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Call of Duty: Black Ops III |OT| No Content For Old Gen


Yeah I'm enjoying the DLC maps. A couple of them might take a while to get the feel for, but they all seem to flow very well.

I wish I knew how to play Zombs :( Feel like I'm missing out on a whole bunch of content.


Getting knife kills sucks and I have not been this frustrated in years playing a COD game. I am finishing games like 3-35. It is going to take me months to get 200 kills with this. I thought snipers sucked, this is a million times worse.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm on PS4. Since the update a week ago, the game has continuously been laggy. Who else is experiencing this? It's in every single game with people with full bars, myself included.


Getting knife kills sucks and I have not been this frustrated in years playing a COD game. I am finishing games like 3-35. It is going to take me months to get 200 kills with this. I thought snipers sucked, this is a million times worse.

Getting knife kills can be annoying. I was dreading it when going for Dark Matter, but it actually turned out to be one of the easier things to go for. I also got DM for the Malice and I'm slowing going for it on the Nunchucks. What is your class setup? I used something like this:

Combat Knife
Smoke Grenade x 2
Ghost / Sixth Sense
Hard Wired
Blast Suppressor / Dead Silence (Tactical Mask could be useful in place of Blast Suppressor, but I like the advantage of being able to sneak around more).

Smoke Grenades are one of the biggest keys to this. If you know there will be people in an area, toss them out. Smoke is one of those amazing things that just instantly creates chaos in most games. Most people have no idea what to do in smoke which lets you run around and at least pick some people off. It certainly is not easy to do, but you just have to be very strategic. I believe Domination is the way to go with this since you have way more predictable spawn points. If you can sneak your way into the enemy flag territory you certainly should be able to pull some kills off. Basically you need to keep going opposite where everyone else is going to get some ninja kills from behind. Watching your map is absolutely critical to get a fairly solid sense of where people will be.

Also, don't force the issue. If you're playing a team you're not make any headway on, just go with a normal class. You'll just get more frustrated if you can't kill anyone. Same goes with maps. Just don't even bother if you are playing on a more wide open map like Infection where you will be exposed to more longer sight lines, which don't go well with a knife only setup. It will take a longer, but at least you can keep your frustration to a (somewhat) minimum. My all time favorite map for getting knife kills is by far Skyjacked. No one ever uses the tunnel underneath the map so it is basically a free passage to enemy spawn territory to sneak up behind people.
Getting knife kills sucks and I have not been this frustrated in years playing a COD game. I am finishing games like 3-35. It is going to take me months to get 200 kills with this. I thought snipers sucked, this is a million times worse.

I feel your pain, I literally just finished off the knife challenges 5 minutes ago. You have to get a bit lucky and a bit sneaky to get them done. I just had back to back games where I got 10 knife kills in a row.


i recommend safeguard for knife kills. do it when defending. flank the enemy team and get them from behind, then find a hiding spot to wait and let them pass you to get them again.

Daffy Duck

I'm on PS4. Since the update a week ago, the game has continuously been laggy. Who else is experiencing this? It's in every single game with people with full bars, myself included.

I noticed it too, it was just micro stutter every game, drift0r was moaning about it on stream last night too.

Annoying as fuck.


Getting knife kills can be annoying. I was dreading it when going for Dark Matter, but it actually turned out to be one of the easier things to go for. I also got DM for the Malice and I'm slowing going for it on the Nunchucks. What is your class setup? I used something like this:

Combat Knife
Smoke Grenade x 2
Ghost / Sixth Sense
Hard Wired
Blast Suppressor / Dead Silence (Tactical Mask could be useful in place of Blast Suppressor, but I like the advantage of being able to sneak around more).

Smoke Grenades are one of the biggest keys to this. If you know there will be people in an area, toss them out. Smoke is one of those amazing things that just instantly creates chaos in most games. Most people have no idea what to do in smoke which lets you run around and at least pick some people off. It certainly is not easy to do, but you just have to be very strategic. I believe Domination is the way to go with this since you have way more predictable spawn points. If you can sneak your way into the enemy flag territory you certainly should be able to pull some kills off. Basically you need to keep going opposite where everyone else is going to get some ninja kills from behind. Watching your map is absolutely critical to get a fairly solid sense of where people will be.

Also, don't force the issue. If you're playing a team you're not make any headway on, just go with a normal class. You'll just get more frustrated if you can't kill anyone. Same goes with maps. Just don't even bother if you are playing on a more wide open map like Infection where you will be exposed to more longer sight lines, which don't go well with a knife only setup. It will take a longer, but at least you can keep your frustration to a (somewhat) minimum. My all time favorite map for getting knife kills is by far Skyjacked. No one ever uses the tunnel underneath the map so it is basically a free passage to enemy spawn territory to sneak up behind people.

I didn't really have a class setup. I was just trying to figure out the best one. I used the one you suggested and it worked a little better. I may have 25 kills now.

Beside panic knifing I have not used a knife since MW2. The knife is MW2 was OP so it's rough running around with a knife especially when you have to be on top of the person before you can kill him.

If I get about 20 kills a day it should take me a little over a week to get the 200 kills. The bloodthirsties are going to be a huge pain as well.


Blundell has said before that DLC 4 will wrap up the zombies story started in WAW. However, that doesn't mean they'll stop making zombie maps. You got it right, Nostalgic.

Lol yeah. I remember when Origins came out and we all saw the ending and were like "wtf".
Just out of interest does anyone here go back and play Black Ops 2 now and again?

Haven't been on it in a while and forgot how good it feels. Also the AN94 is an absolute beast!


Just out of interest does anyone here go back and play Black Ops 2 now and again?

Haven't been on it in a while and forgot how good it feels. Also the AN94 is an absolute beast!

I do actually! And yeah, I miss the AN94 myself.

The multiplayer is still a lot of fun for me, and it's nice to be able to play a modern COD without any jumping movement.


Unconfirmed Member
Just out of interest does anyone here go back and play Black Ops 2 now and again?

Haven't been on it in a while and forgot how good it feels. Also the AN94 is an absolute beast!

Haven't gone back to it in a long time as quick scoping took over that game, but the Chicom CQB is still my favourite gun from any CoD, followed by the AN94.


1) Just got back into Black Ops 3 for PS4 as I primarily play on PC, I have none of the DLC. Is any of it worth picking any of it? I heard there were some redux BO2 maps, which I would enjoy.

2) Does anyone else get unreasonably frustrated when facing players using XIM4 on PS4/XB1? Although I consider myself a damn good player on both PC and PS4 (consistently #1, high KDR/SPM), I find it just... disrespectful. I understand if someone is using this hardware because of a disability or inability to use a controller, but to use it simply for the purpose of gaining an unfair advantage over the majority of controller users is just infuriating. And it's usually clan-buddies that do this. 1 or even 2 in a game is manageable, but the other night my friend and I played against a whole team of them, and all were just camping. Are third-party peripherals like this even allowed? Sorry, I know I'm ranting here but it just gets to me. I've heard Overwatch on consoles have the same issue, but much more prevalent?
1) Just got back into Black Ops 3 for PS4 as I primarily play on PC, I have none of the DLC. Is any of it worth picking any of it? I heard there were some redux BO2 maps, which I would enjoy.

2) Does anyone else get unreasonably frustrated when facing players using XIM4 on PS4/XB1? Although I consider myself a damn good player on both PC and PS4 (consistently #1, high KDR/SPM), I find it just... disrespectful. I understand if someone is using this hardware because of a disability or inability to use a controller, but to use it simply for the purpose of gaining an unfair advantage over the majority of controller users is just infuriating. And it's usually clan-buddies that do this. 1 or even 2 in a game is manageable, but the other night my friend and I played against a whole team of them, and all were just camping. Are third-party peripherals like this even allowed? Sorry, I know I'm ranting here but it just gets to me. I've heard Overwatch on consoles have the same issue, but much more prevalent?

All DLCs have good maps and bad maps, mixed bag IMO.

I haven't noticed any players using XIM, but I don't know how I would notice to be honest. I seriously doubt there is any significant % of players using XIM on PS4, but I could be wrong. I wouldn't worry about it. Just play the game, it's great. Don't worry about the black market stuff, the core gameplay is still the best FPS IMO.


All DLCs have good maps and bad maps, mixed bag IMO.

I haven't noticed any players using XIM, but I don't know how I would notice to be honest. I seriously doubt there is any significant % of players using XIM on PS4, but I could be wrong. I wouldn't worry about it. Just play the game, it's great. Don't worry about the black market stuff, the core gameplay is still the best FPS IMO.

Yeah, that's fair. I've been a big fan of Treyarch and the Black Ops series in general, and I definitely agree there - it's usually hit or miss with the maps, so that's why I'm a little hesitant on pulling the trigger. But BOIII has provided me with some of the best gameplay in the series, so I really can't complain.

Aha, it's funny you should say that.. I actually love the Black Market stuff. But yeah, I don't see users using XIM too often so it isn't that big of a problem. I have a lot of respect for players who are good, but the XIm users just irk me more than they should.

Daffy Duck

How do you know they are xim users?

The problem I have is that a lot of players now use a scuf controller so benefit from advanced movements without losing control of other buttons so are at an advantage for out manoeuvring me.


I really hope another Rezzurection style pack comes. The DLC MP maps have been lacking while Treyarch's Zombies have been on point. Plus I really want some remasters of older maps in BO3 engine.

The wait for
is gonna kill me.


I really hope another Rezzurection style pack comes. The DLC MP maps have been lacking while Treyarch's Zombies have been on point. Plus I really want some remasters of older maps in BO3 engine.

The wait for Revelations is gonna kill me.
Woah easy there. DLC 3 is just barely coming out for the rest of us this week. :(


Sorry forgot. I'll edit and spoiler tag. I don't think its happening, just wishful thinking
Oh whoops, that's not what I meant lol no need to spoiler tag, I'm always in the loop with that the PS4 players are doing story wise.

Do you think Dr.Monty is trying to tear the group apart? What will we find in the House besides Eddie and Samantha? I'm eagerly awaiting Revelations myself, hopefully it closes the story in an emotionally satisfying way.


For Revelations, I'm expecting two different endings depending on who you side with (Monty or Richthofen). Those lines on Gorod Krovi really imply that Monty might be an Apothicon plus we haven't heard from the Shadow Man since SoE (I doubt that's the last time we see him). Also looks like the staffs from Origins will return.

Treyarch can literally do anything in there but with the Takeo Memories segment and the constant Moon teasers I'm hoping Revelations is a DLC pack name instead of the map. I really want another Zombie pack DLC


I'm putting money down that Monty is an Apothicon or at the very least the main antagonistic force for the zombies finale. I hope that we get the Dempsey Memoires segment before DLC4 hit for you guys. Though I'm thinking the last zombies video will be the music video for the Xbox release. September awaits!

I don't know if Moon is coming back, though. As much as I'd kill for another Rezzurection DLC pack, they've said they won't do any more remakes and such. :( I would at least hope for an Origins port or something. Great map.

Though I hope they have a definitive ending. I liked what BOII did with the player choice finale, but this story will probably need something concrete for the road ahead. Even the upcoming comic confirms the Maxis ending as the canon ending.


The problem I have is that a lot of players now use a scuf controller so benefit from advanced movements without losing control of other buttons so are at an advantage for out manoeuvring me.

Same here. That is probably my No1 reason why I will never buy a CoD with "advanced movement" again. It doesn't make sense that people willing to spend that extra cash for a scuff controller gain an unfair advantage.

Feels like every day the number of scuffers increases.Scuf alone is more then enough reason NOT to buy Infinite Warfare.
Same here. That is probably my No1 reason why I will never buy a CoD with "advanced movement" again. It doesn't make sense that people willing to spend that extra cash for a scuff controller gain an unfair advantage.

Feels like every day the number of scuffers increases.Scuf alone is more then enough reason NOT to buy Infinite Warfare.
I've never used a scuf controller. But then again I don't play too much on console.

How does a scuf controller help with advanced movement?

Daffy Duck

I've never used a scuf controller. But then again I don't play too much on console.

How does a scuf controller help with advanced movement?

They have paddles on the back which can be mapped to the jump buttons so you can use the jump buttons without taking you thumb off the stick to move.


I am FINALLY making some real progress on the sniper rifles. Got the SVG gold and the bloodthirsties came surprisingly easy. Clearly that was luck though because getting the Locus gold was a nightmare. It took me 2-3 hours to get 3 bloodthirsties.

Everything kept going wrong, I'd get four kills then die. Lost count of how many times that happens. Got 4 kills, died, went to rejack and my controller's battery ran out.

At this point I just have the one bloodthirsty with the drakon and two with the p-06 and the snipers are done. Then I have to finish up the knife which I know for sure will be a major challenge.


So looks like there's been some data mining with potential spoilers for DLC 4 Zombies

According to the code in BO3, for DLC 4, the Margwas might be coming back as well as well as a child Takeo spotted. There's also the code of the gateworms (EE completion) for Genesis. Potentially it could mean Revelations isn't the map name but rather the DLC pack name.


I'm wondering what it'll mean in the end. There's going to be a lot of story elements to juggle in the finale. The House and Children, then the Great Battle between the Keepers/Crew and the Apothicons.

We figured the Apoticons would be back. But I wonder how it's all gong to tie together gameplay-wise and story-wise. Either way, I'm sure it'll kick ass. Every final DLC zombie map have been fantastic finales in their respective games: Der Reise, Moon and Origins were all great ways to top off each game. Hell, Origins and Mob ended up saving BOII zombies.


With the Descent DLC coming to PC on Thursday, since I have the season pass and Steam set to auto-downloads, should Steam download Descent automatically for me when available?

This is my first time in this situation ;)
Same here. That is probably my No1 reason why I will never buy a CoD with "advanced movement" again. It doesn't make sense that people willing to spend that extra cash for a scuff controller gain an unfair advantage.

Feels like every day the number of scuffers increases.Scuf alone is more then enough reason NOT to buy Infinite Warfare.

I wish Sony would just release their own version of the 'Elite' controller. I think I'm going to buy Infinite warfare on XB1 instead this year and take advantage of having those paddles.


How do you know they are xim users?

The problem I have is that a lot of players now use a scuf controller so benefit from advanced movements without losing control of other buttons so are at an advantage for out manoeuvring me.

why not just use bumper jumper?
why not just use bumper jumper?

Bumper jumper is better than default, but you still need to move the left index finger off ads to use it. Ads with the middle finger is the only other way and I find it much easier to jump with the middle finger on a scuf than to ads with the middle finger on bumper jumper. Scufs definitely provide a small advantage, especially in bo3 with all the jumping and wall running.

Hip Hop

Well, it finally happened.

just got my first supply drop weapon, a FFAR.

Could have done with a Peacemaker or MP40, but I'll take it anyway.

The "75 wins" package got me a shitty crowbar. I don't even like to melee.


Well, it finally happened.

just got my first supply drop weapon, a FFAR.

Could have done with a Peacemaker or MP40, but I'll take it anyway.

The "75 wins" package got me a shitty crowbar. I don't even like to melee.

Got the FFAR as well a little while back. Not a great gun and you really have to add some attachments to make it worth while. HVK is still a better AR.
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