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Can someone think up of a PSP game worth buying?


I buy Playstation systems for RPGs and some adventure/platform games. Right now, the PSP isn't offering anything I'd be remotely interested in.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
The PSP, I believe, has four main problems:

#1: Being profitable to Sony.

#2: Battery life when using all of the system features. It's 4-6 hours without the wifi and the speakers in use: sound will likely bring it down an hour or so.

#3: The system doesn't really have a "killer app" that will make people go out and buy the things. GT4 would be a good candidate, but the fact that it is being released alongside (later?) than GT4 for the Ps2, and they are essentially the same game, could prevent it from being THE killer app for the PSP. It could be said that Super Mario 64 DS is already available on the N64, but, after eight years, there is a nostalgia factor that will play into having it, not to mention the appeal of having extras and THE revolutionary first 3D Mario game to play wherever you want. Metal Gear Acid? Close, but no cigar.

#4: The games (who knows about the movies?) cost $50. Can 50 dollar handheld games really appeal to the consumer, even if they are near-Ps2 caliber, especially in the face of $30 games from the competition?

Then again, the thing has these things going for it.

#1: Sony's deep pockets

#2: The sexy design

#3: The power of the machine

#4: Playstation brand recognition?

the DS has these strengths:

#1: New ways to play games.

#2: BC with GBA games.

#3: Nintendo's games, as well as their experience in the handheld market. Mario 64 DS is the killer app for the launch, but if Nintendo wanted to, they could probably shift the focus to Wario Ware Touch as the killer app, or maybe even Feel the Magic from Sega. Mario, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, the Wars series, Fire Emblem, Wario Ware: Nintendo's franchises all are very powerful in driving sales.

#4: A SLIGHTLY better 3rd party lineup than that of the PSP, so far.

#5: System and game prices are cheaper for the consumer than the PSP.

The Cons of the DS:

#1: Not nearly as aesthetically pleasing as the PSP.

#2: Use of the DS' features, such as touch screen and dual screens, may not be that creative in the first year of the system, as developers need time to get used to the new features and to figure out ways to utilize them.

#3: Not as powerful as the PSP.

#4: Despite the marketing, Nintendo still has a kiddie image. Can they shake it off? Does it make a difference in the portable market? We don't know, we can only wait.

Both Sony and Nintendo are giving it their all with the DS and the PSP. Developers are fairly split between the two for the most part. It should be an interesting battle.


Why do you have to buy PSP right on launch? I agree that it hasn't got any games that appeal to me right now (and no Metal gear acid is not a killer app it's a freaking card game damnit)
but in 3-6 months it'll probably have great games and you won't have to buy the first bunch of defected units which Sony as always will supply. That's my plan anyway, and I think it's a great plan. So stop complaining guys, the good games will eventually come.


GaimeGuy said:
#4: The games (who knows about the movies?) cost $50. Can 50 dollar handheld games really appeal to the consumer, even if they are near-Ps2 caliber, especially in the face of $30 games from the competition?

Jumping to conclusion. This is like assuming PSP would cost 300 bucks and last 2 hours as a fact before any real announcement. 5000 yen does not mean it'll cost 50 bucks in the US. They are just more expensive in the land of the rising sun. The DS games are 4800 yen, oh no it'll cost close to 48 dollars in the US! No. But you go and keep repeating that. Lowering ppl's expectation will only result more excitment when the US price is announced.
One thing I will say though is that 4-6 hour battery life better be accurate, because if they pull an "i-Pod" and people get wildly flucuating battery life depending on different situations, I think many will be pissed off.


And even i am moderately surprised
"One thing I will say though is that 4-6 hour battery life better be accurate, because if they pull an "i-Pod" and people get wildly flucuating battery life depending on different situations, I think many will be pissed off."

I think that is going to happen though - Sony themselves state that each game will drain the games differently depending on CPU usage, how much streaming takes place, etc etc....

The only way they can guarantee the 4-6 hour battery life is if they really do enforce a full on "your game cannot release unless minimum batter life is 4 hours" or something like that.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
jiggle said:
Jumping to conclusion. This is like assuming PSP would cost 300 bucks and last 2 hours as a fact before any real announcement. 5000 yen does not mean it'll cost 50 bucks in the US. They are just more expensive in the land of the rising sun. The DS games are 4800 yen, oh no it'll cost close to 48 dollars in the US! No. But you go and keep repeating that. Lowering ppl's expectation will only result more excitment when the US price is announced.

Ok, let me correct myself: The games are about as expensive as most new console releases.



GaimeGuy said:
Ok, let me correct myself: The games are about as expensive as most new console releases.


Not really, if you're talking US price, that's not even known. And you shouldn't use japanese prices to guage how much they will cost in the US.

A quick check on an import shop could've easily shown you that 4800yen seems to be norm for handheld GBA games(Kingdom Hearts II @ 5980yen) before tax, whereass console games can go from aroun 6000yen all the way to 9000yen(if your'e Square).
PSP game prices are only slightly more expensive than a typical GBA and DS games.

I'm basing the prices on what import shop claims as retail price of course. Ppl living in japan please correct me where I'm wrong.


4800 is about right (which is somethign like 5070 with tax).

5800/6800 is the norm for console games (+tax)
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