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Can you tell which smile is fake or real?(test)

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17/20, it's all in the eyes. Easy as shit.

I was thinking, "Good lord these people are hidous and have awful teeth", then I realized it's a UK poll.

Can't believe I did that well! I got 3 and 4 wrong. Looking at them again I can't believe I got those wrong. I really could have got 20! I thought I was going to get around 13...

Its all in the eyes and the muscles around them. Also how quickly a persons face returns to the "neutral" pose.

/bumps old arse thread


Queen of Denmark
12/20...but I think I somehow got better at it as I went along, as four out of eight of my errors were in the first five people.


14 out of 20... I watched the eyes... if someone looked toward someone or something I guessed that they were really laughing.
I got 19/20. As has been previously said, I looked at the person's eyes as to whether or not the smile was genuine. Number 4 got me though. I thought it was fake.


15/20 which makes the hypothesis:

Most people are surprisingly bad at spotting fake smiles. One possible explanation for this is that it may be easier for people to get along if they don't always know what others are really feeling.

completely bogus based on the replies in this forum.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist

I was kind of distracted by the way everyone had differing reactions. Some would be totally straight, others would look to the side and chuckle, etc. How were they making these people smile for real?

On ones I got right I mostly noticed a tightness in their forehead muscles, that doesnt happen with fake smiles. I can understand the eye thing though, especially when I sense what happens to my own face when I think of things that make me smile.
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