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Can we expect future Donkey Konga support?


I'm enjoying the heck out of Donkey Konga, but I can't help but long for more songs to play.
Is Nintendo planning on supporting Donkey Konga any more here in the US?
If so, how much should we expect the future editions to cost? I don't think I'd pay any more than the price of a CD for one of them.

It would be so great to have themed discs, too. Each disc with 20 songs and a different theme. Classical, Country, Classic Rock, Oldies, etc...
Imagine if they sold these at 10 bucks a pop. For the price of a game you could have 100 songs to beat your Kongas to.


They'll likely release more volumes a la Karaoke Revolution/DDR/etc. and charge about 30 bucks each. Who knows, maybe since the Konga itself is 30, the sequel discs will be 20 bucks, but dont count on it.


Unconfirmed Member
I am actully considering importing other regions of the game so I can have more songs to play, sucks about no saving with freeloader though :(
olimario said:
I don't think I'd pay any more than the price of a CD for one of them...
Imagine if they sold these at 10 bucks a pop. For the price of a game you could have 100 songs to beat your Kongas to.

Konami attempted this in the early days of Bemani in Japan, with budget-priced "append discs" for Beatmania and Pop'n Music in the place of full price sequels. It was really cool, but lasted for only a few mixes before they went back to charging full price. One annoyance was the need to load in the append discs by first loading the original game, then choosing a disc-swap option. Also, it didn't allow them to include any of the graphical and gameplay upgrades that the arcade versions were starting to receive.. So they went back to selling each mix for full price.

It's a great idea and all, and would be great for us, but I don't know how practical/profitable it'd be for Nintendo. I wouldn't count on it happening. :(


Unconfirmed Member
Isn't not placing the full games data on each disc just lazy though, or was it an attempts to make sure you bought the first game?

Just leave the base code in tact and have new songs, 20$ a pop wouldn't even be bad ($30 if there was significantly more music on it.)

EDIT: VVVV exactly.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
For the price of a music CD? No. For a budget price? Hopefully. I can hope for $20, but I'll expect 30.


Just if there's not a lot of continued support, any idea how shitty I'm going to feel about ordering an extra set of bongos?????


I'd pay $30 for an expansion disk, and I can see me paying $40 if there were about 50 songs, and they were the licensed originals instead of covers.
I thing Konga 2 is much better than the original. It has better background visuals that are fully 3D with characters from Pikmin in them. And the song list is generally better although the US Konga included Zelda, which is from Konga 2. But nevertheless I expect more Konga in the future.


I was just talking about this with my wife last night. I really hope that they do, but they'll need to work a bit harder at song selection and overall polish for me to be willing to drop a bunch of cash on it.

On a related note, does anyone have an idea of what the average number of *extra* drum sets are being sold per copy of the game? I'm guessing just over 1, but maybe I'm underestimating the number of people that wanted 3-4 sets.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I sure hope so Oli.

I like Konga but I'm finding myself sticking to the same few songs because I don't like a lot of them. It would be nice to get a new append disc every 4-6 months for the next 2 years. I wouldn't mind paying $30 if the music selection was better.

They should do an append disc with just video game songs on it. It would probably just be Nintendo songs but it would be nice if they could license some theme songs from other companies like Capcom, Namco, and Konami.

If they do append discs with more "real" songs I hope they go with songs that are way more recent and popular than the ones included on Konga.

If they want to do old songs they should release a 70s disc, an 80s disc, and a 90s disc.
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