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Can you mix the 10% Gamespot Complete EBWorld discount with other discounts?


Can you mix it with free shipping coupons, the 15% pre-played coupon, and what about the additional 10% pre-played EB Edge card discount?


I'll have to double check the fine print, but I don't think you can. I almost subscribed to Gspot complete at one time for the EB discount, but then I noticed in the fine print you couldn't combine it with any other offers. Which is ridiculous because most of the time you can find better deals on the EB website itself (Hmmm shall I take 10 percent off a 50 dollar item and pay 6 bucks for two day air it or get overnight shipping for free!). The Gspot/EB 'discount' is close to being a total scam. Not quite there, but close.
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