No retail job will be as good as my anime shop was.
But you have to treat every day like performance art. That's the only way to survive without losing your sanity.
Ah, the second-hand memories we all got from that anime shop. I remember it fondly.
I hope you noted those down, since that could make a great ebook to sell on Amazon. But I think I suggested that before already.
I've been spared working retail in a store with immediate customer contact, though obviously you get enough from grocery store work too. Thankfully before smartphones and so on, so I've also been spared the 'super entitled prick I just want to violently murder' thing. Then again, like others have said: fucking Christmas music. At some point one of those had, and this is true,
Richard Cheese's cover of Down With The Sickness on it, as a goddamn Christmas song. Clearly, the selector did not understand English at all.
Let's just say that I avoid retail during Christmas now.
Though I have been selling stuff online in recent years, which is somewhat comparable to retail, so I'll share, and I've seen every single stupid "life hacking" trick people think that makes them the smartest little shit on the planet, when I can tell from the first fucking misspelled word whom I'm dealing with. And the lack of a proper 'hello' at the start. Everybody thinks they're so fucking smart, and not in actual good smart ways.
Smart ways like:
Knowing how to spell words and shit.
Knowing how to make proper sentences that can actually be read by other fucking people.
Knowing how to flatter another person while still trying to undercut their price so you're not being a total prick about it. Sure, I'm still mad, but you're respectful at least.
Knowing how to properly start and end a goddamn message.
Knowing that you have money for your hobby, or you fucking don't (this is real btw, sooooo fucking many people 'but I ain't got no...' such wastes of space and time, unbelievable).
Knowing to show proper respect for the process of a business transaction, motherfucker.
Knowing better than to try and troll a seller by a variety of means that would take too goddamn fucking long to list. Instead, here is
Samuel L Jackson saying motherfucker a lot.
Knowing to say 'I'm disappointed but I understand' in those exact fucking words.
I'm going to stop here, and tell y'all fine gentlemen and ladies to just work retail, take what you've learned from it, start a web store and immediately outsource customer service to a company where people literally have the worst job imaginable. Hell IS other people.