Going to see so many new Amazon accounts. It's like the $10 off $40 coupon all over again!
Amazon: Are the "select" games live yet?
I've yet to find one eligible...
Otherwise, I guess that my order sheet will be short for this year and at this rate, I'll play the wait game instead... (ex: didn't order Until Dawn at 30% off to get it at launch and got it for 20$ almost a year later)
Embrace change they say...
I'm fine with 20% off of games are under $60. $80 and 20% I'd pure shit.
Not that I'm happy with either.
But the $50 are a good start.
Deal downgrades like this are the reason I don't dick the Indian CSRs around to get more savings than what was originally advertised.20% off is better than I expected given how much all the people who exploited csrs to get extra savings from Amazon. 30 would be nicer but these are still better savings plus price protection leads to more potential savings over time
Game list is populating, try hard refresh.
seeing 112 titles for the %20 off so far.
I don't see Pokemon Sun or Moon... yet?
You'll save a whole $2 that way. $47.99 instead of $49.99.Becuase amazon "price matched" walmarts $49.96 price which is now affecting the 20% off. Hopefully they just stop price matching and give the 20% off.
Because Nintendo thinks they can get away with it
Nintendo only makes a fraction of the games that they used to so they're gouging more profit out of us on the few games they are releasing they know will sell.
Amazon is just 20% off this year https://www.amazon.ca/b/ref=s9_acss...d_t=101&pf_rd_p=2524369662&pf_rd_i=9291974011
You'll save a whole $2 that way. $47.99 instead of $49.99.
Still an awful lot for a handheld Pokemon game.
Words of wisdom to keep No_Style sane:
If you order with Amazon without prime, you'll get your game late
If you order with Amazon without prime, you'll get your game late
If you order with Amazon without prime, you'll get your game late
If you order with Amazon without prime, you'll get your game late
If you order with Amazon without prime, you'll get your game late
Maybe we'll get 30% off during Black Friday again?Or they'll add the $49.96 games and we'll get 20% off those? Anything?
Is Pokemon Moon and Sun part of the 20% discount?
Given the whole "one offer per customer, I'd be wary to make my order now anyway".. wait until every game you want is there.
Has anyone tested this yet?
I just made two separate orders of Persona 5 (PS4) without incident.
Has anyone tested this yet?
Has anyone been able to get previous years e3 pre-orders updated with prices?
Like 49.99 for FF15?
Happened automatically
Alright, Thanks buddy
World of Final Fantasy
Should I get it for PS4 or PS Vita?
I have it for Vita atm, mostly because it has been a while since I have brought a Vita game xD