People in this thread comparing the character of Peyton Fucking Manning to Cam Newton?
Isn't that like comparing Sargeant Major Daniel J Daly to the coward who took his own life one Adolf Hitler?
Cam Newton's character? His teammates have had nothing but praise for him as a leader and locker room presence. He donates tons of time and money to local (here when he was in Charlotte anyway) charities.
What are these character issues? He was frustrated after losing the Super Bowl while being heckled by the winning team? His dab? How he dresses? Because he wears a towel on his head on the sidelines? Because he celebrates too much?
Even his one legitimate mistake when he was young, he owned up to and says it helped him become a better person.
From the article:
Newton said he contemplated whether or not to post his arrest photo, knowing it would open him up to more scrutiny from and bring back some painful memories. But he said he thought someone who has made a mistake might benefit if he did.
"For a person that probably made a mistake, no matter what it was, to try to be better from it," Newton said. "I have (people I know) that are in the penitentiary, family members that are incarcerated. But yet that doesn't define them.
Your boy Payton Manning doesn't have a history without accusations of his own:
"Manning initially denied the incident took place but later acknowledged that a possibly “crude” but nonetheless “harmless” event occurred."
Sounds like a guy really concerned with his image to me.