Hitokage said:
I mean, you constantly whine and complain that neither of the two parties are different(I disagree, but not the point here), yet then you turn around and expect me to support a party who can do nothing but throw out bold claims and unworkable plans.
Whoa. How exactly are Nader's/the Green Party's plans unworkable? No one knows because there haven't been any attempts to implement them seriously. I would prefer to find out, and not say, "this is the system and what it will accept, now get in line and don't question how it works and why it can't be changed."
Hitokage said:
Call me up when you third party types find a leader with a brain. Oh wait, you already did, and they're currently running the Republican party.
Are you trying to imply that because Ralph Nader is an idealist that he's stupid? I'd rather have principles than die the slow death every time I capitulate on my principles to satiate the system.
Hitokage said:
BTW, I find it amusing how the Democratic ticket is bashed for both sucking on the coporate teat and having a trial lawyer who sued corporations "frivolously"... at the same time. Seems like two conflicting views there.
I've never bashed Edwards for being a trial lawyer... I posted a link and a quote from an editorial rant piece that did, but personally I believe that if a corporation has done something that can be proven in court, no matter how "frivolous", they should be tried and pay for it. They get away with far too much that they DON'T pay for.
Honestly, I do believe that the Democratic Ticket is sucking from the teat of corporate America. They get to play both sides of the coin, though. They can have contributions from all the PACs and companies, and still command the support of the AFL-CIO, the NAACP, and various environmental groups. And still not only deny the interests of the progressive groups that support them, but actively work against them. All because they "aren't the Republicans". Wow, isn't the two party system GREAT? Don't you feel that it looks out for the best interests of all Americans?
As far as my "whining but not doing anything about it" goes, I'd just like to put out the fact that you don't know me in my personal life. I am involved in several local activist and non-profit groups, including the Atlanta Food Bank and Habitat for Humanity. I don't like to toot my own civic horn, but I feel that because I AM actively trying to make the world a better place that I am entitled to bitch about how shitty things are and how the majority of the people WON'T work to make the world a better place. Sorry if any of this pisses you off.