What has Ralph done to build the Green Party?
As the New York State Greens wrote recently:
"Ralph Nader has done more to grow the Green Party than any other individual in this country. He has run as our presidential candidate twice, and has helped the Green Party tremendously in raising funds in between campaigns. He has supported numerous local Green Party candidates, and has attracted media attention that the Green Party would not have received otherwise. Green Party enrollment surged after both of his presidential bids..."
Specifically, during the election, Ralph helped:
* local Greens start 450 new local Green chapters,
* achieve ballot lines for several states,
* support state and local candidates;
* make the party grow from an association of states to a national party;
* recruit and share lists of tens of thousands of volunteers; and
* start 900 chapters on college campuses, all resulting in the largest vote for a progressive candidacy in 75 years.