I guess it had its moments. Point being people crying on Twitter today is nowhere near as bad as the conservative groups back then who did actually get rating boards & game companies to censor games.
Yeah i don't know if I would label tipper gore and Hillary Clinton as conservative. They started a lot of the nonsense in the 80s. The rating board never caused censorship though, it just put ratings on games. No big deal. The no blood in the NES version you have a point there, but that was Nintendo choice, as the Sega versions were having none of it. Nintendo just wanted to remain family focused and they did have blood in the next version so they didn't win out.
Jack Thompson later on in the 00s was just crazy and didn't get anything done. As there was a united front against him.
When I seen Anita Sarkisian hit the seen I seen every games journalist in lock step along with what to me looked like a large group of gamers who felt like they got indoctrinated by her videos. I don't understand how. She actively went around and subverted from within many studios to the point they listened to her and changed game designs to pander. It was sad that the games media didn't show one once of push back. It was all fans. If we protested it was silence, banning and censorship. This very site was notorious for it. Along with others I seen. You weren't allowed to have an opinion without being ostracized from the community. Which imo is way messed up and way worse than anything the 90s people ever did. They didn't try to silence people.
Fast. Forward a few years and the cult has spread so much you have companies like Sony censoring an ass crack of a woman in devil may cry. Other companies changing things based on the Twitter outrage. It's bullshit. Artists need to stand their ground. They need to stop capitulating as it makes it worse and let's censors know they can get what they want.