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Can anyone actually understand Shakespeare?

Can you understand Shakespeare?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 71.4%
  • No

    Votes: 14 28.6%

  • Total voters


Fingerlickin' Good!
Like without help notes? I can’t understand a single line. Did people speak like that in olden times ? Is that german
I tried to watch Much Ado About Nothing with Keanu and Branagh last month. I was enjoying It yet at least half of the puns, double entendres, and parlance were escaping me. I think acting helps with giving context. Plus words evolve and change.

Kinda lost interest and stopped half way through Much Ado. I could comprehend the plot, and if I have free time I might finish watching it soon.
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Gold Member
I never had this problem reading it, even in school, but yes, it is meant to be enjoyed with trained actors on the stage.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Like without help notes? I can’t understand a single line. Did people speak like that in olden times ? Is that german
Being totally serious, when you read old literature, you realize that tons of people were absolute geniuses.

People think intellect is a straight, linear line from the past to the present. In reality, tons of farmers in the 1600s were geniuses and figured out how to make shit work.

Technology advancing is the role of one lone genius in 200 years like Isaac Newton. It doesn't mean that there weren't geniuses far, far, far, far in the past. Truly top tier IQ people. Just read anything written, and it's usually far more sophisticated than stuff from today.

400 AD


??? BC


they're smarter than you
I'm a huge Shakespeare fan, one of the few things i will buy as luxury for myself are different books/collections, i have 5 copies of Macbeth alone.

Macbeth, Othello and Hamlet are my favorites. A midsummer nights dream is also great for something not intense

Even if you cant stand to read them, Magneto does an amazing job as Macbeth if you need to see it in the comfort of your own home

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I grew up reading the King James Bible, and I understood that perfectly but could not read much Shakespeare. Eventually I found that someone was making comic book versions of the stories that had notes that explained all the parts that were incomprehensible. I'm convinced almost no one literally reads Shakespeare. Macbeth is great.


Being totally serious, when you read old literature, you realize that tons of people were absolute geniuses.

People think intellect is a straight, linear line from the past to the present. In reality, tons of farmers in the 1600s were geniuses and figured out how to make shit work.

Technology advancing is the role of one lone genius in 200 years like Isaac Newton. It doesn't mean that there weren't geniuses far, far, far, far in the past. Truly top tier IQ people. Just read anything written, and it's usually far more sophisticated than stuff from today.

400 AD


??? BC


they're smarter than you

I would love to see those plebs use an iPhone or VR. Stupid boomers.


Like without help notes? I can’t understand a single line. Did people speak like that in olden times ? Is that german

You speak Shakespeare every day.

  1. academe
  2. accessible
  3. accommodation
  4. addiction
  5. admirable
  6. aerial
  7. airless
  8. amazement
  9. anchovy
  10. arch-villain
  11. auspicious
  12. bacheolorship
  13. barefaced
  14. baseless
  15. batty
  16. beachy
  17. bedroom
  18. belongings
  19. birthplace
  20. black-faced
  21. bloodstained
  22. bloodsucking
  23. blusterer
  24. bodikins
  25. braggartism
  26. brisky
  27. broomstaff
  28. budger
  29. bump
  30. buzzer
  31. candle holder
  32. catlike
  33. characterless
  34. cheap
  35. chimney-top
  36. chopped
  37. churchlike
  38. circumstantial
  39. clangor
  40. cold-blooded
  41. coldhearted
  42. compact
  43. consanguineous
  44. control
  45. coppernose
  46. countless
  47. courtship
  48. critical
  49. cruelhearted
  50. Dalmatian
  51. dauntless
  52. dawn
  53. day’s work
  54. deaths-head
  55. defeat
  56. depositary
  57. dewdrop
  58. dexterously
  59. disgraceful
  60. distasteful
  61. distrustful
  62. dog-weary
  63. doit (a Dutch coin: ‘a pittance’)
  64. domineering
  65. downstairs
  66. dwindle
  67. East Indies
  68. embrace
  69. employer
  70. employment
  71. enfranchisement
  72. engagement
  73. enrapt
  74. epileptic
  75. equivocal
  76. eventful
  77. excitement
  78. expedience
  79. expertness
  80. exposure
  81. eyedrop
  82. eyewink
  83. fair-faced
  84. fairyland
  85. fanged
  86. fap
  87. far-off
  88. farmhouse
  89. fashionable
  90. fashionmonger
  91. fat-witted
  92. fathomless
  93. featureless
  94. fiendlike
  95. fitful
  96. fixture
  97. fleshment
  98. flirt-gill
  99. flowery
  100. fly-bitten
  101. footfall
  102. foppish
  103. foregone
  104. fortune-teller
  105. foul mouthed
  106. Franciscan
  107. freezing
  108. fretful
  109. full-grown
  110. fullhearted
  111. futurity
  112. gallantry
  113. garden house
  114. generous
  115. gentlefolk
  116. glow
  117. go-between
  118. grass plot
  119. gravel-blind
  120. gray-eyed
  121. green-eyed
  122. grief-shot
  123. grime
  124. gust
  125. half-blooded
  126. heartsore
  127. hedge-pig
  128. hell-born
  129. hint
  130. hobnail
  131. homely
  132. honey-tongued
  133. hornbook
  134. hostile
  135. hot-blooded
  136. howl
  137. hunchbacked
  138. hurly
  139. idle-headed
  140. ill-tempered
  141. ill-used
  142. impartial
  143. imploratory
  144. import
  145. in question
  146. inauspicious
  147. indirection
  148. indistinguishable
  149. inducement
  150. informal
  151. inventorially
  152. investment
  153. invitation
  154. invulnerable
  155. jaded
  156. juiced
  157. keech
  158. kickie-wickie
  159. kitchen-wench
  160. lackluster
  161. ladybird
  162. lament
  163. land-rat
  164. laughable
  165. leaky
  166. leapfrog
  167. lewdster
  168. loggerhead
  169. lonely
  170. long-legged
  171. love letter
  172. lustihood
  173. lustrous
  174. madcap
  175. madwoman
  176. majestic
  177. malignancy
  178. manager
  179. marketable
  180. marriage bed
  181. militarist
  182. mimic
  183. misgiving
  184. misquote
  185. mockable
  186. money’s worth
  187. monumental
  188. moonbeam
  189. mortifying
  190. motionless
  191. mountaineer
  192. multitudinous
  193. neglect
  194. never-ending
  195. newsmonger
  196. nimble-footed
  197. noiseless
  198. nook-shotten
  199. obscene
  200. ode
  201. offenseful
  202. offenseless
  203. Olympian
  204. on purpose
  205. oppugnancy
  206. outbreak
  207. overblown
  208. overcredulous
  209. overgrowth
  210. overview
  211. pageantry
  212. pale-faced
  213. passado
  214. paternal
  215. pebbled
  216. pedant
  217. pedantical
  218. pendulous
  219. pignut
  220. pious
  221. please-man
  222. plumpy
  223. posture
  224. prayerbook
  225. priceless
  226. profitless
  227. Promethean
  228. protester
  229. published
  230. puking (disputed)
  231. puppy-dog
  232. pushpin
  233. quarrelsome
  234. radiance
  235. rascally
  236. rawboned
  237. reclusive
  238. refractory
  239. reinforcement
  240. reliance
  241. remorseless
  242. reprieve
  243. resolve
  244. restoration
  245. restraint
  246. retirement
  247. revokement
  248. revolting
  249. ring carrier
  250. roadway
  251. roguery
  252. rose-cheeked
  253. rose-lipped
  254. rumination
  255. ruttish
  256. sanctimonious
  257. satisfying
  258. savage
  259. savagery
  260. schoolboy
  261. scrimer
  262. scrubbed
  263. scuffle
  264. seamy
  265. self-abuse
  266. shipwrecked
  267. shooting star
  268. shudder
  269. silk stocking
  270. silliness
  271. skim milk
  272. skimble-skamble
  273. slugabed
  274. soft-hearted
  275. spectacled
  276. spilth
  277. spleenful
  278. sportive
  279. stealthy
  280. stillborn
  281. successful
  282. suffocating
  283. tanling
  284. tardiness
  285. time-honored
  286. title page
  287. to arouse
  288. to barber
  289. to bedabble
  290. to belly
  291. to besmirch
  292. to bet
  293. to bethump
  294. to blanket
  295. to cake
  296. to canopy
  297. to castigate
  298. to cater
  299. to champion
  300. to comply
  301. to compromise
  302. to cow
  303. to cudgel
  304. to dapple
  305. to denote
  306. to dishearten
  307. to dislocate
  308. to educate
  309. to elbow
  310. to enmesh
  311. to enthrone
  312. to fishify
  313. to glutton
  314. to gnarl
  315. to gossip
  316. to grovel
  317. to happy
  318. to hinge
  319. to humor
  320. to impede
  321. to inhearse
  322. to inlay
  323. to instate
  324. to lapse
  325. to muddy
  326. to negotiate
  327. to numb
  328. to offcap
  329. to operate
  330. to out-Herod
  331. to out-talk
  332. to out-villain
  333. to outdare
  334. to outfrown
  335. to outscold
  336. to outsell
  337. to outweigh
  338. to overpay
  339. to overpower
  340. to overrate
  341. to palate
  342. to pander
  343. to perplex
  344. to petition
  345. to rant
  346. to reverb
  347. to reword
  348. to rival
  349. to sate
  350. to secure
  351. to sire
  352. to sneak
  353. to squabble
  354. to subcontract
  355. to sully
  356. to supervise
  357. to swagger
  358. to torture
  359. to un muzzle
  360. to unbosom
  361. to uncurl
  362. to undervalue
  363. to undress
  364. to unfool
  365. to unhappy
  366. to unsex
  367. to widen
  368. tortive
  369. traditional
  370. tranquil
  371. transcendence
  372. trippingly
  373. unaccommodated
  374. unappeased
  375. unchanging
  376. unclaimed
  377. unearthy
  378. uneducated
  379. unfrequented
  380. ungoverned
  381. ungrown
  382. unhelpful
  383. unhidden
  384. unlicensed
  385. unmitigated
  386. unmusical
  387. unpolluted
  388. unpublished
  389. unquestionable
  390. unquestioned
  391. unreal
  392. unrivaled
  393. unscarred
  394. unscratched
  395. unsolicited
  396. unsolicited
  397. unsullied
  398. unswayed
  399. untutored
  400. unvarnished
  401. unvarnished
  402. unwillingness
  403. upstairs
  404. useful
  405. useless
  406. valueless
  407. varied
  408. varletry
  409. vasty
  410. vulnerable
  411. watchdog
  412. water drop
  413. water fly
  414. well-behaved
  415. well-bred
  416. well-educated
  417. well-read
  418. wittolly
  419. worn out
  420. wry-necked
  421. yelping
  422. zany


He's way too verbose and flowery. Romeo and Juliet is tremendously dumb. However, I do like Macbeth quite a bit. It has some of my favourite climactic dialogue.

Turn, hellhound, turn!

Of all men else I have avoided thee.
But get thee back. My soul is too much charged
With blood of thine already.

I have no words.
My voice is in my sword. Thou bloodier villain
Than terms can give thee out!

Let fall thy blade on vulnerable crests;
I bear a charmèd life, which must not yield
To one of woman born.

Despair thy charm,
And let the angel whom thou still hast served
Tell thee, Macduff was from his mother’s womb
Untimely ripped.



Its not about understanding the actual the words, its about understanding the messages behind them, which are as clear today, as they were 400yrs ago.


Try reading The Canterbury Tales in middle English.
I haven't read that one, but I have a different book in middle English and I found it more comprehensible than I'd expected. Knowing other languages helps though, and it's not exactly bed time reading.


It helps tremendously to see them in play form as intended.

Exactly, This was the movie that finally made me "Get" Shakespeare.

It's still not something I particularly enjoy.
You speak Shakespeare every day.

  1. academe
  2. accessible
  3. accommodation
  4. addiction
  5. admirable
  6. aerial
  7. airless
  8. amazement
  9. anchovy
  10. arch-villain
  11. auspicious
  12. bacheolorship
  13. barefaced
  14. baseless
  15. batty
  16. beachy
  17. bedroom
  18. belongings
  19. birthplace
  20. black-faced
  21. bloodstained
  22. bloodsucking
  23. blusterer
  24. bodikins
  25. braggartism
  26. brisky
  27. broomstaff
  28. budger
  29. bump
  30. buzzer
  31. candle holder
  32. catlike
  33. characterless
  34. cheap
  35. chimney-top
  36. chopped
  37. churchlike
  38. circumstantial
  39. clangor
  40. cold-blooded
  41. coldhearted
  42. compact
  43. consanguineous
  44. control
  45. coppernose
  46. countless
  47. courtship
  48. critical
  49. cruelhearted
  50. Dalmatian
  51. dauntless
  52. dawn
  53. day’s work
  54. deaths-head
  55. defeat
  56. depositary
  57. dewdrop
  58. dexterously
  59. disgraceful
  60. distasteful
  61. distrustful
  62. dog-weary
  63. doit (a Dutch coin: ‘a pittance’)
  64. domineering
  65. downstairs
  66. dwindle
  67. East Indies
  68. embrace
  69. employer
  70. employment
  71. enfranchisement
  72. engagement
  73. enrapt
  74. epileptic
  75. equivocal
  76. eventful
  77. excitement
  78. expedience
  79. expertness
  80. exposure
  81. eyedrop
  82. eyewink
  83. fair-faced
  84. fairyland
  85. fanged
  86. fap
  87. far-off
  88. farmhouse
  89. fashionable
  90. fashionmonger
  91. fat-witted
  92. fathomless
  93. featureless
  94. fiendlike
  95. fitful
  96. fixture
  97. fleshment
  98. flirt-gill
  99. flowery
  100. fly-bitten
  101. footfall
  102. foppish
  103. foregone
  104. fortune-teller
  105. foul mouthed
  106. Franciscan
  107. freezing
  108. fretful
  109. full-grown
  110. fullhearted
  111. futurity
  112. gallantry
  113. garden house
  114. generous
  115. gentlefolk
  116. glow
  117. go-between
  118. grass plot
  119. gravel-blind
  120. gray-eyed
  121. green-eyed
  122. grief-shot
  123. grime
  124. gust
  125. half-blooded
  126. heartsore
  127. hedge-pig
  128. hell-born
  129. hint
  130. hobnail
  131. homely
  132. honey-tongued
  133. hornbook
  134. hostile
  135. hot-blooded
  136. howl
  137. hunchbacked
  138. hurly
  139. idle-headed
  140. ill-tempered
  141. ill-used
  142. impartial
  143. imploratory
  144. import
  145. in question
  146. inauspicious
  147. indirection
  148. indistinguishable
  149. inducement
  150. informal
  151. inventorially
  152. investment
  153. invitation
  154. invulnerable
  155. jaded
  156. juiced
  157. keech
  158. kickie-wickie
  159. kitchen-wench
  160. lackluster
  161. ladybird
  162. lament
  163. land-rat
  164. laughable
  165. leaky
  166. leapfrog
  167. lewdster
  168. loggerhead
  169. lonely
  170. long-legged
  171. love letter
  172. lustihood
  173. lustrous
  174. madcap
  175. madwoman
  176. majestic
  177. malignancy
  178. manager
  179. marketable
  180. marriage bed
  181. militarist
  182. mimic
  183. misgiving
  184. misquote
  185. mockable
  186. money’s worth
  187. monumental
  188. moonbeam
  189. mortifying
  190. motionless
  191. mountaineer
  192. multitudinous
  193. neglect
  194. never-ending
  195. newsmonger
  196. nimble-footed
  197. noiseless
  198. nook-shotten
  199. obscene
  200. ode
  201. offenseful
  202. offenseless
  203. Olympian
  204. on purpose
  205. oppugnancy
  206. outbreak
  207. overblown
  208. overcredulous
  209. overgrowth
  210. overview
  211. pageantry
  212. pale-faced
  213. passado
  214. paternal
  215. pebbled
  216. pedant
  217. pedantical
  218. pendulous
  219. pignut
  220. pious
  221. please-man
  222. plumpy
  223. posture
  224. prayerbook
  225. priceless
  226. profitless
  227. Promethean
  228. protester
  229. published
  230. puking (disputed)
  231. puppy-dog
  232. pushpin
  233. quarrelsome
  234. radiance
  235. rascally
  236. rawboned
  237. reclusive
  238. refractory
  239. reinforcement
  240. reliance
  241. remorseless
  242. reprieve
  243. resolve
  244. restoration
  245. restraint
  246. retirement
  247. revokement
  248. revolting
  249. ring carrier
  250. roadway
  251. roguery
  252. rose-cheeked
  253. rose-lipped
  254. rumination
  255. ruttish
  256. sanctimonious
  257. satisfying
  258. savage
  259. savagery
  260. schoolboy
  261. scrimer
  262. scrubbed
  263. scuffle
  264. seamy
  265. self-abuse
  266. shipwrecked
  267. shooting star
  268. shudder
  269. silk stocking
  270. silliness
  271. skim milk
  272. skimble-skamble
  273. slugabed
  274. soft-hearted
  275. spectacled
  276. spilth
  277. spleenful
  278. sportive
  279. stealthy
  280. stillborn
  281. successful
  282. suffocating
  283. tanling
  284. tardiness
  285. time-honored
  286. title page
  287. to arouse
  288. to barber
  289. to bedabble
  290. to belly
  291. to besmirch
  292. to bet
  293. to bethump
  294. to blanket
  295. to cake
  296. to canopy
  297. to castigate
  298. to cater
  299. to champion
  300. to comply
  301. to compromise
  302. to cow
  303. to cudgel
  304. to dapple
  305. to denote
  306. to dishearten
  307. to dislocate
  308. to educate
  309. to elbow
  310. to enmesh
  311. to enthrone
  312. to fishify
  313. to glutton
  314. to gnarl
  315. to gossip
  316. to grovel
  317. to happy
  318. to hinge
  319. to humor
  320. to impede
  321. to inhearse
  322. to inlay
  323. to instate
  324. to lapse
  325. to muddy
  326. to negotiate
  327. to numb
  328. to offcap
  329. to operate
  330. to out-Herod
  331. to out-talk
  332. to out-villain
  333. to outdare
  334. to outfrown
  335. to outscold
  336. to outsell
  337. to outweigh
  338. to overpay
  339. to overpower
  340. to overrate
  341. to palate
  342. to pander
  343. to perplex
  344. to petition
  345. to rant
  346. to reverb
  347. to reword
  348. to rival
  349. to sate
  350. to secure
  351. to sire
  352. to sneak
  353. to squabble
  354. to subcontract
  355. to sully
  356. to supervise
  357. to swagger
  358. to torture
  359. to un muzzle
  360. to unbosom
  361. to uncurl
  362. to undervalue
  363. to undress
  364. to unfool
  365. to unhappy
  366. to unsex
  367. to widen
  368. tortive
  369. traditional
  370. tranquil
  371. transcendence
  372. trippingly
  373. unaccommodated
  374. unappeased
  375. unchanging
  376. unclaimed
  377. unearthy
  378. uneducated
  379. unfrequented
  380. ungoverned
  381. ungrown
  382. unhelpful
  383. unhidden
  384. unlicensed
  385. unmitigated
  386. unmusical
  387. unpolluted
  388. unpublished
  389. unquestionable
  390. unquestioned
  391. unreal
  392. unrivaled
  393. unscarred
  394. unscratched
  395. unsolicited
  396. unsolicited
  397. unsullied
  398. unswayed
  399. untutored
  400. unvarnished
  401. unvarnished
  402. unwillingness
  403. upstairs
  404. useful
  405. useless
  406. valueless
  407. varied
  408. varletry
  409. vasty
  410. vulnerable
  411. watchdog
  412. water drop
  413. water fly
  414. well-behaved
  415. well-bred
  416. well-educated
  417. well-read
  418. wittolly
  419. worn out
  420. wry-necked
  421. yelping
  422. zany
Last edited:

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
After two semesters of it in college, yeah, sorta. Kinda. If we studied that specific work and had it all explained to me...a little bit.


Lil’ Gobbie
when I was 8 or 9 I used to watch that Baz Luhrman Romeo & Juliet flick all the time and had no idea why they talked like that. movie blew me away every time though

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
It's not bad if you "get into it" and get used to the language style. Yeah the first few paragraphs can be tough but it gets better.
Like without help notes? I can’t understand a single line. Did people speak like that in olden times ? Is that german
You look like the kind of guy that has trouble reading the menu at McDonald’s. I’m not surprised you’re struggling with Shakespeare



I could be well moved if I were as you.
If I could pray to move, prayers would move me.
But I am constant as the northern star,
Of whose true-fixed and resting quality
There is no fellow in the firmament.
The skies are painted with unnumbered sparks.
They are all fire and every one doth shine,
But there’s but one in all doth hold his place.
So in the world. 'Tis furnished well with men,
And men are flesh and blood, and apprehensive,
Yet in the number I do know but one
That unassailable holds on his rank,
Unshaked of motion. And that I am he
Let me a little show it even in this:
That I was constant Cimber should be banished,
And constant do remain to keep him so.


It helps tremendously to see them in play form as intended.

This. Hearing the words acted out is the only way to really get it as opposed to reading them.

Incidentally, what's everyone's favorite film adaptation of the Bard's work? For me it's Akira Kurosawa's Throne of Blood (original title 蜘蛛巣城, Kumonosu-jō ), his take on Macbeth. What I like is that while Kurosawa's keeps the same storyline and plot, he is not slavish to the material. He dares to change characters and omits entire scenes of dialogue to fit the Noh theater aesthetic he fit into the movie.

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