just send a text message to your bose.... it's what i'm doing right now...
truesayian said:just send a text message to your bose.... it's what i'm doing right now...
The day that I envy ANYTHING of Olimario's is the day that I put a fucking bullet in my brain. His girlfriend is pleasing to the eye, but the fact that she's with HIM makes her the least appealling woman on the face of the earth. I'd sooner turk a syphillitic bear.NLB2 said:So you do, in fact, want to fuck Olimario's gf. Its pretty amazing how all of the Olimario hate is really nothing more than the manifestation of subconcious jealousy. You want to be rich, you want to be nice and thin, you want to be a high school dropout and not give a damn, because, I'll say again, you're rich. You want to have an attractive girlfriend, you want to be happy, even if the means of happiness are something such as religion. Its ok, Raoul, you can admit being jealous - there's no shame in it, many other posters here are jealous of Olimario.
Damn man. A simple, "lol, not really. He's a cool guy, but I'm glad I'm me," and I would've been like, "sorry man, guess I was wrong." But instead you get all defensive about it. But seriously, its not that big of a deal - you may disagree with some of the things he believes in, but Olimario is over all a good guy. Nothing to be ashamed of man, nothing.Raoul Duke said:The day that I envy ANYTHING of Olimario's is the day that I put a fucking bullet in my brain. His girlfriend is pleasing to the eye, but the fact that she's with HIM makes her the least appealling woman on the face of the earth. I'd sooner turk a syphillitic bear.
Man, you people don't get it, do you? You only have dislike for someone who is your superior. If a little kid throws a baseball at you, you're going to get upset at him, naturally. However, you're going to understand that he is just a little kid acting childish. Hate and dislike, which are emotions expressed towards Olimario throughout this thread are nothing more than emotions that are engendered by a feeling of hopelessness. I don't hate the little kid that threw the baseball at me. I can fuck him up real good. I do hate President Bush. He's giving huge ass contracts to companies that are then subcontracting the same job for fractions of the price using my money. I hate him because he's fucking with me and there's nothing I can do about it. Bush > Me. The same is true for you and Olimario. Olimario makes attentionwhorish posts about his gf. He posts pictures of his beautiful house using his high resolution camera. You see where he is and you see where you are. "What did Olimario do to deserve that?" you ask yourselves. Olimario > you and you are jealous of this, this jealousy leads to hatred and bitterness directed towards Olimario.fart said:OH MAN, that was totally worth taking oli off my ignore list. ok, now back on!
ps, if you're jealous of even a little bit of olimario's incredible, mind blowing stupidity, you really need to re-assess your value system.
pps, some reading material for the lokis and olis among us:
to steal nugget of wisdom from the transformers; there's more to the world than meets the eye, the newspaper, the textbook, etc.
and there's definitely more to the world than your texas suburb, oli
NLB2 said:Man, you people don't get it, do you? You only have dislike for someone who is your superior. If a little kid throws a baseball at you, you're going to get upset at him, naturally. However, you're going to understand that he is just a little kid acting childish. Hate and dislike, which are emotions expressed towards Olimario throughout this thread are nothing more are emotions that are engendered by a feeling of hopelessness. I don't hate the little kid that threw the baseball at me. I got fuck him up real good. I do hate President Bush. He's giving huge ass contracts to companies that are then subcontracting the same job for fractions of the price using my money. I hate him because he's fucking with me and there's nothing I can do about it. Bush > Me. The same is true for Olimario. Olimario makes attentionwhorish posts about his gf. He posts pictures of his beautiful house using his high resolution camera. You see where he is and you see where you are. "What did Olimario do to deserve that?" you ask yourselves. Olimario > you and you are jealous of this, this jealousy leads to hatred and bitterness directed towards Olimario.
No man, I'm being completely serious. The level of Olimario hate is ridiculous, and its not like he's that hyperactive kid that just grinds on your nerves. He's generally a pretty good poster, if not a little bit on the stupid side so the way people react to him can only be due to jealousy.Loki said::lol
This has to be the funniest thing I've heard in quite some time on the forum.Yes, envy, and the resultant transference, is a very real thing, but I think you're reading a bit too much into things in this particular instance.
And yes, I realize that you're most likely being facetious, but you've carried it quite far already.![]()
OK, MAF is clear. He does envy Olimario, but his week morality makes him feel that he is the moral superior of Olimario (this has to make you wonder what good moral superiority is, after all, would you rather be in MAF's shoes or Olimario's?).MrAngryFace said:I dont envy Olimario, he just represents such a failure. So much potential in what he has to be a good person. His wants are for the most part satisfied, he's surrounded by people who at least pretend to love him, yet this is how he behaves and thinks.
He DOES have it good, and I would hope in some way that would lead to a level of compassion that actually makes him NOT sound like a nazi.
Blackace said:teaching kids.
You only have dislike for someone who is your superior.
Now do you actually dislike them, or do you feel an annoyance to them, the way you would towards a child who spends all day making farting noises?Drinky Crow said:Really. News to me! I dislike people that continue to make the same mistakes over and over, or practice rampant self-denial, regardless of where they stand in position to me on any given facet of life.
Eh, well, then I guess there are some exceptions to the rule.Drinky Crow said:No, I really honestly dislike 'em. Especially when they vote. Or call in to talk radio. They tend to make my life all the shittier for their presence.
The money and the GF.Tabris said:I don't understand what anyone would be jealous of olimario for? There's nothing special to be envious about. At least in my opinion.
First of all, I'm not trolling. I'm just being an Olimario apologist.Tabris said:Yeah, I got this. I actually got trolled by him once before, but I read the entire thread anyways so I may as well throw in my 2 cents.
I have a gf and money too.
Most people on this board will have a girlfriend and money at sometime. I don't understand how that's something to be envious of.
Just look at Rauol Duke. He even admitted to wanting to fuck Oli's gf.Tabris said:I honestly don't think people are envious of olimario, or at least not to the point of it effecting their opinion.
I mean especially not a lot of the people calling him out here.
Yeah, sure man.Rorschach said:Oli's GF looks so fucking Jersey. Add to that the fact that she's texan and you have an awful combo. She disgusts me. I'd fuck his sister, though. Only because I haven't seen her face.
Now that's just pure jealous rage right there.Fresh Prince said:Oli has a pretty good life. Hopefully he'll go to hell because of it.
They hate him for having a hot gf, which they don't. And to top it off, while they'd be fucking away at her all day long, Oli's too christian for that, so he's not even using his gf up to potential. Then there's also the fact that Oli's dad's really rich and Olimario never has to worry about money.psycho_snake said:I dont think Ive been in these forums long enough to understandf why everyone hates Olimario. The only thread that ive seen that might make me want to laugh at him is the "I think my next door neighbour is cheating on his wife", but thats all. Why exactly do so many hate him?
So has he had sex with her, or does he have to wait for marriage. I want to see a pic of her (if there are any) cause if she's really that hot, then he's unlucky.NLB2 said:They hate him for having a hot gf, which they don't. And to top it off, while they'd be fucking away at her all day long, Oli's too christian for that, so he's not even using his gf up to potential. Then there's also the fact that Oli's dad's really rich and Olimario never has to worry about money.
NLB2 said:They hate him for having a hot gf, which they don't. And to top it off, while they'd be fucking away at her all day long, Oli's too christian for that, so he's not even using his gf up to potential. Then there's also the fact that Oli's dad's really rich and Olimario never has to worry about money.
NLB2 said:No man, I'm being completely serious. The level of Olimario hate is ridiculous, and its not like he's that hyperactive kid that just grinds on your nerves. He's generally a pretty good poster, if not a little bit on the stupid side so the way people react to him can only be due to jealousy.
Rorschach said:Oli's GF looks so fucking Jersey. Add to that the fact that she's texan and you have an awful combo. She disgusts me. I'd fuck his sister, though. Only because I haven't seen her face.
:lolNLB2 said:Now that's just pure jealous rage right there.
I wonder what the fuck Oli is doing not posting in this thread.
NLB2 said:Man, you people don't get it, do you? You only have dislike for someone who is your superior. If a little kid throws a baseball at you, you're going to get upset at him, naturally. However, you're going to understand that he is just a little kid acting childish. Hate and dislike, which are emotions expressed towards Olimario throughout this thread are nothing more than emotions that are engendered by a feeling of hopelessness. I don't hate the little kid that threw the baseball at me. I can fuck him up real good. I do hate President Bush. He's giving huge ass contracts to companies that are then subcontracting the same job for fractions of the price using my money. I hate him because he's fucking with me and there's nothing I can do about it. Bush > Me. The same is true for you and Olimario. Olimario makes attentionwhorish posts about his gf. He posts pictures of his beautiful house using his high resolution camera. You see where he is and you see where you are. "What did Olimario do to deserve that?" you ask yourselves. Olimario > you and you are jealous of this, this jealousy leads to hatred and bitterness directed towards Olimario.
this was totally uncalled for.NLB2 said:Man, you people don't get it, do you? You only have dislike for someone who is your superior. If a little kid throws a baseball at you, you're going to get upset at him, naturally. However, you're going to understand that he is just a little kid acting childish. Hate and dislike, which are emotions expressed towards Olimario throughout this thread are nothing more than emotions that are engendered by a feeling of hopelessness. I don't hate the little kid that threw the baseball at me. I can fuck him up real good. I do hate President Bush. He's giving huge ass contracts to companies that are then subcontracting the same job for fractions of the price using my money. I hate him because he's fucking with me and there's nothing I can do about it. Bush > Me. The same is true for you and Olimario. Olimario makes attentionwhorish posts about his gf. He posts pictures of his beautiful house using his high resolution camera. You see where he is and you see where you are. "What did Olimario do to deserve that?" you ask yourselves. Olimario > you and you are jealous of this, this jealousy leads to hatred and bitterness directed towards Olimario.
MrAngryFace said:This thread is outta gas!
NLB2 said:To those saying I'm jealous of Olimario - quite trying to deny the fact that you're jealous by trying to shift the jealousy onto me. If I were jealous of Olimario, I wouldn't be his apologist, now would I? I'm his apologist because I see him being made fun of for reasons such as being rich, which I'm made fun of for in real life (and of course when people make fun of me for being rich in real life, they're just jealous as well). So instead of shifting the jealousy onto someone else, you guys really need to just man up and admit it. Say to yourselves "I am jealous of a rich, young individual who has a hot girlfriend and there's nothing to be embarrassed about that." Try it, it'll make you feel better, I promise.
NLB2 said:To those saying I'm jealous of Olimario - quite trying to deny the fact that you're jealous by trying to shift the jealousy onto me. If I were jealous of Olimario, I wouldn't be his apologist, now would I? I'm his apologist because I see him being made fun of for reasons such as being rich, which I'm made fun of for in real life (and of course when people make fun of me for being rich in real life, they're just jealous as well). So instead of shifting the jealousy onto someone else, you guys really need to just man up and admit it. Say to yourselves "I am jealous of a rich, young individual who has a hot girlfriend and there's nothing to be embarrassed about that." Try it, it'll make you feel better, I promise.