Fat Frog
I advertised for Google Stadia
Yeah only a 2 billion people market lol.. Series S is a console for emergent markets, south america, india, and so on... nothing else.
Yeah only a 2 billion people market lol.. Series S is a console for emergent markets, south america, india, and so on... nothing else.
Native back combat with 6th and 7th gen, in native 1440p with 16x anisotropic filtering. Loads of 120fps games. Loads of 8th gen games with double the framerate. HDR for back combat games. The strongest emulation capabilities outside of PC. You like trolling in this thread, but there’s a few things that it excels at.What features?
Irrelevant.It is equal to the XSX in terms of features. It is superior to other consoles in terms of features. Just because YOU don't value a feature doesn't mean that it isn't still an advantage over another platform.
You are in the minority when it comes to physical media. There are people who prefer records over digital streaming. That doesn't make streaming inferior. It clear some people are willing to spend more money on gaming than others but that in no way means the cheaper system is inferior especially if you care about how much you spend.
It's not your decision to make? Let people think by themselves for god sake! It's only not for you that's all you can be sure of.If the console is collecting dust now on store shelves that Series X is hard to find, imagine when Series X is widely available in the market. Series S is a console for emergent markets, south america, india, and so on... nothing else.
Yeah, top of the brand newend hardware, like my (2 years old 2070s) that spits 165+ Hz (locked fps cap) in 1440p everything on ultra without any problems.
If the console is collecting dust now on store shelves that Series X is hard to find, imagine when Series X is widely available in the market. Series S is a console for emergent markets, south america, india, and so on... nothing else.
It's not your decision to make? Let people think by themselves for god sake! It's only not for you that's all you can be sure of.
Honestly, I think this will be the last gen for physical, I thought it was important but I have had my series X for almost a year and it's only had one or two discs in it.Irrelevant.
Series S - digital only
Series X - digital or physical
Series X is superior.
It was very clear. You cannot say that nobody outside emergent market can be interested in it.What?
It was very clear. You cannot say that nobody outside emergent market can be interested in it.
Yes they have in Europe. Been available for £249 for months.Amazon here hasn't had sustained Series S availability since launch. They're still going for at least 25% to 30% markup from third party sellers. Best Buy doesn't have any near me and hasn't within 250 miles of me for some time. They may not be sold out where you are but they're certainly sold out here.
Let's not get triggered because you happen to not likeit. In Europe it's not in high demand, certainly far less than the other next-gen consoles.It's not available on Amazon or any other US retailer at the moment.
Lets not say untruths because of video games.
Casual gamers like to play CoD which alone will take up most of that low storage space. I think it's you who are mistaken if you don't think people are bothered by this. Having to waste time constantly moving stuff to a HDD is far from ideal. Having to buy an SSD that's almost the same price as the console itself is definitely far from ideal. Maybe not an issue for you, but it will be a pain for many owners.364 GB of storage is fine for a casual gamer who only plays a few games at a time. Again you can always use an external hard drive or SSD and move games to internal storage if you need to. Who cares about compression when the costs to play games on other platforms is so much more expensive? External storage is not the price of the console so you are mistaken.
People don't care about production costs they care about retail costs and there is not a current generation console that offers a better value period. Those lower production costs are being passed to the customer in the form of cheaper device. The people who really want a XSX aren't the target audience and that's OK. You seem to confuse your own personal preferences for a console with others that have different wants.
The XSS was a smart decision for MS because it gives customers options that other companies have not offered. It may not impress people on an enthusiast game forum but it is fantastic for gamers on a budget. If you aren't one perhaps you can accept it is not targeting you.
As I said before, now you can mix Xcloud and Stadia on Series S to save space.364 GB of storage is fine for a casual gamer who only plays a few games at a time. Again you can always use an external hard drive or SSD and move games to internal storage if you need to.
It will do fine.
When it cant cope it will drop framerates or resolution
Once again, Microsoft was smart enough to allow cloud gaming on Series S.exactly.
it is an entry level console, and people seem to forget that a lot of players out there happily play Doom Eternal and Wolfenstein 2 at unstable 30fps and 480p on the Switch.
so if the Series S has to drop resolution or run at half the framerate, so be it.
This is true. The value proposition is insane as an emulation box. Although, I do wonder how many people are actually taking advantage of that.In the future it will become a cult console for it's superb emulation abilities (Kind of like what happened to OG Xbox).
Invest now.
It's not tragic at all. Gamers are not the majority, S is more for casual like me and honestly... Mass audience played for years with Dreamcast graphics and an unplayable sex toy called wiimote.The tragic thing is... It will have to survive. I don't imagine them dropping it
I don't even need emulation. Series S is already sexy for OG Xbox, 360 and One library...This is true. The value proposition is insane as an emulation box. Although, I do wonder how many people are actually taking advantage of that.
The XSX costs $200 more it should be more powerful. Regardless this back and forth has significantly drifted off the topic of whether or not the XSS will be supported till the end of the generation. It will be and it continues to offer the same features as the most expensive MS system and asIrrelevant.
Series S - digital only
Series X - digital or physical
Series X is superior.
So you are saying the XSS has enough space for CoD? Perfect! Looks like it really is a perfect device for a casual gamer. How frequently do you think a casual will be shuttling games between the internal memory and the external drive more importantly why would that causal buy the Seagate drive when that person could buy a much cheaper external drive? Remember the XSS is for the budget conscious gamer.Casual gamers like to play CoD which alone will take up most of that low storage space. I think it's you who are mistaken if you don't think people are bothered by this. Having to waste time constantly moving stuff to a HDD is far from ideal. Having to buy an SSD that's almost the same price as the console itself is definitely far from ideal. Maybe not an issue for you, but it will be a pain for many owners.
You mentioned production costs, that's irrelevant to the point I'm making. The split should have been significantly weighted toward the Series X which is much more in demand. Instead we have Series S consoles in Europe and elsewhere sitting on shelves. That's not me, that's the wider general public. Many people simply aren't interested in it, meanwhile people can't get a sniff of a Series X. Even for you I'm surprised you're making an argument out of this.
Oh and I'm sure you'll soon start banging on about GamePass, but the PS5 Digital Edition offers far more value at just £100 more. Way more powerful GPU, more RAM, more than double the storage space. Not even close.
Microsoft made a mistake and I see it only hurting them more until/if they reverse things.
Yes because they're to buy CoD and that's itThe XSX costs $200 more it should be more powerful. Regardless this back and forth has significantly drifted off the topic of whether or not the XSS will be supported till the end of the generation. It will be and it continues to offer the same features as the most expensive MS system and asBanjo64 mentioned more features than systems offered by other companies.
So you are saying the XSS has enough space for CoD? Perfect! Looks like it really is a perfect device for a casual gamer. How frequently do you think a casual will be shuttling games between the internal memory and the external drive more importantly why would that causal buy the Seagate drive when that person could buy a much cheaper external drive? Remember the XSS is for the budget conscious gamer.
The production costs of the device are absolutely relevant. With the nature of the challenges getting materials for circuits MS going with the XSS allows them to continue to provide an affordable product with the materials available. The XSX is more difficult to produce and if they had all their eggs in that basket they would have fewer ways to get people into their ecosystem. With regard to European sales the Xbox was never a major seller there. That is more to do with the brand over the fact that XSS is affordable.
I completely disagree with the notion that the the PS5 is a better value. It simply has better specs. $400 gets you games plus the system with XSS. How much game playing can you do with a PS5 DE after you spent $400? You might not like Game pass but it's clearly superior to any service offered by Sony. Sony games are more expensive as well. Upgrading games you own is costly. Cloud saves cost extra! No 1440p support at all? It is more of a luxury device vs something for casuals so their targets are different. I would be doing a disservice to a casual telling them to get a PS5 over the XSS.
The RAM thing isn't something a casual gamer cares about and developers can take full advantage of the features the XSS offers to mitigate any shortcomings. It just looks like the XSS isn't the console for you. It doesn't mean it won't be supported till the end of the generation and it continues to offer things more expensive devices lack. Hard to call out the budget box when the luxury box cannot match it feature for feature. I continue to be confused why people are so focused on calling out the most affordable console but ignoring the shortcomings of the more expensive device. It's weird.
The only mistake made is by people who don't own the system making statements about things they don't know. There are plenty of people who actually have the XSS and I'd take their perspective over someone who just likes to engage in speculation. People speculated the Xbox brand would drop out of the market. 20 years later we see how their predictions fared.
maybe, but Microsoft can drop cross-gen sooner after Series X|S and rely on cloud streaming to support previous gens rather than having drawn out transition periods. If the tech matures enough to Stadia levels (or beyond) then it can totally be a viable strategy.We have 3 stage of console game . First stage is where game are cross gen of last gen and current gen (AC black flag/ DA Inquisition) , second stage is game on current gen ( AC odyssey/ witcher 3 ) , and third stage is game are cross gen of current gen and next gen .
We are at the third stage of ps4/xbox one and first stage of ps5/series X . Imo the series S could easily do stage 1 ,barely do stage 2 and get fcked in the ass at stage 3 .
We've determined this is a lie, but thanks for trying.The XSX costs $200 more it should be more powerful. Regardless this back and forth has significantly drifted off the topic of whether or not the XSS will be supported till the end of the generation. It will be and it continues to offer the same features as the most expensive MS system and asBanjo64 mentioned more features than systems offered by other companies.
Casual gamers tend to stick to franchises they like. They are the least likely to have hundreds of games stored on their devices. You seem to be projecting your own personal thoughts on casuals and that would explain why you aren't making any sense. The storage on the XSS is a non issue and there are inexpensive ways to get more space outside of the Seagate drive surprised you did not know that.Yes because they're to buy CoD and that's it. Are budget-conscious gamers so broke they can only afford one game? Will they be satisfied moving stuff back and forth between their limited SSD and HDD, or will this quickly become a bone of contention for many of them
You're talking about bringing people into the 'ecosystem' but a lot of people aren't buying the Series S anyway so how is it helping them? We've seen people say it's been easily available in Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia. If Microsoft didn't have two separate chip designs in production they could probably sell a lot more Series X consoles. And Xbox was big in Europe in the 360 era, especially the UK. That's your ignorance of our market talking. But now it's just clear that there's a lack of interest in the Series S - despite GamePass being teh best thing ever!
Also you're not even evaluating just the hardware now, you're bringing a bunch of other factors in and trying to use it to justify the Series S, because the hardware itself is lacking. 1440p support? GTFOH with that bullshit. Cloud saves, who cares really. Just highlights how weak your argument is. For £350 the Digital Edition is easily the best value next-gen machine. I can also make a laundry list of things such as the PS5 having access to better first-party games, a better controller, and the fact that more people have one for game sharing etc - to go alongside the much better GPU, RAM and available storage space. Being cheap isn't everything as the current situation here and elsewhere shows - people will avoid what they consider to be a gimped machine if they see better alternatives.
And the Xbox brand isn't being dropped (not sure why you're so sensitive about people predicting that on public forums), though I can see the Series S being left behind in a mid-gen refresh when Microsoft is forced to admit it's no longer fit for purpose.
Please tell me the features the XSS lacks the XSX has minus the blu-ray drive, something MS never said it had. Give me the list of these 'lies' sir.We've determined this is a lie, but thanks for trying.
The PS5 is literally selling as fast an Sony can make them; they've shipped over 10 million and sold over 10 million. They can't keep the things on the shelves.Now, it's one particular day and we don't know how many consoles were sold, and I assume the PS5 is sold out again. BUT the argument surely can't be that the console which nobody wants and doesn't sell is selling better than the one which is on track to be the best selling PlayStation ever. Can it? Is Sony only sending Amazon 3 consoles at a time?
Yes because they're to buy CoD and that's it. Are budget-conscious gamers so broke they can only afford one game? Will they be satisfied moving stuff back and forth between their limited SSD and HDD, or will this quickly become a bone of contention for many of them
The PS5 is literally selling as fast an Sony can make them; they've shipped over 10 million and sold over 10 million. They can't keep the things on the shelves.
Each time Amazon has a drop, the PS5 (both versions) occupy the #1 and #2 slots in the chart for the day, then begin to slip back down the charts as people are unable to buy them. Now, picture how that'll look once available increases. Argos, Game, PC World all experience insane demand when they have the things in stock.
The truth is that the PS5 remains one of my most sought after consumer devices in the world right now, and will do so for some time to come.
(also, Amazon tends to sell 1,000s of PS5 in one go, not just a handful)
The tragic thing is... It will have to survive. I don't imagine them dropping it
“While we were able to simply compile The Riftbreaker for the Xbox Series X and it ‘just works’, the XSS requires additional optimization. Still, it doesn't look like it will require that much work to be running well at 1080p on the XSS[...] The size of the memory that is available in the XSS is the actual determining point for the entire console generation as gameplay features have to be fitted to the lowest spec.”
My point exactly.The Series S is inferior to the Series X. Period. If you enjoy playing on it, that's fine, more power to you, MS created it for that reason. If you don't need what the X offers, that's fine. But don't try to argue that it's somehow equal to or superior to the Series X, that's nonsense.
Yep, it will last the whole gen and will limit developers ambitions by it's shit RAM amount.
Last gen devs had ~5GB, they have 7GB or 8GB on Series S and have to cram full games into this shit, barely more than they had since 2013 and all they can adjust is texture size and resolution framebuffer:
Xbox Series X Being Held Back By Series S Memory Limit For Some Devs
Xbox Series S's memory complicates development.screenrant.com
MS fucked gamers in the ass.
He's right. Series S has the least amount of RAM of any current-gen device.Nope and nope, makes zero difference as they were making every game for pc anyhow.
He's right. Series S has the least amount of RAM of any current-gen device.
A typical gaming PC today has 16GB of system RAM alone + 4-8GB or more VRAM depending on what GPU you have. Heck, even Steam Deck comes with 16GB. There's a reason Id Software engine programmers and many other devs raised concerns about its limited memory.
Honestly, I think this will be the last gen for physical, I thought it was important but I have had my series X for almost a year and it's only had one or two discs in it.
I expect that as time goes by physical will continue to drop off. I'll be interested to see the split in a year or two's time.