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Can Xbox make a comeback as a brand?

Xbox’s problem is cultural. It is a part of a “Western” (might as well call it an Indian these days) company that over-relies on cheap Indian labor and devotes itself to hiring based on politics and nepotism rather than genuine talent. The problem with Xbox is the same problem that plagues every other Western company.
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Chicago Bulls What GIF by NBA
I didn't know that I posted that lol
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About your first point:
Microsoft just doesn't want to be a traditional console owner earning a nice income, because that is not enough for MS. So they won't do what you ask because they would rather not do it.

About your 2nd point:
Phil Spencer and Sarah Bond can't be fired because there are no replacements in the company. As in they are the only executives INTERESTED in running a console platform. They are all you got. If they are fired, anyone replacing them would immediately shut the whole hardware division down and just kept selling game software.
thats what i mean. their impatient and greedy self cost them back greatly.

and the second point, if they can waste 60-70b for acquistion, they should has no issue hire capable people in industry. or just hire people from Sony or Nintendo if needed. to replace these two failure

while other execs simply didnt interested because uncle phil and the other execs in Xbox didnt deliver.

heck, the issue is actually simple if they just listen to developers and fans at first place. this gen is good example. they has the lined up needed. more first party studio's than Sony, good impression of Xbox Series X. but then their greed and their impatient of searching magical formula give birth to Series S. despite developers are complained. if they hear the pleas, shit wont be this bad. but everytime people talk about Series S or the need of first party games since Xbox one era, phil keep moving goalpost. playing with exclusivity issue, bla bla bla while fans evangelist everything he said. i say things could be different if fans more vocal since beginning than just worshipping. like i mentioned above. they got case study from Xbox 360 and Xbox One. but they didnt learn. while Sony and Nintendo soar higher and higher thanks to the failure of PS3 and Wii U.
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Yes. Present a clear path forward that resonates with your base and then execute that plan and all will be forgiven.

Obviously, that's a lot harder than it sounds, but it's possible. The real question is whether MS have the temerity to undertake such a task or are they happy to just continue flailing around the gaming landscape.

I believe that the original team, particularly Seamus Blackley, had the creative spark and vision. Sadly, it's been largely absent since that first generation or 2. If they can fi.d that spark again, they'll be ok.


I expect the final death of Xbox to lead to the appearance of a competitor. Either Amazon or Apple.
jurassic park water GIF

Yes. Present a clear path forward that resonates with your base and then execute that plan and all will be forgiven.

Obviously, that's a lot harder than it sounds, but it's possible. The real question is whether MS have the temerity to undertake such a task or are they happy to just continue flailing around the gaming landscape.

I believe that the original team, particularly Seamus Blackley, had the creative spark and vision. Sadly, it's been largely absent since that first generation or 2. If they can fi.d that spark again, they'll be ok.
The greatest barrier from Xbox succeeding as a gaming platform, is that in the best case scenario it would still not be profitable enough for Microsoft.

Sony is not tiny, but they are of moderate size ever since the Japanese economy froze for 30 years. And as such the PlayStation department had been a significant slice of their profits. Sony is inclined to keep investing in PlayStation because its success matters.

But Microsoft would barely notice if Xbox became as big as PlayStation currently stands. It wouldn't be nothing, but we are talking about a best case scenario here. Microsoft just doesn't really CARE about the gaming business because the profitability isn't high enough. They only noticed Xbox existed when they wasted 70 billion dollars. Until then it was just some minor branch barely worth caring about. MS is just too big for console gaming.


I’d never encountered a console reveal that left me feeling somewhat depressed like that, or probably even since.

NFL, Jeopardy (or whatever the gameshow was), who outside of America gave a fuck about that, or anything else about that reveal to be fair.
One of the strangest console reveals of all time.

Like they didn't even bother to see if the TV stuff works for non-US audiences or if they would have decent enough online connectivity to be able to handle the new DRM stuff. It's like the entire management team has never been outside North America.
Wow, still here spouting the same rubbish, ignoring questions at the same time. Come back once you’ve stopped crying over the fact that multiple people have casually said COD exclusivity would help Xbox 😂.

Relax your sphincter though Princess. Contracts are 100% solid. Nobody has ever broke free of one in the history of mankind. It’s why I’m still married.

Responding to what you willingly posted isn't rubbish.
Again, if contracts are solid and you know that, why did you post initially that Microsoft wasn't going to make cod exclusive, instead of posting that they cannot make it exclusive, which is the reality of the situation? Telling that you still havent answered that.
What you posted was deceptive and disengenous, and you have a fit and start throwing personal insults around when you're called out on it.
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One of the strangest console reveals of all time.

Like they didn't even bother to see if the TV stuff works for non-US audiences or if they would have decent enough online connectivity to be able to handle the new DRM stuff. It's like the entire management team has never been outside North America.

Sure, but even if 95% of potential customers were able to connect their console to the internet 95% of the time, what about when Microsoft's own servers are down? Or your console needs an 20 GB update and you just want to watch a Blu-ray or something? If I remember correctly, the only reason for the DRM was to kill off the second-hand game market. Zero benefits for the player. I know this topic has been discussed here to the end, and I am glad to see that DRM defenders have reduced a lot since many games have been killed with their servers.

Microsoft could make a comeback as brand. They could use the resources of the AAA publishers they have bought and really make worthwhile, generation-defining games. Exclusive or not.

I'm convinced they won't do that. They will try and course correct with awful ideas and antics twice a year instead of actually investing time and effort into figuring out what the fuck they want to do.


I remember watching the reveal an just feeling so empty at the end of it.

I’d never encountered a console reveal that left me feeling somewhat depressed like that, or probably even since.

NFL, Jeopardy (or whatever the gameshow was), who outside of America gave a fuck about that, or anything else about that reveal to be fair.

This comment sums it up…


That's exactly how I felt too, emptied, like the void after a black hole ⚫🙀
Glow Black And White GIF by xponentialdesign

The comment is so right, this day destroyed everything, I still see myself in the front of the TV after the show I was waiting for months...
Animated GIF


Responding to what you willingly posted isn't rubbish.
Again, if contracts are solid and you know that, why did you post initially that Microsoft wasn't going to make cod exclusive, instead of posting that they cannot make it exclusive, which is the reality of the situation? Telling that you still havent answered that.
What you posted was deceptive and disengenous, and you have a fit and start throwing personal insults around when you're called out on it.
Look at the length of your replies because I agreed with somebody saying COD exclusivity would do it. 😂

I can’t converse with you any longer because I just feel my brain cells dying trying to bridge the gap that your stupidity brings. You earn every insult thrown your way, I’m sure you’ve had plenty.


as a brand - yes. as a console platform - unlikely.

Right now they need to get rid of Phil, Booty and that fat, useless sack of you know what Aaron Greenberg. This is critical.

If they ditch these old, useless and out of touch fossils they can make some big improvements immediately - ditch the third party strat, keep a closer eye on internal studios and put some real marketing behind the big hitters. If they do this Xbox can be a viable platform and they have a lot of great franchises under their belt. They just need to ditch defeatist Phil and his cronies. No more buying publishers; just push for great games developed internally and keep them exclusive, If they can do that then the customers will come. It will take time of course but it's absolutely possible.


While it's definitely not the powerhouse it use to be... its not a dead brand... yet.

Honestly, and I think this is gonna not play well with others, if they put something like Halo on PS and Switch that would make a huge splash for the brand. It just wouldn't be one for fanboys

The day that happens it's gonna be a fucking meteor strike of coverage from everyone in the industry


Neo Member
Microsoft overall will become one of the biggest money-makers in the gaming space due to all the massive IP they now own that are Multiplatform. I'm certain that they want out of the traditional console market.

Microsoft, even more-so than other corporations, has no greater interest than making money. They do not care that there are Xbox fans who love the hardware if those people are simply not profitable. Satya puts on a nice face of leading a softer/kinder MSFT but you do not get to be the CEO of that company unless you are a stone-cold killer in the boardroom.

Xbox as a brand will probably go away and be replaced by "Microsoft Gaming"
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Look at the length of your replies because I agreed with somebody saying COD exclusivity would do it. 😂

I can’t converse with you any longer because I just feel my brain cells dying trying to bridge the gap that your stupidity brings. You earn every insult thrown your way, I’m sure you’ve had plenty.
It's not because you said COD exclusivity would do it and you know it.
It's because you posted that Microsoft was CHOOSING not to do it while knowing full well that they literally CAN'T do it.
And you still havent answered why and you respond by throwing insults around.
Pretty revealing about you that you react like this when you get called out.
That would do it. To be honest, COD exclusivity alone would probably do it.

But they won’t, because it’s not about making Xbox the biggest. It’s about making money the biggest.

Edit: Just so we are clear, ShadowkillXNA ShadowkillXNA would like every one to know this can never happen because Sony have a contract which states they get it for 10 years, and that I am a very very naughty man for agreeing with Represent above. He’s just back from crying to his mummy about it, and would appreciate cuddles and stuff.

Thanks for giving me rent-free space in your head, it's very cozy.
That would do it. To be honest, COD exclusivity alone would probably do it.

But they won’t, because it’s not about making Xbox the biggest. It’s about making money the biggest.

Edit: Just so we are clear, ShadowkillXNA ShadowkillXNA would like every one to know this can never happen because Sony have a contract which states they get it for 10 years, and that I am a very very naughty man for agreeing with Represent above. He’s just back from crying to his mummy about it, and would appreciate cuddles and stuff.

And your STILL posting that Microsoft is CHOOSING not to make COD exclusive knowing full that they literally can't do that lmfao!


Microsoft overall will become one of the biggest money-makers in the gaming space due to all the massive IP they now own that are Multiplatform. I'm certain that they want out of the traditional console market.

Microsoft, even more-so than other corporations, has no greater interest than making money. They do not care that there are Xbox fans who love the hardware if those people are simply not profitable. Satya puts on a nice face of leading a softer/kinder MSFT but you do not get to be the CEO of that company unless you are a stone-cold killer in the boardroom.

Xbox as a brand will probably go away and be replaced by "Microsoft Gaming"
Do you think having a share of the hardware market is beneficial to keep GamePass numbers up and XCloud relevant? As if Xbox goes 3rd party and drops hardware, they lose millions upon millions of GamePass users, with XCloud already behind Geforce Now this also becomes less relevant. (Cloud streaming on GamePass is pretty neat btw)

I just see too many variables on which MS have put alot into for the future, to throw away for such a short term 5-10 year plan (3rd party may have limited shelf life if gaming tastes and consumption keeps changing)

I would hope MS try to stay relevant in hardware, whilst grabbing as much as they can from 3rd party sales. (GP as their hook with new hardware ideas for next gen, and a minimum 3 months exclusive policy)

They won't win anything this way except making the most money in gaming whilst still hedging their bets for when/if Cloud gaming really takes off. (Side note.. Is Geforce Now profitable??)
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