It seems like the internet quacks out there have exhausted the market for penis enlargement, so these days I'm bombarded with banner ads for height-enhancing "natural" products.
Is it even remotely possible for these things to work? Does anyone have any experience with similar products?
I'm not a mega-shrimp or anything (5'7"), but an extra inch or two might be a nice way to expand the pool of girls I can date (since so many seem to want guys that are at least 2"-3" taller). I'm super-skeptical as always, but I might as well look into it now since it's supposedly only going to work when taken prior to your 26th birthday (I turn 25 in a couple months).
Is it even remotely possible for these things to work? Does anyone have any experience with similar products?
I'm not a mega-shrimp or anything (5'7"), but an extra inch or two might be a nice way to expand the pool of girls I can date (since so many seem to want guys that are at least 2"-3" taller). I'm super-skeptical as always, but I might as well look into it now since it's supposedly only going to work when taken prior to your 26th birthday (I turn 25 in a couple months).