, which immediately sparked a "hey, it's that guy on TV!" good kind of feeling. His character is literally held together by the fact that it is Christopher Meloni. Now that worked for Kevin Spacy in Advanced Warfare, and it works here too, but the plot is just asking too much from him. At one point, when the motives of the villain are finally clear, it is described by Taylor as "a wrecking ball of emotion!" That is likely the only line I'll remember from this game, for a good long time.

Hendricks, your friend and sidekick for much of the campaign, is described by Jeff at Giantbomb as the Rico of the COD series, and I can't find a more apt description. He complains constantly about the mission, questions why they're doing what they're doing, punches you in the face for no reason, acts as an asshole to other people, and then finally towards the end, manages to troll the player (or Player, as the main character in the game is named) one last time. I don't remember a person I disliked more.

There are other characters that aren't worth discussion. They're not used much.

The gameplay. It is a co-op game now, which means everything needs to be balanced in case there are four people playing at a time. That means making sure there's plenty of ammo (tons of ammo crates are only a few hundred feet apart in every level), and making sure you have the right weapons to take out people. I play most CoD games by grabbing a gun off the floor that has the most ammo, sticking with my favorite weapons when I can, but mostly experimenting. In this game the experimenting is all but removed as you actually have to unlock the ability to pick up other guns (I get why from a plot perspective, but in a story where literally anything can happen, is there really a good reason to prevent the player from using other guns?). You have your gun, and it's always going to have ammo, and that's that.

But what if your loadout doesn't play well with the kind of enemies this game throws at you? At one point a spider-boss comes out from a wall, and there's a rocket launcher leaning against a box next to you. You shoot his belly to expose him, then shoot a rocket to land damage. Repeat this four times and he's done. That was an ok fight I guess, I wonder what other bosses I'll encounter? (The answer is
one other one
. And also, you'll have to fight this spider about 8-10 more times in the campaign, but don't worry, there will always be a rocket launcher leaning on a box when they appear. It is not a fun fight and it continues to be not fun during the next couple of times you have to destroy them.)

More stuff happens. You fight both robots and human enemies, but they both act mostly the same. You get super human abilities, but none of them have any pizzazz. One ability lets you short circuit a robot, another lets you blow up the robot. Why would I never want to blow up a robot? Oddly, the short circuit appears later down the tree, but the game never really explains why I should use it. Another power lets me contort the limbs of soldiers and break their bones until they die. I see two icons behind boxes, so I point and aim my limb-breaking power at them. The icons disappear. Ok, guess that worked. Literally no effort to make any of these powers exciting were done.

I'm going to talk about two missions that had the most promise that was completely thrown away. In one actually decent level midway through the campaign, I had to snipe on a rooftop and kill as many enemies down below as possible without being spotted or causing suspicion. I fire my mini robotic swarm flies to secretly kill enemies, but immediately everyone turns around and fires on my position, despite the fact that there's no way they could have known anything. Restart checkpoint.

This time, I use my remote hacking abilities to hack into flying drones and have them fight for me. As soon as they turn green (signaling they're on my side), enemies shoot at them and destroy them instantly. How could they have known the drones were against them? They didn't do anything yet. Restart checkpoint.

Finally, I use a remote hack that lets me control a drone myself. I use the machine gun and kill, oh, three dozen enemies without setting off any alerts, because I technically didn't fire any shots so the enemy has no reason to be alarmed that dozens of bodies are sliding off the slanted rooftops. I quit out of the drone and go down to the plaza where I have to "sneak" past it. "Be careful, don't alert the enemy!" Gee, thanks. A potentially cool setpiece brought down by the middling superpowers of the game.

The last thing I'll mention is a bit deeper in, so spoiler alert (I talk about a late mission and just a small part of the last level):

At one point you go back to WWII to fight in the snowy mountains against the Nazis because, well, whatever. To go back in time in this way suggests so many different avenues they could have taken...what if you did a mission that tied into a previous one in BO 1 and 2? But no, this mission is the extent of it.

Anyways, you still have your loadout. You're fighting them with your futuristic weapons. Why not commit all the way and use actual classic COD guns, or guns from that era? That would be a cool change of pace. I tried to pick up some of the older weapons the Nazis were clearly using and...they're randomized gun pickups. Apparently the war was lost despite the Nazis having Vespers and holographic sights but never using them.

A German tank appears, and the narrator taunts me, "A German tank...do you think you have what it takes to defeat it?" or something like that. Oh hey, a rocket launcher leaning against a water fountain. Two shots and it's dead. Hey, that was technically a different kind of boss, so that's something. It all leads up to the end, where a church is built around you with some cool imagery. Then a spider-boss appears. I don't know why I was expecting anything different.

The last level, well, it's not even techincally clear that it takes place in this reality, or any reality. It is a step beyond this world, with pieces flying in and out and transforming in front of you (one character wonders if this is actually hell itself). Thankfully the ratio of exploding barrels and ammo crates still exist there, or else it wouldn't be a fun four player co-op experience, would it?


Neo Member
Technically speaking (campaign spoilers)
the whole campaign, except for the first mission, doesn't really happen.
Hmm... idk maybe it's because I use a shotgun like a shotgun and dont try to fire it way out of range? I keep it to indoor areas, chain wall-runs and slides and close distances to people fast. My shots are i'd say 90% OHK with the KRM (if i had to guess... can i look this up?) If you ADS with the KRM (all shotguns in BO3 even) it tightens up the spread a LOT. I run laser as well and have never had a problem even using the KRM without. Can't see how someone would use anything aside from the Argus over the KRM. To each his/her own.

It's true that all shotguns have tighter spread when ADS, but unless I'm using the Argus a pump/lever shotgun shouldn't have bad 1HK when not ADS, especially when they have as slow a fire rate as the KRM.

Show me your longest 1HK on a full health enemy. I guarantee you that it's short, even for a shotgun.

The Beard

I've been "Connecting to Online Service" for the past 30min. The downloading percentage is going backwards. Anybody else getting this? I'm on PS4
I'll be on tonight if anyone wants to add me on PSN: PeskyToaster. I'm on Eastern time but I have tomorrow off so I'll be playing this and Fallout well into the night.

I think I might have deleted some GAF members when I was playing TLoU because I forgot who they were hahaha.


Neo Member
All happens, your coinscience just mixes with Taylor's one or something,

Yeah as stupid as it sounds.

I don't think the campaign can happen, considering by the time the first mission rolls along Stone's team is long gone, the WA is still reeling from the CIA leaks (that Stone perpetrated) and Hendricks had moved out of wetwork by then. The only question is what really happened in Life before you got to the DNI central server to start the purge.


Worst zombie map yet IMO.

Too much shit thrown into the game where you have no idea what it does unless you read a guide or watch a video.
It's true that all shotguns have tighter spread when ADS, but unless I'm using the Argus a pump/lever shotgun shouldn't have bad 1HK when not ADS, especially when they have as slow a fire rate as the KRM.

Show me your longest 1HK on a full health enemy. I guarantee you that it's short, even for a shotgun.

I would if i could find out! lol Wish they tracked cool stuff like that. Compared to what? The other shotguns in the game? I'm not too sure. Would love to see quantitative test done among all 3 with TTK, damage compared to range and accuracy.


how can I save, edit and upload matches with theater mode?

I selected my last match, but can only watch it.

edit: on PC
haven't bought a cod since MW2, biggest personal problem with that was the fact that the multiplayer was unbalanced and TTK was higher than COD 4

Advanced Warfare is more than $30 cheaper than Blops 3, which would be the better bet if I was mainly interested in multiplayer?

I'd be playing on ps4 if that has any effect


man...has lobby chat always been this garbage sounding in every cod game? i feel like it was much better on last gen. at least on the 360. for aw and blops3 on ps4 the party chat is so much better sounding. lobby chat just sounds like garbage and i'm pretty sure its not a mic issue as i don't sound like that even when im just using the mono earbud pack-in

game has a report funktion.

i know...but still. :p
I've been reporting all swastikas and KKK-based emblems ever since the Blops days.

Loving the Argus. It's a God damn beast. Laser Sight + QuickDraw + Stock + Long Barrel. I was one-shotting people from a decent distance on Nuketown and dominating Hardpoints in the houses. Combined with the Ripper, you have a class that can't touch you up close. Oh, and getting a quad feed with the Ripper is just so damn satisfying. It's my favorite Specialist ability thus far.

Getting close to unlocking that Razorback. Hopefully it's not nerfed because I loved that gun in the Beta. It'll be hard to choose between that and the M8A7. (That is, if they weren't nerfed to shit.)
So I realized I still have Blops 2 which I barely played.

I am somehow enjoying it. Maybe it's because people suck, but I am dominating the leaderboard

I feel like jumping into Blops 3 because of it.
I ran into a Confederate Flag that had too many stars than the actual Conf. Flag, so yea. Racism and ignorance still flows well in the CoD community.

The emblem with the KKK member laying fried chicken as a trap is an emblem I saw back in the BO1 days.
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