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Call of Duty console version.


Anyone play it yet? It is good or cr@p? I got 2 games to return to Toys R Us from the buy 2 get one free sale. I am picking up Metal Gear 3 and something else. I just don't know yet. I already have GTA SA, Halo 2 , & Ratchet 3.


Musashi Wins!

PC game was ok. Online is fun on PC so I was hoping this would ship with a rather robust mode, but it doesn't look like it's going to. I suspect that this is going to be rather generic and short. Hoping not.


I might rent a console version, but I don't expect it to be as good as the PC versions. And if the length of those is any indicator, I'll finish it really fast.
I'm playing it right now, and it's pretty solid. About halfway through the game. Haven't tried out multiplayer yet but plan to sometime today.

Musashi Wins!

Marty Chinn said:
I'm playing it right now, and it's pretty solid. About halfway through the game. Haven't tried out multiplayer yet but plan to sometime today.

Can you give me some idea of what being half way through means, length wise? Just curious. Also, your further impressions on the online mode would be GREAT. I assume, and hope, that's what you mean by multiplayer.

Maybe just some more general impressions that won't make your review superfulous?
Well according to this walkthrough that came with it, there are 19 missions. I'm on mission 9 right now. Trying to remember how many hours of play that is so far. Probably less than five I think. I'm trying to finish it today but iwll have to break for some multiplayer play on the PS2 version. I'm playing the Xbox version right now.
Can't wait to play this!

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